Preferred Language
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The media: ((Providing people with the right news, audio information, and constant facts that help them form a correct opinion in an incident or a problem, this opinion gives an objective expression of the mentality of the audience, their trends and tendencies). The German scientist Autogroot defines it as "the objective expression of the mentality of the audience, their spirit, their tendencies, and their trends at the same time." Whereas for  "Aristotle", (Language) is a specific verbal system created as a result of an agreement between the members of the human group somewhere )). It is a symbol of thought, and  a difference between humans and animals. Pronunciation and thought for “Aristotle” are intertwined: without pronunciation and without words, there is no thought or knowledge. The purpose of (language) for “Aristotle” is: achieving the links between humans, or having them knowing things,  language may also be used as a tool for education and entertainment in a particular domain of human activity. As for its origin: (language) originated gradually, and did not happen all at once. Language spreads accordingly to the needs and perception. And the first words uttered by man are the words that express the closest things surrounding him and can be percepted visually.

According to our arabic scientists, Ibn Juney said: “As of its meaning, it is voices told by each nation to express their needs”. In addition, Ibn al-Hajib said: "Language is every term for a meaning.”

Most traditional scholars have considered that language is a human way to communicate thoughts, emotions, and desires, through a system of symbols that are produced in a narrative fashion . Some scholars have replied that language may be used to conceal thought. Therefore the phrase "The language is to be used to hide human thoughts" which is a famous quote in linguistic studies and from that we conclude that language is distinguished from other symbols and signatory systems because it is accessible and arising from society for society and begins with prose, then poetry arises..  Then comes the science of the creation of the tongue: which starts with extrapolation and tracking, conservation and codification, including vocabulary and compositions. After that comes meditation and the lesson to develop grammatical, linguistic laws and the writing industry.

Language at the heart of a society is a way of (communication) or (transport) or (expression) through the (verbal voices), what the language gives or express, are the thoughts, meanings, emotions and desires or thought in general () . However, language can not be defined as a mere means of communication, because the study of word functions in any language does not support such a definition. And for that, one must say that The language was a function of communication. In other words, communication was one of the language’s functions. The old trend was to emphasize that language was the pot of thought, and that its function was to express human thought whether it was purely intellectual or related to emotions, sensations and human desires. Some modernists prefer the function of communication rather than the one of language.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Second Language Learning and Its Relationship with the Third Language Learning: Statistical Study: China
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The exchanges in various fields,like economics, science, culture, etc., have been enhanced unceasingly among different countries around the world in the twenty-first century, thus, the university graduate who masters one foreign language does not meet the need of the labor market in most countries.So, many universities began to develop new programs to cultivate students who can use more foreign languages to serve the intercultural communication. At the same time, there is more scientific research emerged which is related to the relationship between the second and third languages. This humble research seeks to explain the relevant concepts and analyze the real data collected from Shanghai International Studies University in China, to expl

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Semiotic dimension in the production of sports media legends
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Sports and legend rooted deep in human history, and although they meet in the oldest epics as was the hero Gilgamesh legend and a hero of the heroes of wrestling has been named the oldest regular sports tournament in history in his name, a Algeljamchih Games which will be held events in Mesopotamia in August of each year and will continue nine days and take place in competitions in more than a sports game ..
In our time re-production of sports legends to serve the objectives of the huge investment both sports on the commercialization level or at other levels of marketing, including political marketing.
In this context, a move sports media for the production of myths we studied Semiaiaa in an effort to learn how the production proce

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 06 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Linguistic deposits in the Arabic language
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Abstract of the research:

     This research sheds light on an important phenomenon in our Arabic language, which is linguistic sediments, and by which we mean a group of vocabulary that falls out of use and that native speakers no longer use it, and at the same time it happens that few individuals preserve the phenomenon and use it in their lives, and it is one of the most important phenomena that  It should be undertaken and studied by researchers;  Because it is at the heart of our huge linguistic heritage, as colloquial Arabic dialects retain a lot of linguistic sediments, and we usually find them at all levels of language: phonetic, banking, grammatical and semantic.  In the

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Approaches between New Media and Traditional Media
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The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of common concepts in the field of communication and media. The researcher tries to find an analytical explanation of the relationship between technology by being an influential factor in building the information society, which is the basis of new media, and the technical output that influenced the forms of social relations and linguistic construction as a human communication tool. The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of comm

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 14 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
On the deviation of literary language
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DBN Rashid, Journal of Education College Wasit University 1(1):412-423, 2007

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Young People between Traditional Media and New Media
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This Research based on an empirical study and tested the hypothesis of transition effects on a sample of young people in Sharjah University and trying to identify a new form of Media which is based on the production of new types of habits and patterns and their cultural impact. Recently, New Media appeared to refer to new types of Communication using the Internet. It’s enormous in the exchange of Information. The new Media contains multiple forms, including the form in which users produce by them to refer the entry of a new area of Media in which exchange of roles between the Sender and the recipient.

This study is trying to identify a new form of Media Web used (Press online or only Press online, Digi

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Boundary between Advertisement and Mass Media Overlapping Levels in the Press (The Case of Iraq)
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The advertisement is important in maximizing the resources of journalistic institutions. It helps them to perform their duties and also establishes their independence. However, this type of communication has often overlapped with other types of communication, including media and publicity.

Those in charge of the press bear responsibility in this regard, as some of them harness the advertisement for personal purposes; or detrimental to media content. Many communication authorities have drawn attention to the danger of confusing the concepts and levels of the three activities and have moved towards establishing rules to reduce overlap between them.

The aim of this research is to try to disengage the concept of advertising,

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 02 2001
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Effect of Technology on the Relationship between Form and Structure in Contemporary Interior Space Language.
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Challenges Faced by the Media under the Fragile State: Analytical Study of the Iraqi Media Reality
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This study aims at defining the concept of the fragile state, a term that came into existence in 2014, when the states that had internal Problems and external interventions were referred to as the failure states. However, the indicators for their designation and the criteria adopted are 12 indicators that address all aspects of the State’s duties vis-a-vis its citizens. The study examined the reasons that led to the continuation of Iraq within the fragile states, and the selection of the five years within the time limits of the study due to the factors that led to the decline of Iraq and falling back within the most fragile countries. The study dealt with the fragile state challenges to the media reality as a result of the change of it

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