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Maximum mouth opening measurement in relation to maximum bite force among children
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Objective: This research aimed to study the relation between maximal bite force (MBF) and maximum mouth opening among 12-year-old school children. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 400 children aged 12 years (194 boys and 206 girls) were examined. The MBF for the right and left side, as well as the anterior region, were evaluated for all children. The MMO was measured using an electronic digital caliper. To analyze the data path analysis method was used. Results: Boys showed a higher MMO of 48.797 ± 6.500 than girls (46.710 ± 5.926 mm). The MMO increased with increasing MBF, with significant differences between females and males. Conclusion: The MMO was higher in boys than in girls. Gender plays a significant role in MBF strength.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The uses of social networking applications and websites in promoting the gulf stock markets
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The study aims to identify the uses and the impact of social networking applications and websites on stock markets and their role in defining the details of dealing with stock movement and trading. The study also aims to highlight the role of these networks by increasing confidence in stock markets and companies as well as encouraging and inciting young people to invest in these markets, the study belongs to the descriptive analytical approach, the study population consisted of all current and potential investors in the stock and financial markets in the United Arab Emirates. The study used a questionnaire that was distributed to a number of followers of social networking pages and websites that deal with trading

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2022
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Isolation of different parasites from the freshwater of Euphrates River in Anbar Province, Iraq
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Intestinal parasites present in freshwater from the Al- Fallujah, Al- Habbaniyah and Al-Alwarar, of the Euphrates river in Iraq are Cryptosporidium spp (25.3%), Giardia sp (3.3%), Eimeria sp (3.3%), Pinworm eggs (3.3%), Naegleria sp (15.3%), Lecane niwati (1.3%), Trichomonas hominis (19.3%), Acanthamoeba spp (24.6%), Entamoeba coli (20.6%), Balantidium coli (12%), Ascaris sp (3.3%), Volvox sp (26%), Chilomastix mesnili (4%), Pelomyxa palustris (2.6%), Trinema enchelys (2.6%), Actinophrys Sol (7.3%), Amobea Vespertilio (9.3%), Rhabditea (5.3%), paramecium bursaria (9.3%), cyst of cestode (6%), Oocyst protozoa (16%), Euglena gracilis (10.6%).were isolated. The study's goal was to isolate some of the parasites that pollute the Euphrat

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 23 2020
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Short- and Long-term Effectiveness of Sacral Nerve Stimulation in Patients with Overactive Bladder
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BACKGROUND: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) approved for use in North America since 1997 despite the fact that the concept of using SNS to treat patients with voiding dysfunction discussed first almost 50 years ago. AIM: The objectives of the study were to assess the effectiveness of SNS the short and long term for patients with overactive bladder (OAB) dysfunction and its relation to age, gender, and causes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This is a clinical prospective study that involved 50 cases (32 females and 18 males) with OAB. It was carried out at Ibn Sina Hospital, and the neurosciences hospital in Baghdad/Iraq from April 2015 to April 2018. All the patients were assessed preoperatively and certain inclusion criteria were

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectral Properties of Hybrid of Rhodamine (6G) Dyes Doped Epoxy Resin Dissolved in Chloroform
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            The research is dealing with the absorption and fluorescence spectra for the hybrid of  an Epoxy Resin doped with organic dye Rhodamine (R6G) of different concentrations (5*10-6, 5*10-5, 1*10-5, 1*10-4, 5*10-4) Mol/ℓ at room temperature. The Quantum efficiency Qfm, the rate of fluorescence emission Kfm (s-1), the non-radiative lifetime τfm (s), fluorescence lifetime τf and the Stokes shift were calculated. Also the energy gap (Eg) for each dye concentration was evaluated. The results showed that the maximum quantum effi

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Distinguishing Shapes of Breast Cancer Masses in Ultrasound Images by Using Logistic Regression Model
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The last few years witnessed great and increasing use in the field of medical image analysis. These tools helped the Radiologists and Doctors to consult while making a particular diagnosis. In this study, we used the relationship between statistical measurements, computer vision, and medical images, along with a logistic regression model to extract breast cancer imaging features. These features were used to tell the difference between the shape of a mass (Fibroid vs. Fatty) by looking at the regions of interest (ROI) of the mass. The final fit of the logistic regression model showed that the most important variables that clearly affect breast cancer shape images are Skewness, Kurtosis, Center of mass, and Angle, with an AUCROC of

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Information & Communications Technology
Evaluation of DDoS attacks Detection in a New Intrusion Dataset Based on Classification Algorithms
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Intrusion detection system is an imperative role in increasing security and decreasing the harm of the computer security system and information system when using of network. It observes different events in a network or system to decide occurring an intrusion or not and it is used to make strategic decision, security purposes and analyzing directions. This paper describes host based intrusion detection system architecture for DDoS attack, which intelligently detects the intrusion periodically and dynamically by evaluating the intruder group respective to the present node with its neighbors. We analyze a dependable dataset named CICIDS 2017 that contains benign and DDoS attack network flows, which meets certifiable criteria and is ope

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Design Technologies in Promoting the Advertisement for National Product: وسام عبد الامير كريم المالكي
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The current research is concerned with studying the variables in the promotion process which influence the advertisement design structure, as the accomplished design and construction process is subject to many variables, whether they were intellectual or technological, internal or external variables. These variables may overlap in order to get a comprehensive system for the artistic configuration, that any design in its content reaches the highest levels of perfection is connected to the extent of its compliance with and approximation to these variables, that is why we find their reflections deeply rooted in the individual's mind, especially the designer artist who is influenced by everything surrounding him forming knowledge systems res

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Clinical Samples Using PCR Targeting ETA and gyrB Genes
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa has variety of virulence factors that contribute to its pathogenicity. Therefore, rapid detection with high accuracy and specificity is very important in the control of this pathogenic bacterium. To evaluate the accuracy and specificity of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay, ETA and gyrB genes were targeted to detect pathogenic strains of P. aeruginosa. Seventy swab samples were taken from patients with infected wounds and burns in two hospitals in Erbil and Koya cities in Iraq. The isolates were traditionally identified using phenotypic methods, and DNA was extracted from the positive samples, to apply PCR using the species specific primers targeting ETA, the gene encoding for exotoxin A, and gyrB gene. The res

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Scopus (5)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Efficacy of Saccharomyces cerevesiae on promoting growth in tomato: Nahida M.Saleh |Adnan A. Issa
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Saccharomyces cerevesiae as a growth promoting agent in tomato. Soaking the seeds in yeast suspension at 5 g/L for 12h increased germination percentage, root length, root fresh and dry weight, plant height, foliage fresh and dry weight, attained 88.5% ; 8.1 cm ; 84.3 mg ; 7.03 mg ; 10.75 cm ; 839 mg and 37.75 mg compared with 80% ; 5.33 cm ; 39 mg ; 4.8 mg ; 7.35 cm ; 608 mg and 25.5 mg in seedlings grown from non treated seeds respectively. Similar results were obtained with seedling from seeds soaked in S. cerevesiae filtrate for 12 hrs. with values of 77.5% ; 6.875 cm ; 91.5 mg ; 7.5 mg ; 9.5 cm ; 777 mg and 40.35 mg compared to 66% ; 5.8 cm ; 57.7 mg ; 5.03 mg ; 5.9 cm ; 493 mg

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study a bout the Epidemiology of Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis (Candida spp.) in Baghdad City
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This Study was conducted to investigate vaginitis in women who live in Baghdad City. Results Revealed that Candida spp. were the causal agent of 38.5% of symptomatic cases the yeasts Candidaalbicans, C.glabrata, C.tropicalis, C.parapsilosis and C.krusei were isolated with the percentage of 38.1, 9.1, 3.9, 2.6, 1.3 respectively also there were 18% of women in control group carrying Candida spp. The direct smear method were not efficient because the percentage of infection was 17.5% comparing with the culture method the sensitivity of direct smear method was 45.5% The percentage of WBC to Epithelial cells was less than one in 76.6% of women.

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