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Empowering Public Relations’ Practitioners to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
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The research aims to outline a governmental and societal communicative vision grounded in the principles of sustainable development within Iraqi governmental institutions. This is achieved by public relations practitioners incorporating these concepts and enhancing public awareness of them. Iraqi governmental institutions cannot deviate from the international pattern and societal mood that encompass the goals of sustainable development. The growing international and local interest in environmental issues has influenced governmental stances and actions towards the public.
The research's main problem revolves around addressing a pivotal question: What are the levels of empowerment of public relations practitioners in achieving sustainable development goals within governmental institutions?
The primary objective of the research is to unveil the extent to which public relations practitioners perceive the required levels of sustainable development both domestically and externally and in their professional lives. Public relations and media practitioners are keen on educating about the significance and legitimacy of sustainable development. Their performance and success in fulfilling this role depend on their conviction and their ability to understand and adopt behaviors that align with sustainable development objectives.
The study made several conclusions, most notably that public relations practitioners are aware of what is expected of an individual at home, externally, and at work. Additionally, the youth demographic is the most informed about sustainable development concepts and principles, making them more positive in their interactions with the requirements and behaviors of these principles, whether at home, in the community, or at work.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Application of Groebner Bases to Study a Communication System
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This paper introduces a relationship between the independence of polynomials associated with the links of the network, and the Jacobian determinant of these polynomials. Also, it presents a way to simplify a given communication network through an algorithm that splits the network into subnets and reintegrates them into a network that is a general representation or model of the studied network. This model is also represented through a combination of polynomial equations and uses Groebner bases to reach a new simplified network equivalent to the given network, which may make studying the ability to solve the problem of network coding less expensive and much easier.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Science International
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Seed priming of sorghum cultivars to tolerate salt stress
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A laboratory experiment was carried out in the laboratories of College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad in 2017. Three factors were studied; Sorghum bicolor L. cultivars (Inqath, Rabeh and Buhoth70), primed and unprimed seed, and salt stress (0, 6, 9 and 12 dS.m−1). The aim was to improve germination and seedling growth under salt stress. The results showed significant superiority of Buhoth70 cultivar compared to others, significantly superiority of primed seed compared to the unprimed and significant negative impact as long as increasing levels of salt stress at germination ratio, plumule length, dry seedling weight and seedling vigor index. The interaction between cultivars, priming and salt stress showed that

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of survival models to study determinants liver cancer
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Cancer is one of the dangerous diseases that afflict a person through injury to cells and tissues in the body, where a person is vulnerable to infection in any age group, and it is not easy to control and multiply between cells and spread to the body. In spite of the great progress in medical studies interested in this aspect, the options for those with this disease are few and difficult, as they require significant financial costs for health services and for treatment that is difficult to provide.

This study dealt with the determinants of liver cancer by relying on the data of cancerous tumours taken from the Iraqi Center for Oncology in the Ministry of Health 2017. Survival analysis has been used as a m

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Financial compensation contracts related to Hajj: دراسة فقهية مقارنة
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Financial compensation contracts related to Hajj

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 15 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Models for long range forecast to the dust storms
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In this research ,we will study the phenomenon of dust storms for all types
(Suspended dust , rising dust , dust storm) , and its relationship with some climate
variables (Temperature , rainfall ,wind speed , Relative humidity ) through
regression models to three different locations ( Kirkuk , Rutba , Diwaniya ) almost
covering Iraq area for the period (1981 – 2012) . Time series has been addressing the
phenomenon of storms and climate variables for the time period under study to
attain the best models for long range forcast to the dust storms.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
New techniques to estimate the solution of autonomous system
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This research aims to solve the nonlinear model formulated in a system of differential equations with an initial value problem (IVP) represented in COVID-19 mathematical epidemiology model as an application using new approach: Approximate Shrunken are proposed to solve such model under investigation, which combines classic numerical method and numerical simulation techniques in an effective statistical form which is shrunken estimation formula. Two numerical simulation methods are used firstly to solve this model: Mean Monte Carlo Runge-Kutta and Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta Methods. Then two approximate simulation methods are proposed to solve the current study. The results of the proposed approximate shrunken methods and the numerical

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 26 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Probabilistic Mesoscale Analysis of Concrete Beams Subjected to Flexure
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Abstract<p>In this paper, the probabilistic behavior of plain concrete beams subjected to flexure is studied using a continuous mesoscale model. The model is two-dimensional where aggregate and mortar are treated as separate constituents having their own characteristic properties. The aggregate is represented as ellipses and generated under prescribed grading curves. Ellipses are randomly placed so it requires probabilistic analysis for model using the Monte Carlo simulation with 20 realizations to represent geometry uncertainty. The nonlinear behavior is simulated with an isotropic damage model for the mortar, while the aggregate is assumed to be elastic. The isotropic damage model softening be</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 08 2024
Journal Name
Obstetrics And Gynaecology Forum
Biochemical and Immunological responses to use dexamethasone in rats
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This study was conducted to determine the side effects of dexamethasone n some physiological and immunological criteria, which included, Measuring sugar level, liver (ALT, AST , LDH, Total protein) and kidney function (urea, createnine), total and differential count of W.B.C,CRP, TNF-α ,IL6,IL10. thirty rats were divided into two groups (15\ rat). G1: This group was considered negative control injection with normal saline, G2: This group was injected with 2 mg\kg dexamethasone. The results showed a significant increase in the level of enzymesALT, AST and sugar levels and decreased level of total protein in the group treated with the drug, also showed, a significant decrease in the total number of W.B.C an

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Is it possible to teach translation in the classroom?
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