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AL-AILM MAGAZINE: The Beginning Of The Era Of Specialized Journalism In Iraq
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The winds of change witnessed by the Ottoman Empire after the constitutional coup in 1908 carried the breezes of freedom, writers and journalists were finally able to express themselves, this change was reflected on intellectual and cultural life and on freedom of publication and expression , perhaps the first thing that was affected by this change was the press, it entered a new phase in which it got rid of those restrictions and limitations imposed by the Ottoman Sultanate concerning the right to issue newspapers and freedom of publication. Iraq was the first to witness a new phase of press relief, before the constitutional coup, it was possible to count on the fingers of the hand how many newspapers were issued, that number doubled to dozens during the first months, a year later, almost 60 newspapers in different types and topics were issued, this period also witnessed the emergence of specialized newspapers. Despite the absence of the concept of specialization in the Iraqi press at that time, some newspapers’ owners chose to …, Some of them gave multiple descriptions and claimed more than a specialization; for some it can be : society, politics, philosophy or religion, and for others : literature, humour .. etc.

It seems that this general and varied description was aimed at promoting these newspapers and not to specify their subjects or restrict them by some kind of specialization, especially when these newspapers were issued in a known historical period during which society suffered from underdevelopment  in all its forms, it also struggled with illiteracy in a way that left no room for believing that the owners of these newspapers were actually addressing a specific public, as it is the case today according to the concept of specialization in the press and its modern levels. Hence our selection for AL-AILM magazine - the subject of our research - as the owner has described it as a religious, philosophical, political, scientific, and an industrial magazine, and this description identified it with specified topics, made us look through it to find out the most important trends for the owner of this magazine and the area of ​​specialization. We sought to achieve the goal of the research to subject all the issues of the magazine that we were able to obtain and were 12 issues, while we neglected the other issues for lack of availability or preservation, the research sample represented 50 percent of the total number of 24 issues distributed over two years as a monthly publication. We had to investigate the scientific topics to find how many there are, and what their percentage relative to the total topics published in the magazine, we were able to answer the questions that we asked before going into this research. Among them are:

1- What is the extent and the type of specialization in this magazine ?

2- Can this magazine be considered as the beginning of specialized journalism in    Iraq ?

3- What are the main scientific themes that the journal focused on ?

After determining the goal of the research and its main purpose, it was necessary to enter this magazine through an introduction to know the character who stood behind the issuance of this magazine, as he represents one of those who were first to issue a private newspaper, relying on himself, his abilities and his financial potential to come up with this project in a time where people thought to be a dangerous adventure. It was necessary to use some descriptive words as an introduction in order to point out the artistic and directive changes during the years of publication.

We concluded at the end of the research, with a number of clear results by careful follow-up of the general topics covered by the magazine in its mentioned issues.

It is clear from the above and through the study of the Journal of AL-AILM, and the analysis of its topics, that despite the diversity of interests between science and religion, philosophy, culture and society, but it has been predominantly scientific, while other topics came in other ranks. Perhaps this corresponds with the owner of the magazine in his well-known orientation and scientific interests, which were referred to in the talk about the life of Shahristani, it also corresponds to the name chosen for the magazine ((Science)).  If the dominance of scientific interest over other interests at the turn of the twentieth century can be singled out from the rest, it is nowadays a step towards a journalistic discipline that a century ago, was not able to find a clear place and a precise definition. The scientific-based topic was predominant with no doubt, it is mainly scientific before being religious, philosophical or otherwise, most importantly because we deal with the language of numbers while analyzing the topics and pointing out its interests. These numbers proved that scientific topics were ranked first amongst other concerns, which satisfies the ambitions and achieve the goals of the owner by sharing science and knowledge in a society dominated by illiteracy, ignorance, poverty and disease. However, the desire of a figure like Shahristani in the enlightenment was behind the support and continuation of the publication of this magazine, which kept being issued for two years based on the personal financial possibilities of its owner and supported by a scientific and a cognitive overflow, reduced by the mentality of the cleric and journalist who sacrificed everything for the press and its role in the enlightenment, education and teaching. Therefore, we find the magazine and over the years of its publication, fought a war against ignorance and for the sake of science, until it got hindered by obstacles and problems that led the owner to leave the country for being threatened, and stopped publishing after its second year.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational research obstacles as perceived by academic faculty members in the south universities of west bank
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The study aims to identify the educational research obstacles as perceived by the faculty members at the universities of south in the west bank. As for study population, it included all (60) faculty-member in the colleges of education (bait lahem, alahliyah, al-khalil, and al-Quds almaftoha). To collect study data, the researcher used a questionnaire that consisted of (43) item; it has categorized into seven-domains: academic working conditions, academic management, resources and information, faculty members, publication, planning, and funding educational research. The findings revealed that Educational research obstacles were high with an average of (4, 39), no significant differences among sample averages and stander deviations on the

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Usefulness of Mandibular Ramus as an Indicator in Sex Differentiation Using 3D Reconstructed Computed Tomography
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Background: Determination of sex from an unknown human bone is an important role in forensic and anthropology field. The mandible is the largest and hardest facial bone, that commonly resist postmortem damage and forms an important source of information about sexual dimorphism. Mandibular ramus can be used to differentiate between sexes and it also expresses strong univariate sexual dimorphism. This study was undertaken to assess the usefulness of mandibular ramus as an aid in sex differentiation using CT scanning among Iraqi population. Materials and methods: 3D reconstructed computed tomography scanning of 140 Iraqi Arab subjects, (7 0 males and 70 females) were analyzed with their age range from 20-60 years old. The linear measurements w

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 25 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Comparing the Efficacy of Paracetamol, Diclofenac, and Ketorolac on Post-Appendectomy Outcomes in Children and Adolescents
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urgent surgical intervention and appendectomy until now represent standard treatment for uncomplicated cases of appendicitis. Nausea, vomiting and pain after surgery are the most frequent issues facing patients and affecting patient quality of life and responsible for many cases of readmission after surgery. Ketorolac and diclofenac represent the most commonly prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory used in postoperative setting and they cause many side effects as gastrointestinal, kidney and cardiac adverse effect in addition to increased risk of bleeding. Paracetamol is currently among the most frequently prescribed medication worldwide and it can be used safely for all age groups. This study aimed

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Scopus (4)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Aesthetics of the Sufi Image and its Representations in Post-Modern Theater Show: فرحان عمران موسى
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  Sufism has aesthetic signs linked to the human spirit and adopts a set of spiritual, motor and tonal practices, let alone the philosophical aspects that have been tackled in the epics, novels and theatrical texts, the theatrical show can recall the Sufi image and its aesthetics within the operating and image system of the theatrical show.. The research problem resides in how to employ the Sufi image in the theatrical show. The research consists introduction of the research subject, the problem, the importance, and objectives represented by uncovering the aesthetic and intellectual representations of the Sufi image in the theatrical show. the theoretical foundation within two sections: the first highlighted the concept of (Sufism a

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Magnetic Field Effect on the Characteristics of Large-Volume Glow Discharge in Argon at Low Pressure
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The magnetic field effect on the current-voltage characteristic curves of glow discharge in argon at low pressures has been experimentally investigated. The electrical discharge was ignited in a stainless steel tapered chamber of a nominal volume of 0.5m3 immersed inside a water-cooled coil capable of delivering a magnetic field of strength B of up to 0.42T. Three water-cooled electrodes were inserted into the chamber up to a point where their tips were 20cm away from the surface of the central column of the chamber. An enhancement of the electric field configuration within the region of the electrode assembly was performed by threading one of the electrodes with stainless circular discs(80mm and 140mm in diameter) in various forms(attac

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 23 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Sensitive Cloud Point Extraction Method for the Determination of Isoxsuprine Hydrochloride in Pharmaceutical forms using Spectrophotometry
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      A simple and highly sensitive cloud point extraction process was suggested for preconcentration of micrograms amount of isoxsuprine hydrochloride (ISX) in pure and pharmaceutical samples. After diazotization coupling of ISX with diazotized sulfadimidine in alkaline medium, the azo-dye product quantitatively extracted into the Triton X-114 rich phase, dissolved in ethanol and determined spectrophotometrically at 490 nm. The suggested reaction was studied with and without extraction and simple comparison between the batch and CPE methods was achieved. Analytical variables including concentrations of reagent, Triton X-114 and base, incubated temperature, and time were carefully studied. Under the selected opti

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Nitroso-R-salt as a sensitive spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of paracetamol in pharmaceutical preparations
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Nitroso-R-salt is proposed as a sensitive spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of paracetamol in aqueous solution. The method is based on the reaction of paracetamol with iron(III) and subsequent reaction with nitroso-R-salt to yield a green colored complex with maximum absorption at 720 nm. Optimization of the experimental conditions was described. The calibration graph was linear in the concentration range of 0.1 – 2.0 ?g mL-1 paracetamol with a molar absorptivity of 6.9 × 104 L mol-1 cm-1. The method was successfully applied to the determination of paracetamol in pharmaceutical preparations without any interference from common excipients. The method has been statistically evaluated with British Pharmacopoeia method a

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
Body Language in the Works of Sculptors George Segal and Duane Hanson: قصي زين العابدين طعمة
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The means of communication in the accepted human contexts depend on several modes, beginning with the oldest of which in history, represented by the sign language, the sign and the symbol and ending with it, until countless of them became icons that are circulating between the societies themselves or with their neighbors. These icons are often implied in formations that represent a visual discourse which the sender uses as a means and as a message at the same time to express a certain phenomenon in society or in his human self, and thus the sender or performer or artist, in the end, adopted a visual intermediary in order to position his speech in its entirety and perhaps in a specific part of it, to carry the content of that speech and c

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of the Construction, Build, Operate and Transfer (B.O.T): Applied Research in Southern Cement State Company
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   Form of investment in infrastructure important factor to drive economic growth in any country, with the dwindling ability of governments to provide the necessary funds for such investments, emerged as a rising trend for private sector involvement in public projects and infrastructure, and one of these trends is the build-operate-transfer system (BOT), which commonly used in various developed and developing countries as one of the tools used in the implementation of these investments, as the private sector under this system design, finance, build and operate the project, and are re-administration of the state after a certain period under a contractual agreement between the parties of the contract. As this system provides majo

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Workplace Respect on Employee Performance: A Survey Study in Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory
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This paper aims to explain the effect of workplace respect on employee performance at Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory (AGDF). For achieving the research aim, the analytical and descriptive approach was chosen using a questionnaire tool for collecting data.  It covers 22 items; ten of them for the workplace respect variable and twelve items for the employee performance variable. The research population involved human resources who work at AGDF in Baghdad within two administrative levels (top and middle). We conducted a purposive stratified sample approach. It was distributed 70 questionnaire forms, and 65 forms were received. However, six of them had missing data and did not include in the final data analysis. The main results are t

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