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Performance of doubly reinforced concrete beams with GFRP bars
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Abstract<p>The study focused on examining the behavior of six concrete beams that were reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars to evaluate their performance in terms of their load-carrying capacity, deflection, and other mechanical properties. The experimental investigation would provide insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of GFRP bars as an alternative to traditional reinforcement materials like steel bars in concrete structures. The GFRP bars were used in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. Each beam in the study shared the following specifications: an overall length of 2,400 mm, a clear span of 2,100 mm, and a rectangular cross-section measuring 300 mm in width and 250 mm in depth. To apply loads for testing, two-point static loads were placed at the middle third of the beam’s span, creating a shear span of 700 mm in length. The beams were categorized into three groups depending on the GFRP longitudinal reinforcement ratio in the tension and compression zones of the section. GFRP bars with a diameter of 15 mm were employed as longitudinal reinforcement, while closed GFRP stirrups with a diameter of 8 mm at 100 mm were utilized as transverse reinforcement throughout the structural element. Test results have indicated that the ultimate load capacity of doubly GFRP-reinforced concrete beams varies compared to singly GFRP-reinforced beams. The range of variation observed is between an increase of 8% and a decrease of 4%. Accordingly, the contribution of the GFRP bars in the compression zone is insignificant and could be ignored in design calculations. It was observed that the loading level at which crack spacing stabilized ranged between 31.3 and 87% of the experimental failure load. It seems that the crack spacing decreased with the increase in the reinforcement ratio.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 07 2022
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Impact Behavior of Composite Reinforced Concrete Beams with Pultruded I-GFRP Beam
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The present study experimentally and numerically investigated the impact behavior of composite reinforced concrete (RC) beams with the pultruded I-GFRP and I-steel beams. Eight specimens of two groups were cast in different configurations. The first group consisted of four specimens and was tested under static load to provide reference results for the second group. The four specimens in the second group were tested first under impact loading and then static loading to determine the residual static strengths of the impacted specimens. The test variables considered the type of encased I-section (steel and GFRP), presence of shear connectors, and drop height during impact tests. A mass of 42.5 kg was dropped on the top surface at the m

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Multiple Openings
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The present investigation focuses on the response of simply supported reinforced concrete rectangular-section beams with multiple openings of different sizes, numbers, and geometrical configurations. The advantages of the reinforcement concrete beams with multiple opening are mainly, practical benefit including decreasing the floor heights due to passage of the utilities through the beam rather than the passage beneath it, and constructional benefit that includes the reduction of the self-weight of structure resulting due to the reduction of the dead load that achieves economic design. To optimize beam self-weight with its ultimate resistance capacity, ten reinforced concrete beams having a length, width, and depth of 2700, 100, and

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Short Term Deflection of Ordinary, Partially Prestressed and CFRP Bars Reinforced Concrete Beams
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
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Flexural Behavior of Pultruded GFRP–Concrete Composite Beams Strengthened with GFRP Stiffeners
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The utilization and incorporation of glass fiber-reinforced plastics (GFRP) in structural applications and architectural constructions are progressively gaining prominence. Therefore, this paper experimentally and numerically investigates the use of GFRP I-beams in conjunction with concrete slabs to form composite beams. The experimental design incorporated 2600 mm long GFRP I-beams which were connected compositely to concrete slabs with a 500 mm width and 80 mm thickness. The concrete slabs are categorized into two groups: concrete slabs cast using normal-strength concrete (NSC), and concrete slabs prepared using high-strength concrete (HSC). Various parameters like the type of concrete (normal and high-strength concrete), type of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strengthening of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Openings
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Using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) could effectively improve the strength and endurance of reinforced concrete (RC) constructions. This study evaluated the flexural behavior of one-way concrete slabs with openings reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymers (GFRP) bars. It strengthened using carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets around the openings. The experimental program of this study is adopted by casting and testing four one-way concrete slabs with dimensions of (150*750*2650) mm. These slabs are divided into two groups based on whether they were strengthened or un-strengthened. For each group, two different openings (either one rectangular or two square) measured 250*500 mm and 250*250 mm, respective

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Construction Joints on Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams
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Construction joints are stopping places in the process of placing concrete, and they are required because in many structures it is impractical to place concrete in one continuous operation. The amount of concrete that can be placed at one time is governed by the batching and mixing capacity and by the strength of the formwork. A good construction joint should provide adequate flexural and shear continuity through the interface.

In this study, the effect of location of construction joints on the performance of reinforced concrete structural elements is experimentally investigated.

Nineteen beam specimens with dimensions of 200×200×950 mm were tested. The variables investigated are the location of the construction joints

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Performance of reinforced concrete non-prismatic beams having multiple openings configurations
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Abstract<p>This experimental study demonstrates the gable-reinforced concrete beams’ behavior with several number of openings (six and eight) and posts’ inclination, aimed to find the strength reduction in this type of beam. The major results found are: for the openings extending over similar beam length it is better to increase the number of posts (openings), <italic>i.e.</italic>, increasing opening number led to decrease in opening area, which allows us to transmit stresses and act as lever arms between the upper and the lower chords. Also, findings revealed that the inclined posts have larger loading at the mid-point relative to vertical ones. For gables with vertical posts hav</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) were widely used in strengthening reinforced concrete members
in the last few years, these fibers consist mainly of high strength fibers which increase the member capacity in addition to changing the mode of failure of the reinforced concrete beams. Experimental and theoretical investigations were carried to find the behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by CFRP in shear and bending. The experimental work included testing of 12 beams divided into 4 groups; each group contains 3 beams. The following parameters were taken into consideration: - Concrete crushing strength. - CFRP strengthening location (shear strengthening and both shear and flexure strengthening). Reinforced beams were

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced with 3D-Textile Composite Fiber
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Normal concrete is weak against tensile strength, has low ductility, and also insignificant resistance to cracking. The addition of diverse types of fibers at specific proportions can enhance the mechanical properties as well as the durability of concrete. Discrete fiber commonly used, has many disadvantages such as balling the fiber, randomly distribution, and limitation of the Vf ratio used. Based on this vision, a new technic was discovered enhancing concrete by textile-fiber to avoid all the problems mentioned above. The main idea of this paper is the investigation of the mechanical properties of SCC, and SCM that cast with 3D AR-glass fabric having two different thicknesses (6, 10 mm), and different layers (1,2 laye

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Composites For Construction
Prediction of Concrete Cover Separation in Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP
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