The media, especially the satellite channels in our time, are one of the most important pillars of daily life, public and private, for society and people, and are considered by sociologists and sociologists as one of the most important factors of social upbringing and the most important, as a result of the technological and technological development of the media as well as increasing their numbers and vertical and horizontal expansion locally, As well as entering into the lives of individuals and people and leading them to important sites within their interests and preferences, not to mention the long time spent exposure to those media and benefit from the programs offered or broadcast. , The problem of this research is that there is a lack or weakness or ambiguity in understanding the relationship between the exposure of the public to the news channels and the levels of preference and evaluation of programs broadcast by these channels and employees of the public achieved as a result of exposure. According to the above, the problem of research in is to answer the following questions:
a. The extent to which the public is exposed to satellite news channels and the reasons for the public’s follow-up to these satellite channels or not?
B. What are the most prominent satellite news channels that the public prefers to watch their programs and what patterns and habits of exposure?
c. What are the most prominent public ratings of satellite TV favorite about some of the positions and qualities and advantages compared to other satellite channels, and what are the most prominent evaluations of programs that attract them and staff and some technical aspects?
The present work determination astronomical ephemeris for satellites (determination position and velocity of satellite and orbital elements) in elliptical orbit where orbital elements in perigee point were known, therefore kepler's equation for elliptical orbit was solved by using Newton-Rephson method for numerical approximation.For the hyperbola orbit which represent orbit of shuttle (discovery join) far rang where solve kepler equation for hyperbola by use the same method pervious and then determination the coordinates of position and velocity for satellite or shuttle and the required programs are designing
Background: Carpal tunnel syndrome
(CTS) is the most common neuropathy of the
upper limb due to compression of the median
nerve at the wrist.
Objectives: to test the benefit of steroid
irrigation of the wound to alleviate the post
operative pain.
Methods: Forty patients had carpal tunnel
release were divided into two groups with and
without steroid irrigation.
Results: Forty patients 38 female and 2 male
with forty CTS had open surgical release were
studied for postoperative pain at the wrist area.
Group 1 (patients treated with surgery alone)
and group 2 (patients treated with surgery and
steroid).In group1, 11 patients (55%) had
persistent agonizing pain at the ulnar side of
the wrist