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Empowering Public Relations’ Practitioners to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
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The research aims to outline a governmental and societal communicative vision grounded in the principles of sustainable development within Iraqi governmental institutions. This is achieved by public relations practitioners incorporating these concepts and enhancing public awareness of them. Iraqi governmental institutions cannot deviate from the international pattern and societal mood that encompass the goals of sustainable development. The growing international and local interest in environmental issues has influenced governmental stances and actions towards the public.
The research's main problem revolves around addressing a pivotal question: What are the levels of empowerment of public relations practitioners in achieving sustainable development goals within governmental institutions?
The primary objective of the research is to unveil the extent to which public relations practitioners perceive the required levels of sustainable development both domestically and externally and in their professional lives. Public relations and media practitioners are keen on educating about the significance and legitimacy of sustainable development. Their performance and success in fulfilling this role depend on their conviction and their ability to understand and adopt behaviors that align with sustainable development objectives.
The study made several conclusions, most notably that public relations practitioners are aware of what is expected of an individual at home, externally, and at work. Additionally, the youth demographic is the most informed about sustainable development concepts and principles, making them more positive in their interactions with the requirements and behaviors of these principles, whether at home, in the community, or at work.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental Auditing A proposed Framework For Practice In Industrial Companies: Practical Study In Iraqi State Company For Cement
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This research aims to studying and analyzing the theoretical
framework of the environmental auditing in industrial environment to its a broad and danger environmental effects . It aims to contribute in setting and testing a proposed procedure framework for environmental auditing in that vital activity .The practical aspect focused on testing a proposed framework within practice it in a one Iraqi industrial company that has a huge effect on environmental activity, represented by Iraqi state company

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Publication Date
Sun May 27 2012
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات محاسبية ومالية
إنموذج مقترح للحكمانية في المنظمات العامة بالتطبيق في وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
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تعد الحوكمة من المداخل التي نالت اهتمام العديد من الباحثين والدارسين في مجال الإدارة والسياسة بوصفها إحدى الفلسفات السائدة والمرغوبة في الفترة الحالية , وأصبح ينظر إليها دواء لجميع الامراض التي تعاني منها الأجهزة الإدارية عموماً بالأخص العامة منها . وقد ارتبط هذا المفهوم بمفاهيم إعادة التنظيم Reforme والاصلاح الإداري المجه لتحسين كفاءة وفاعلية أداء تلك الاجهزة وبما ينعكس على مجمل السمات والمميزات التي تتعلق ب

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استعمال نظام محاسبة المسؤولية في تقويم اداء مراكز الربح: بالشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية
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Use the accounting system of responsibility in assessing the performance of the company profit centers of the leather industry Given the importance of the profit centers of the General Company for Leather Industries, where a circle of activity that is accountable responsible for them (the director) about what is happening with costs and achieve revenues other words, the profit center is the beginning of an independent company with revenues and costs contribute to achieving the objectives of the company as a whole, which is to achieve profits, which means the comprehensive work of the centers of the need to evaluate its performance permanent depending on the conversion rates of the Interior. It was relied on the company's production

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 08 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاحوال الأحوال العامة للأندلسيين في غرناطة بعد انتهاء الحكم العربي الإسلامي دراسة تاريخية
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The harsh human suffering experienced by the Andalusians were a religious conflict and racist impact on all aspects of public life. The religious factor most important factors that determined the nature of the hostile relationship between the Andalusian and Castilian, Castile has sought to make them Christians by force through laws that deprived them of all their rights. In spite of the large number of those laws, the authority admitted inability to subdue the Andalusians to its will through the issuance of the final decree of expulsion.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 13 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of the information of the supporting bodies on the tax inventory: An Applied research in the General Commission of Taxes
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The research aims to show the impact that the information of the supporting bodies can have and its dimensions represented by (information credibility, efficiency and effectiveness of information, cooperation with the tax administration, obligating the taxpayer, accuracy and completeness of information and the appropriate time) in tax inventory, as well as clarifying the moral differences in  The response of the surveyed sample according to the personal variables represented by (gender, educational attainment, scientific specialization, job title, years of service), and the descriptive analytical approach was adopted and in light of it, the questionnaire was designed as a main tool in collecting data from the sample of (80)

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the strategic foresight capabilities in green creativity An exploratory study for the State Company for Food Products
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The current research variables have received increasing attention in the recent period because they are one of the important issues affecting the future of organizations, as a result of the speed of environmental variables that have greatly affected organizations and for the purpose of explaining the relationships and links between research variables, as this research presents a test "the type and direction of the relationship between strategic foresight capabilities As an independent variable and green creativity "as a respondent variable. A set of questions has arisen about the basic research problem, including what is the nature and level of interest in the research variables (strategic foresight capabilities an

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
انموذج مقترح للحكمانية في المنظمات العامة: بالتطبيق في وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
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              governance Is considered as one approach that gained the attention of many researchers in Management and politics field as one of the dominant philosophies and desired in the current period, became seen as a panacea for all diseases afflicting in particular public administrative organs in General ,This concept has been associated with concepts of reorganization Reforme besidc the administrative directed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance of such devices as reflected on the totality of features and characteristics that relate to service fulfillment needs of beneficiaries and underlying phenomenon, there was also a constituent charact

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internal control and its role in the reform of the tax work: Applied research in the General Commission for Taxes
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That internal control is particularly important in improvingperformance and tax reform، they play an important role in the regularity ofwork and development and the anti corruption and activating the decisionsand tax legislation، as contained in the organizational plan and the means،procedures and components designed from which to ensure a policy andimplementation plans The research aims to review the reality of the internalcontrol in the General Commission for Taxes and stand on the deficiencies init, with the strengthening of the role of internal control in the GeneralAuthority for taxes based on the laws and regulations and by using modernmeans to work as well as developing the performance of employees in thebody، including helpin

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing a Learning Organization According to Analysis of the Relationship between Knowledge Gap and Strategic Performance Gaps: Field Study in a Sample of Private Banks in Baghdad.
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The purpose of this research shed light on the analysis of the relationship between the knowledge gap and the strategic performance  gap and diagnose the level of impact this relationship in building a learning organization, and sought search to achieve a number of goals, cognitive and Applied been tested nature of the relationship and effect between variables in a sample size (62) of the managers of banks civil in Baghdad (Baghdad, Gulf, Assyria, Union, Elaf) and focused research problem in question is bold is whether the analysis of the relationship between the knowledge gap and the performance gap strategic leads to recognize organizations need to shift to organizations educated, either in the side of the field was the pr

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Digital Citizenship and its Relationship to the Level of Health Awareness of Corona Virus (Covid-19) among a Sample of Palestinian University Students: محمود عبد المجيد عساف
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The study aims to identify the degree of appreciation for the level of digital citizenship of a sample of Palestinian university students in the governorates of Gaza, and its relationship to the level of health awareness about the emerging coronavirus (covid-19). To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed a descriptive approach by applying two questionnaires; the first, which consists of 30 items, was used  to measure the level of digital citizenship.  The second, which consists of 19 items, was used to measure the level of health awareness. Both questionnaires  were applied on a sample of 367 students who were electronically selected using the manner simple randomness. Results have shown that the degr

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