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The Effects of Local Alendronate With or Without Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 on Dental Implant Stability and Marginal Bone Level: A Randomized Controlled Study

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of local application of bisphosphonate gel and recombinant human bone morphogenic protein 2 gel, on titanium dental implant stability and marginal bone level. Twenty-seven patients with upper and lower missing posterior tooth/teeth were included in the study with a total of 71 implants that were used for rehabilitation. The implants were randomly divided into 4 groups: 3 study groups and 1 control. Group1; local application of bisphosphonate gel, group 2; local application of recombinant human bone morphogenic protein 2 gel, group 3; local application of a mixed formula of both gels. The gel application was immediately preimplant insertion, group 4; implant insertion without application of any medication. Using resonance frequency analyzer, implant stability was measured 4 times; primary, 8 weeks (second stage surgery), 12 weeks, and at least 14 weeks post functional loading. The level of the marginal bone around each implant were assessed using cone beam computed tomography. Four implants failed. Generally, there was a similar pattern of changes in implant stability over the study period in all groups and the stability was dependent on the healing time with no significant difference between groups. There was no significant treatment effect regarding marginal bone level differences of study groups against control, although there were significant differences on palatal and mesiodistal surfaces among the study (test) groups.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying the Effect of Zirconia on Some Physical Properties of Porcelain

In this study porcelain was prepared by using composition consisting of raw materials with in following fractions , 50% kaolin , 25% feldspar, and 25% silica( SiO2) tested by XRay diffraction (XRD) method .Study the effect additives at different concentration from zirconia (ZrO2) (2,5,10,15,20) Wt% on some physical properties of porcelain, the sample is prepared by the conventional manufacturing method , It is found that some physical properties of porcelain changes considerably with the substituent sample, It was found that the increase of zrconia (ZrO2) additive of all our sample produce. Increasing in dielectric constant and bulk density and decreasing with open porosity and dielectric loss tangent

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 03 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Academic Research In Economics And Management Sciences
The impact of PBL on Undergraduate Physics Students' Understanding of Thermodynamics

Lecture method is still need to a part of PBL in order to explain the difficult and abstract concepts in all fields of physics particularly thermodynamics. Introducing and promoting PBL in the lecture method is wise step for innovation in teaching and learning. The objective of this study is to compare the effects of using three methods: problem-based learning (PBL), PBL with lecture method, and conventional teaching on undergraduate physics students’ understanding of thermodynamics. The actual sample size comprises of 122 students, who were selected randomly from the Physics Department, College of Education in Iraq in the academic year 2011-2012. In this study, the pre- and post-test were done and the instruments were administered to the

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Hydrated Lime on the Properties of Roller Compacted Concrete

Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a concrete of no slump, no reinforcement, no finishing, and compacted using vibratory roller. When compared with conventional concrete, it contains less water content
when compared to traditional concrete. The RCC technique achieves significant time and cost savings during the construction of concrete. This study demonstrates the preparation of RCC slab of (38 ×38× 10) cm
samples by using roller compactor which is manufactured in local markets. The Hydrated lime additive is used to study the mechanical and physical properties of that RCC slab samples. This investigation is divided
into two main stages: The First stage consists of hammer compaction method with two gradation of aggregate, dense

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Pressure on the Properties of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ HTSC System

High temperature superconductors with a nominal composition HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ
for different values of pressure (0.2,0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 1.0 & 1.1)GPa were prepared by
a solid state reaction method. It has been found that the samples were semiconductor
P=0.2GPa.while the behavior of the other samples are superconductor in the rang
(80-300) K. Also the transition temperature Tc=143K is the maximum at P is equal to
0.5GPa. X-ray diffraction showed a tetragonal structure with the decreasing of the
lattice constant c with the increasing of the pressure. Also we found an increasing of
the density with the pressure.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Synthesis Time on Structural Properties of Copper Oxide

The structural properties of the CuO nanopowder oxide prepared reflux technique
without any templates or surfactant, using copper nitrate hydrate (Cu(NO)3 3H2O) in deionized
water with aqueous ammonia solution are reported. The Xrd analysis data and processing in origin
pro program used to get FWHM and integral width to study the effect of different synthesis times
was studied on the structural properties. It was found that values of crystal sizes are 17.274nm,
17.746nm, and 18.560nm, the size of nanoparticles is determined by Halder-Wagner, and 15.796
nm, 15.851nm, and 16.52nm, were calculated by Size-Strain Plot (SSP) method. The Sample was
considered to determine physical and microstructural paramete

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Construction Joints on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams

In this study, the effect of construction joints on the performance of reinforced concrete beams was experimentally investigated. Seven beam specimens, with dimensions of 200×100×1000 mm, were fabricated. The variables were considered including; the location and configuration of the joints. One beam was cast without a joint (Reference specimen), two specimens were fabricated with a one horizontal joint located either at tension, or compression zone. The fourth
beam had two horizontal joints placed at tension, and compression area. The remaining specimens were with one or two inclined joints positioned at the shear span or beam’s mid-span. The specimens were subjected to a monotonic central concentrated loading until the failure. T

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect the combination of antibiotics on clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus

Atotal of 75 different clinical samples were collected from different hospitals in Baghdad Biochemical and morphological characterization tests showed that forty isolates were identified as Staphylococcus aureus Antibiotic susceptibility tests of all isolates towards ten antibiotics were carried out and results showed that many isolates (97.5 %) were resistant to ?-lactam antibiotic , 70 % were resistant to Tetracyclinee , 62.5% were resistant to co-trimoxazole , 60 % were resistant to ciprofloxacin , 55% were resistant both of chloramphenicol and erythromycin , 52.5% were resistant to gentamicin , 35% were resistant to rifampicin , 10% were resistant to vancomycin . According to the above results the S.aureus I1 which is isolated

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
The Effect of Temperature Width on Dielectric Constant of Vanadium Dioxide

A significant influence of temperature width found on the vanadium oxide properties, it plays a major role in highlighting the thermal limits of the three phases (metallic, semiconductor, and dielectric). Two values of the temperature width , and , had taken and studied their effect on both the dielectric constant and its two parts; refractive index, and extinction coefficient, and. It found that: as the temperature width is greater, the more the properties of the three phases for . In addition to increasing the thermal range for phases which can be reached to when , while it's at . Our results have achieved great compatibility with the published results globally. In addition to the effect of both ultraviolet, visible, and infrared

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Feb 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Geotechnical Engineering
Influence of Combined Stabilization on the Structural Properties of Subgrade Soil

Soil stabilization with liquid asphalt is considered as a sustainable step towards roadway construction on problematic subgrade soil, there are no requirements to import good quality materials or to implement energy consumption, but to mix the readily available soil with liquid asphalt through the cold mix technique. In this work, collapsible soil obtained from Nasiriya was mixed with asphalt emulsion, lime, and combinations of lime and asphalt emulsion (combined stabilization) and tested in the laboratory for California bearing ratio in dry and soaked conditions. Field trial sections have been prepared with the same combinations and subjected to plate bearing test. The influence of combined stabilization on the structural properties in ter

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 06 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Smear Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Driven Piles