Preferred Language
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The media: ((Providing people with the right news, audio information, and constant facts that help them form a correct opinion in an incident or a problem, this opinion gives an objective expression of the mentality of the audience, their trends and tendencies). The German scientist Autogroot defines it as "the objective expression of the mentality of the audience, their spirit, their tendencies, and their trends at the same time." Whereas for  "Aristotle", (Language) is a specific verbal system created as a result of an agreement between the members of the human group somewhere )). It is a symbol of thought, and  a difference between humans and animals. Pronunciation and thought for “Aristotle” are intertwined: without pronunciation and without words, there is no thought or knowledge. The purpose of (language) for “Aristotle” is: achieving the links between humans, or having them knowing things,  language may also be used as a tool for education and entertainment in a particular domain of human activity. As for its origin: (language) originated gradually, and did not happen all at once. Language spreads accordingly to the needs and perception. And the first words uttered by man are the words that express the closest things surrounding him and can be percepted visually.

According to our arabic scientists, Ibn Juney said: “As of its meaning, it is voices told by each nation to express their needs”. In addition, Ibn al-Hajib said: "Language is every term for a meaning.”

Most traditional scholars have considered that language is a human way to communicate thoughts, emotions, and desires, through a system of symbols that are produced in a narrative fashion . Some scholars have replied that language may be used to conceal thought. Therefore the phrase "The language is to be used to hide human thoughts" which is a famous quote in linguistic studies and from that we conclude that language is distinguished from other symbols and signatory systems because it is accessible and arising from society for society and begins with prose, then poetry arises..  Then comes the science of the creation of the tongue: which starts with extrapolation and tracking, conservation and codification, including vocabulary and compositions. After that comes meditation and the lesson to develop grammatical, linguistic laws and the writing industry.

Language at the heart of a society is a way of (communication) or (transport) or (expression) through the (verbal voices), what the language gives or express, are the thoughts, meanings, emotions and desires or thought in general () . However, language can not be defined as a mere means of communication, because the study of word functions in any language does not support such a definition. And for that, one must say that The language was a function of communication. In other words, communication was one of the language’s functions. The old trend was to emphasize that language was the pot of thought, and that its function was to express human thought whether it was purely intellectual or related to emotions, sensations and human desires. Some modernists prefer the function of communication rather than the one of language.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 07 2018
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Научный форум: Филология, искусствоведение и культурология: сб. ст. по материалам Xiv междунар. науч.- практ. конф. – No 3(14). – М.:
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Language is an instrument, a tool of culture and a way of communication between the past and the present. No one can know the treasure of human thought and experience in the fields of history, poetry and prose without language as an instrument of communication between cultures and peoples. Language under this description faces many problems, the most important of which is linguistic globalization, which means the flow rate of the strongest language, which has elements of power, domination and control over other languages. In this article, we consider linguistic globalization as a serious problem faced by every language, and we consider its main shortcomings and advantages and its impact on the language and ways of protecting the Arabic lang

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
Social Media and Language Evolution: A Review of Current Theoretical Efforts on Communication and Language Change
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This article is an endeavour to highlight the relationship between social media and language evolution. It reviews the current theoretical efforts on communication and language change. The descriptive design, which is theoretically based on technological determision, is used. The assumption behind this review is that the social media plays a significant role in language evolution. Moreover, different platforms of social media are characterized by being the easiest and fastest means of communication. It concludes that the current theoretical efforts have paid much attention to the relationship between social media and language evolution. Such efforts have highlighted the fact that social media platforms are awash with a lot of acronyms, cybe

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
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Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Verbal Antonyms: A research in the relationship in meaning Between the words in Arabic language
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Verbal Antonyms: A research in the relationship in meaning Between the words in Arabic language

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
8th Engineering And 2nd International Conference For College Of Engineering – University Of Baghdad: Coec8-2021 Proceedings
Sentiment analysis in arabic language using machine learning: Iraqi dialect case study
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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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The actor's Body Language and its significance in Iraqi Theatre Show: نوار علي محمد
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  The theatrical show has gone through a lot of changes where the actor was the most significant factor in all the theatrical shows since the very beginning of the art of acting by the Greeks until the present day. The actor went through many stages that employed his tools in different ways. The body in the theatre had a great importance because it is the perceived physical element that creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The actor's body had a special language that carries different meanings and creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The audience can decipher the codes of that body, thus, the researcher found the compatibility and differe

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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Body Language in the Works of Sculptors George Segal and Duane Hanson: قصي زين العابدين طعمة
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The means of communication in the accepted human contexts depend on several modes, beginning with the oldest of which in history, represented by the sign language, the sign and the symbol and ending with it, until countless of them became icons that are circulating between the societies themselves or with their neighbors. These icons are often implied in formations that represent a visual discourse which the sender uses as a means and as a message at the same time to express a certain phenomenon in society or in his human self, and thus the sender or performer or artist, in the end, adopted a visual intermediary in order to position his speech in its entirety and perhaps in a specific part of it, to carry the content of that speech and c

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 03 2022
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Res Militaris
The Concept and Relation between Pragmatics and Politics in English Language
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Language is essential for politics, for producing, disseminating, engaging with, and reacting to political discourse. The pragmatics of political speeches is crucial to the development of effective political communication tactics. Thus, speech is situated at the intersection of rhetoric, linguistics, and politics. In communication, intent is a pragmatic factor that plays a crucial role at the time of the communication process. Speech is of paramount importance to the social and political domains. Through the use of concepts and the relationship between language and politics, the study analyzes the function of language in communication and interpretation of intentions. The study of the relationships between language and the situations in whi

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Exploitation of the Democratization of Language in the Mass Media: Тенденция к демократизации языка в сми
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      In the present paper, the features of democratization of vocabulary in the language of mass media are tackled. Particularly, the functions of this phenomenon in the context of language as an ontological reality are analysed. As well, the growing role  of the language of the media, and the language of politics as an integral part pertaining to it, is noted. Further, attention is paid to the excessive saturation of the language of the media along with the literary language, by means of evaluation which may include negative results.

     In this concern, scholars had different views, specifically in relation to the use of colloquial vocabulary along with some vernacular profess

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Media and Shaping the Public's Mental Image towards the Transitional Justice
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Media plays an important role in shaping the mental image of their audiences for individuals, groups and organizations, States and peoples. It is the window through which overlooks the masses on events and issues, and in the light of their exposure to these means are their opinions and impressions.

Despite the importance of direct experiences in shaping opinions, drawing pictures and impressions, it is inevitable to rely on these means as individuals can not engage in direct experiences with thousands of events, issues and topics that concern their community and other societies.

There is no doubt that media is of great importance at the present time, because of its significant impact in the management of the course of pol

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Problemic of the ambiguous relationship between the media and terrorism, and the problems arising from… An exploratory study of a sample of journalists, writers and researchers in Baghdad
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This study examined the problematic of the ambiguous relationship between the media and terrorism and the problems that result from press coverage of terroristic incidents. The paper sought to show the classification and confrontation of such incidents had been established from the point of view of a sample of media professionals, researchers and writers who are frequenters of Al-Mutanabi Street in Baghdad. The media outlets that carry this coverage would not give up their media mission as well as the terrorists would not be given an opportunity to take advantage of this coverage in achieving their goals and objectives. Furthermore, the terrorist organizations would have no chance to exploit these means to deliver their terroristic messa

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