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The Challenges of Forming A Culture of Change in Iraq (Self-Obstacles to the Media Role)
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The Iraqi culture faced a set of challenges that can be diagnosed with the most prominent features as follows:

  1. The dominance of authoritarian political systems which entails authoritarian regimes with the absence of contemporary political concepts of human rights.
  2. The prevalence of non- informed cultural systems which have the shortage of capabilities that enable them to activate cultural elements in positive references, historical, or seclusion on itself and not be able to interact with the current active cultures.
  3. Stagnant economic conditions have not had a decent life for individuals, or a certain level of well-being, as well as poor services and others.
  4. Social life controlled by the prevailing culture, limiting the capacity of human creativity, and deprive him of his freedom to enjoy, imposing different types of wills that are composed as a religious or political form.

Although the Iraqi area creates an interactive media long time ago, since the sixties of the nineteenth century, however, these events have not been able to perform roles that are supposed to do, namely the development of a culture of change, and in this aspect is the research problem, which seeks in its main target  to detect obstacles that have limited the role of the media in shaping the culture of change and the development of awareness of the change

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية
أثر إستراتيجية عظم السمك بتحصيل الكيمياء والتعلم المنظم ذاتيا
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study aimed to investigate the effect of fish bone in the of chemistry and self-organized learning for students of the second grade‚ achievement . The study sample consisted of 84 students from the second grade students middel in the of alrasheed boysschool, of the Directorate of Educational Karkh II, in two divisions, Division of (a) an experimental group that studied the strategy fish bone, and the Division (d) a control group which studied the usual way. The results indicated the presence of significant differences in favor of the experimental group that studied using the fish bone in achievement and learning self-organized strategy students

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Science And Engineering
Factors affecting gel strength design for conformance control: An integrated investigation
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
Breast Cancer Decisive Parameters for Iraqi Women via Data Mining Techniques
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Objective This research investigates Breast Cancer real data for Iraqi women, these data are acquired manually from several Iraqi Hospitals of early detection for Breast Cancer. Data mining techniques are used to discover the hidden knowledge, unexpected patterns, and new rules from the dataset, which implies a large number of attributes. Methods Data mining techniques manipulate the redundant or simply irrelevant attributes to discover interesting patterns. However, the dataset is processed via Weka (The Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) platform. The OneR technique is used as a machine learning classifier to evaluate the attribute worthy according to the class value. Results The evaluation is performed using

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 31 2021
Journal Name
السيد الرئيس والغرانيق
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  نقدم في هذا البحث تحليل لعملين أدبيين من منظور الحركات الطليعية ثبتت آثارها لدى بعض الكتاب العرب و أمريكا اللاتينية في فترة سنوات العشرينات والألفين.  كانت الحياة الخاصة للكاتب ميغيل انخل استورياس تلهمه أنتاج أعمال أدبية، اذ شغل منصب دبلوماسي وحصل على جائزة نوبل غواتيمالاكا. ولد وتوفى في مدينة غواتيملاكا   (1974- 1899)   يوجد تحول واضح في عمله ذات الشهرة السيد الرئيس(1948) الذي يكسر المعتاد، لأجل مست

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Virtual Museums: Features and Characteristics: وعد عدنان محمود
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This research provides a study of the virtual museums features and characteristics and contributes to the recognition of the diversity of visual presentation methods, as the virtual museums give the act of participation and visual communication with programs at an open time, so that it would contribute to reflection, thinking and recording notes, developing the actual and innovative skills through seeing the environments. The study has been divided into two sections the first one is virtual museum techniques. The techniques were studied to reach the public and are used remotely by the services of personal computers or smart phones being virtual libraries that store images and information that was formed and built in a digital way and how

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Shariah ruling on advice
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Research title: The legal ruling of advice.

This research deals with the topic of advice, as the research included the following:

Preamble: I explained in it the meaning of advice in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and that what is meant by it is a good performance of the duty, then explaining its importance, importing it, and the difference between advice and what is similar to it, from enjoining good, denial, reproach and reprimand, backbiting and the will.

The first topic: It dealt with the ruling on advice, whether it is recommended or disliked, or forbidden, because what is meant by it is to give advice to others may be an obligation in kind, or it may be desirable or dislike

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The Iraqi University
La imprescindibilidad de la Exégesis en la Traducción del Texto Coránico
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In the process of translating Qur’anic texts, there is an urgent need for interpretations of the Qur’anic text due to the presence of many incomprehensible Qur’anic verses or words because of our distance from the standard Arabic, language in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed, and the introduction of the foreign words into our language, in addition to the fact that many Qur’anic words are no longer used. All this prompted the need for the interpretation of the Qur'anic text, Therefore, it is necessary for the translator to resort to the books of interpretation if he intends to translate the Qur’an

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
D-Shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber Toxic Metal Ions (Arsenic) Sensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
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In this work, a Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) sensor based on the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology was proposed. A thin layer of gold (Au) was deposited on a D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF), which was coated with plasmonic chemically stable gold material with a thickness of 40nm. The performance parameters like sensitivity including wavelength sensitivity and amplitude sensitivity and resolution were evaluated by simulation using COMSOL software. The proposed sensor was created by using the finite element approach, it is numerically examined. The results show that the surface of D-shaped Photonic Crystal Fiber coated with Au behaves as a sensor to detect the refractive index (IR) of toxic metal ions. The impacts of the str

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Density on Selected Multilane Rural Highways
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Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The selection

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents Density on Selected Multilane Rural Highways
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Estimations of average crash density as a function of traffic elements and characteristics can be used for making good decisions relating to planning, designing, operating, and maintaining roadway networks. This study describes the relationships between total, collision, turnover, and runover accident densities with factors such as hourly traffic flow and average spot speed on multilane rural highways in Iraq. The study is based on data collected from two sources: police stations and traffic surveys. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. Three highways are selected in Wassit governorate as a case study to cover the studied locations of the accidents. The se

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