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The research aims to determine the factors affecting the woman’s use of electronic marketing in social networking sites, and to know the extent of the sample’s use of social networking sites for electronic shopping purposes. The research tool used the questionnaire form that was designed in its final form after presenting it to the arbitrators and it included a set of questions and a five-Likert scale, and used the spss statistical program to perform the statistical operations that were laid out in tables showing the frequencies, percentages and percentages Salary, mean, standard deviation, and correlation using the Spearman correlation coefficient, the Ka2 square test, the F test, the Alpha Cronbach test, and arrived at Searching to a set of results, the most important of which is the existence of a large extent of electronic marketing from the internet sites, and that Facebook is one of the most used social networking sites in marketing, and the hypothesis test showed a significant correlation between marketing sites and the extent to which the sites meet the needs of women, and the results also showed that there are differences between the sample in Demographic data towards the use of women for e-marketing via social media, and there is also an indication of the degree of consistency in the sample averages towards the factors affecting the woman's use of e-marketing.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التحليل الاستراتيجي للدخل التشغيلي "مدخل تحليل الموارد" دراسة تطبيقية
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This study dealt with " The Strategic analysis of Operating Income". The study Concerned with two main variables, they are: Strategic analysis and operating income and used one of the total  strategic analysis tools, it is "resources analysis method" through analysing the change in operating income in the years that taken in comparing in three components: growth, price recovery and productivity.

To achieve the goal of the research, the study depended upon a hypothesis, "The strategic analysis of operating income leads to supply the appropriate information for the management to make sure of executing its definite strategies".

There is agroup o

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التنمية البشرية المستدامة طروحات العولمة وطروحات الاستقلال "دراسة نقدية
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اتضح لنا ما تقدم ان ما يسمى بالتنمية البشرية المستدامة لا تعدو تكون غير سياسة لتحشيد واستقطاب القوى المضادة للتقدم وتحويلها الى جيش موغل في منافعه بعد تشريكه بجرائم الامبريالية وتوظيفه ضد شعبه بإسم التنمية، وبإسم قلب لسلم الاولاويات، وتحريف تاريخ التقدم والتطور الذي لم يبني عرشه لا بتقديم الرعاية الانتاجية، الاقتصادية على الرعاية الاجتماعية، طيلة حقبة زمنية تجاوزت الاربعة قرون. ولما كان عصياً قلب ال

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
من التراث من التراث البغدادي ...رياضة الزورخانة دراسة تاريخية
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مارس العراقيون ومنهم سكان مدينة بغداد أنواعاً متعددة من الألعاب الرياضية الفردية منها السباحة ، الفروسية ، الساس ، الطابك ، والمصارعة بطريقتها القديمة ـ الزورخانة ـ وما تحملهُ من عادات وتقاليد وطقوس شبه دينية إضافة لما في حركتها من معاني القوة والبطولة ونجد أنَّ الذين يقبلون على مزاولتها عند انتشار بيوتاتها في بغداد فيما بعد هم من علية القوم ووجهاء مدينة بغداد ومن الذين كانوا يتمتعون بالاخلاق الدينية الفا

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
واقع خدمة الانترنت من وجهة نظر المستفيدين( دراسة تحليلية)
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 على الرغم من تحقق ثورة هائلة وطفرة نوعية في مجال تكنلوجيا الاتصالات في دول العالم الا ان بلدنا كان محروما من التمتع بهذه التقنيات الحديثة في ظل النظام السابق, وبعد سقوط النظام ووجود بحبوحة من الحرية، دخلت الكثير من هذه التقنيات الى العراق ومنها الموبايل والانترنيت وغيرها من وسائل الاتصال المتطورة.

ويقول (Smith & Fletcher, 2001) في كتابهما Inside Information

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human ability (Al qoudra) according to speakers and Fundamentalist jurists
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The term of ability (Al qoudra) is of the common terms which used by speech scientists to relate to one of the important verbal issues which called “Fate and destiny”. the issues of fate and destiny has been raised by Muslims since the dawn of Islam and It was researched among speech scientists, there are many opinions about this issues as the man can do or leave anything or he forced to do something that mean he hasn’t ability.

Also the term was used by jurists and they mention to the ability conditions (Assigning the Divine) and when this conditions are not available that means the man is not commissioning, the conditions are Mind, puberty and other conditions which mentioned in the books of jurisp

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparative Development between the Asian Tiger Crisis and the Mortgage Crisis
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Financial crisis is one of the topics that have attracted the interest of researchers in recently. The research focused on the issue of the crisis of the Asian Tigers and the mortgage crisis and comparing them in terms of causes and repercussions. It may meet most of the financial crises in many of its causes, factors, roots and results in the advanced and the developing countries. This crisis has its own pattern and its causes and nature and it is characterized by a crisis of cash liquidity and the collapse of many banks and declare bankruptcy and a sharp decline in stock prices and indices of the stock market and so far the common denominators among the causes but does not mean this There are differences between the financial c

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Middle age Women's Knowledge towards Household Hazards in AL –Amara City
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Objective: The aim of the study is assessing middle age women's knowledge toward household hazards, In primary health care centers at AL-Amara City. Methodology: A descriptive and analytic design is accomplish on non probability (Purposive sample) consisting of 150 middle age women select from four primary health care centers at AL-Amara City (AL-Uroba Primary Health Care Center,AL Zahraa Primary Health Care Center ,AL Hasen AL-Askerry Primary Health Care Center ,and Ali AL-Ridha Primary Health Care Center.) These centers are choose randomly from 21 primary health care centers in the first sector. The study is

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
MHD Effect on Peristaltic Transport for Rabinowitsch Fluid through A Porous Medium in Cilia Channel
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This paper is employed to discuss the effects of the magnetic field and heat transfer on the peristaltic flow of Rabinowitsch fluid through a porous medium in the cilia channel. The governing equations (mass, motion, and energy) are formulated and then the assumptions of long wavelength and low Reynold number are used for simplification. The velocity field, pressure gradient, temperature, and streamlines are obtained when the perturbation technique is applied to solve the nonlinear partial differential equations. The study shows that the velocity is decreased with increasing Hartmann number while it is decreased with increasing the porosity.

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Scopus (13)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Means of the right to self - determination actions and patterns of its practices under the contemporary international development
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Abstract The means of self-determination have their peaceful and non-peaceful dimensions and are united(peaceful and non-peaceful) by international consensus adopted by international conventions and instruments. This has given it various dimensions at the applied level, especially in the light of the contemporary international developments witnessed by the world represented by a number of complete and incomplete implementation models that have nothing to do with the theory of truth Self-determination associated with the liberation of peoples from colonial domination or the liberation of oppressed nationalities

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Synthesis and characterization of some 2-sulphanyl benzimidazole derivatives and study of effect as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in sulfuric acid solution
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This research involves the synthesis of some sulphanyl benzimidazole derivatives (Ia-c), which were prepared from reaction of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole substituted benzyl halide, and structures were identified by spectral methods[FTIR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR].These compounds were investigated as corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in 1M H2SO4 solution using weight loss, potentiostatic polarization methods; obtained results showed that the sulphanyl benzimidazole derivatives retard both cathodic and anodic reactions in acidic media, by virtue of adsorption on the carbon steel surface. This adsorption obeyed Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm. The inhibition efficiency of (Ia-c) ranging between (65-92) %. By using different Ib derivative conc

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