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International Public Relations (An Analytical Study of the Speeches of US President Barack Obama Addressed to the Arab Countries in Crisis)
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In the midst of political, cultural and economic fast developments accelerated, the world witnessed, with the accompanied big communication revolutions, many shapes of powers. Those developments were followed by changes in relations of international level.

The most prominent among those developments was the international public relations which became equal to official international relations. Moreover, the international public relations became a complementary element dur to the growth of public opinion and its affection on political regime. Such growth of public opinion pushed the politicians to address it; and try to gain its support.

The US was the first realized the importance of international public relations. The Presidents of the United States keep directing their speeches to the world to improve the image of the united states and presented it as a political, economic, and cultural power with a unique, moral and human feature.

Because, those Presidents have tried to develop the united states external relations; and to improve US international treatments depending on the international public support. A support like that can be gained by the international relations styles and their arts.

This research aims to analyze the speeches of Barak Obama directed to the Arabic countries in crisis, (Palestine, Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Bahrain) to know the contents of those speeches.

It was realized from the result of the study that the American President Barak Obama is well realized of the negative image of his country at Arabic and Islamic people.

Therefore, he tried, in many places of his speeches, to give moral and humanist excuses of existence of US in the Arab countries; and to ensure that the United States is a permanent friend to people in crisis and that the united states are eager for their interests mentioning  that US had a crucial role in liberating people from tyrant regimes.

Obama, nevertheless, tried to give detailed descriptions of the Arabic environment under crisis before and after changes stating the differences between them.

Obama praised the Islamic World; and focused on commonalities with the Islamic societies. But he clearly biased to Israel when he had dealt with the Palestinian dilemma, although his speeches contained a lot of humane values that confirm that the US supports justice and human right.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قراءة تحليلية في كتاب الاصول للسيد محمد باقر الصدر واثره على الدراسات المعاصرة.
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    In the subject area (participation and tandem), the study showed the views of Mr. Sadr in this field when researching first: the issue of the necessity of these two phenomena in the language that some imams of the language and principles called for to discuss and respond to, and

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Periodontal condition in relation to nutritional status among kindergarten children in Al-Ramadi city/Iraq
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Background: Nutrition can affect periodontal disease through contributing to microbial growth in the gingival crevice, affecting the immunological response to bacterial antigens and assisting the repair mechanism of the connective tissue at the local site after injury from plaque and calculus. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of Oral hygiene (plaque and calculus) and gingivitis in relation to age, gender and nutritional status. Materials and methods: The sample included (444) kindergarten children at age of (4 and 5 years old) males and females from urban areas in Al-Ramadi city. The assessment of nutritional status was performed using anthropometr

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Personality Types in relation to dental caries and salivary testosterone among teachers in Baghdad city
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Background: Personality could be defined broadly as those characteristics of individuals that describe the pattern of feeling, cognition and behaving. Personality types can be measured by using one of personality type’s measures. Personality has been proposed to influence the oral health. The purpose of the present study was to assess the influence of Personality Types on caries experience in relation to salivary testosterone hormone among teachers in Baghdad city. Materials and Methods: Female teachers (n=534) of randomly selected schools were subjected to personality questionnaire using The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator. Teachers were examined to estimate the caries experience according to the decayed-missing and filled i

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Human chorionic gonadotropin and Testosterone in Normal and Preeclamptic Pregnancies in Relation to Fetal sex
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Back ground: The gender related difference
may be the result of pregandiol excretion in the
latter half of pregnancy.
Aim: This study is to evaluate the effects of fetal
gender on serum human chorionic gonadotropin
[HCG] and testosterone in normotensive and
preeclamptic pregnancies
Methods: The study consisted of fifty women with
singleton pergnancy in their third trimester. Twenty
five pregnancies were uncomplicated Among those
there were thirteen male, and twelve female fetuses
Twenty five pregnancies were complicated by
preeclampsia. Among those thirteen were with male,
and twelve were with female fetuses. Human
chorionic gonadotropin and total testosterone were
measured in maternal periphe

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental caries among kindergarten children in relation to socioeconomic status in Al-Najaf governorate-Iraq
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Background: Dental caries is the most common oral problem, although dental caries is not life threating, it has aharmful effect on quality of life. Socioeconomic factors were found to be strong predictors of the prevalence of oral diseases in children, likes family income, occupational prestige, and education. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on occurrence dental caries in their children. Materials and methods: The sample consists of 550 kindergartens children aged between (4-5) years were selected randomly, girls and boys. The kindergartens selection was randomly from different geographical areas in Al-Najaf governorate. Information was taken from children's parents using questionnaire with the help o

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Taste Detection Thresholds in Relation to Salivary and Serum Zinc in Patients on Simvastatin Treatment
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Background: Hyperlipidemia is an elevated fat (lipids), mostly cholesterol and triglycerides, in the blood. These lipids usually bind to proteins to remain circulated so-called lipoprotein. Aims of the study: To determine taste detection threshold and estimate the trace elements (zinc) in serum and saliva of those patients and compare all of these with healthy control subjects. Methods: Eighty subjects were incorporated in this study, thy were divided into two groups: forty patients on simvastatin treatment age between (35-60) years, and forty healthy control of age range between (35-60) years. Saliva was collected by non-stimulated technique within 10 minutes. Serum was obtained from each subject. Zinc was estimated in serum and saliva

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Aug 10 2024
Journal Name
American Journal Of Economics And Business Innovation
Factors Associated with Employees’ Intention to Leave in ICT Sector in Iraq: A Factor Analysis
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The current paper aims to identify potential factors associated with employees’ intentions to leave information and communication technology companies in Iraq. There is evident variability in the literature regarding these factors; hence, a factor analysis approach was employed to identify these factors within the surveyed environment. Due to the difficulty in precisely delineating the size of the research population, a purposive sampling method was employed to reach an appropriate number of respondents within the aforementioned companies. A total of 288 employees responded to the survey conducted via Google Forms. The test results revealed the presence of five primary factors associated with employees’ intentions to leave, name

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Trace Elements in Serum and Seminal Plasma and Their Relationship to Infertility in Iraqi Males
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Background: Environmental chemicals are thought to
adversely affect human reproductive function.
Objective : To estimate the concentration of cadmium(Cd)
, lead ( Pb ) and Zinc ( Zn ) in serum and seminal plasma
among infertile men .
Methods: A sample of 70 infertile men was investigated.
The relationship of trace elements concentration in serum and
seminal plasma was studied in relation to sperm density,
motility and sperm count.
Results: Except for Zinc the concentration of (Pb) and (Cd)
were generally higher in serum than in seminal plasma. The
mean concentration of (Zn) in seminal plasma was more than
25 times higher than in serum There were no statistical
significant differences observed in the

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 19 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Urban Geomorphology and Its Impact on Determining the Trends of Urban Expansion in The City of Kut and Its Future Expectations Using Geographic Information Systems
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Geomorphology is concerned with the topographic units that make up the Earth's surface. These take many forms, such as mountains and rivers, and include many dangers such as landslides, landslides and erosion. Many studies appeared in this field to analyze its effects and risks resulting from it, including urban studies, to determine the trends of optimal urban expansion and its geomorphological interactions. The results showed that the city of Kut originated and expanded near the course of the Tigris River and its branches, and it suffers from unbalanced urban expansion, due to the high rate of population growth, and overcrowding in housing units with the growth of urban land uses in it, which prompted the city to extend horizontally and v

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Measurement of Academic Stress Level in E-Learning Environment among Postgraduate Students at the College of Education, King Khalid University during Covid-19 Pandemic
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The study aims to measure the level of academic stress in the e-learning environment in three areas, students and their dealing with classmates, dealing with the professor and technical skills, and the nature and content of the curriculum among graduate students in the College of Education at King Khalid University during COVID-19 pandemic. This study was descriptive in nature (survey, comparative). The sample consisted of (512) male and female graduate students in the master's and doctoral programs. The Academic Stress Scale in the E-learning Environment designed by Amer (2021) was used. The results indicated a high level of academic stress among graduate students in the e-learning environment. The study also found that there were stati

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