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Effect of Construction Joints on Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams
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Construction joints are stopping places in the process of placing concrete, and they are required because in many structures it is impractical to place concrete in one continuous operation. The amount of concrete that can be placed at one time is governed by the batching and mixing capacity and by the strength of the formwork. A good construction joint should provide adequate flexural and shear continuity through the interface.

In this study, the effect of location of construction joints on the performance of reinforced concrete structural elements is experimentally investigated.

Nineteen beam specimens with dimensions of 200×200×950 mm were tested. The variables investigated are the location of the construction joints (at midspan or at third point of the specimens), type of construction joints (vertical, inclined, and key construction joints), and presence of stirrups at these joints. The specimens were tested using 1000 kN computer controlled versatile electronic testing machine. The specimens were positioned in the machine so that the deflection at center and\or at the location of construction joint was measured at each load step.

The results of the experimental program indicated that the best location of the construction joint is at the point of minimum shear. It was found that the use of vertical construction joint has little effect on the overall behavior of beam specimens (the percentage of reduction in ultimate load capacity is in the range of 0% - 5%).

While inclined construction joints results in a noticeable reduction in strength of beams relative to the strength of beam without construction joint the percentage of reduction in ultimate load capacity is in range of 8% - 20%.The presence of stirrups at the construction joints is an important variable, which affect the type of failure and load carrying capacity. It is found that adding of stirrups across the joint results in an increase in capacity in the range of (7%- 15%) and a decrease in deflection in the range of (20%- 48%).

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Construction Joints on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams
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In this study, the effect of construction joints on the performance of reinforced concrete beams was experimentally investigated. Seven beam specimens, with dimensions of 200×100×1000 mm, were fabricated. The variables were considered including; the location and configuration of the joints. One beam was cast without a joint (Reference specimen), two specimens were fabricated with a one horizontal joint located either at tension, or compression zone. The fourth
beam had two horizontal joints placed at tension, and compression area. The remaining specimens were with one or two inclined joints positioned at the shear span or beam’s mid-span. The specimens were subjected to a monotonic central concentrated loading until the failure. T

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Multiple Openings
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The present investigation focuses on the response of simply supported reinforced concrete rectangular-section beams with multiple openings of different sizes, numbers, and geometrical configurations. The advantages of the reinforcement concrete beams with multiple opening are mainly, practical benefit including decreasing the floor heights due to passage of the utilities through the beam rather than the passage beneath it, and constructional benefit that includes the reduction of the self-weight of structure resulting due to the reduction of the dead load that achieves economic design. To optimize beam self-weight with its ultimate resistance capacity, ten reinforced concrete beams having a length, width, and depth of 2700, 100, and

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Performance of doubly reinforced concrete beams with GFRP bars
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Abstract<p>The study focused on examining the behavior of six concrete beams that were reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars to evaluate their performance in terms of their load-carrying capacity, deflection, and other mechanical properties. The experimental investigation would provide insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of GFRP bars as an alternative to traditional reinforcement materials like steel bars in concrete structures. The GFRP bars were used in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. Each beam in the study shared the following specifications: an overall length of 2,400 mm, a clear span of 2,100 mm, and a rectangular cross-section measuring</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
On the Impact of Lacing Reinforcement Arrangement on Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams Performance
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The optimum design is characterized by structural concrete components that can sustain loads well beyond the yielding stage. This is often accomplished by a fulfilled ductility index, which is greatly influenced by the arrangement of the shear reinforcement. The current study investigates the impact of the shear reinforcement arrangement on the structural response of the deep beams using a variety of parameters, including the type of shear reinforcement, the number of lacing bars, and the lacing arrangement pattern. It was found that lacing reinforcement, as opposed to vertical stirrups, enhanced the overall structural response of deep beams, as evidenced by test results showing increases in ultimate loads, yielding, and cracking of

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexural Performance of Laced Reinforced Concrete Beams under Static and Fatigue Loads
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This paper introduces experimental results of eighteen simply supported reinforced concrete beams of cross sections ( ) and length 3000 mm to study the effect of lacing reinforcement on the performance of such beams under static and fatigue loads. Twelve reinforced concrete beams (two of them are casted with vertical shear reinforcement used as control beams) are tested under four points bending loading with displacement control technique and six laced reinforced concrete beams were exposed to high frequency (10 Hz) by fixing the fatigue load in each cycle. Three parameters are used in the designed beams, which are: lacing bar diameter (4mm, 6mm, and 8mm), lacing bar inclination angle to horizontal , and lacing steel rat

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Empirical Equations for Analysis of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs
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There are many different methods for analysis of two-way reinforced concrete slabs. The most efficient methods depend on using certain factors given in different codes of reinforced concrete design. The other ways of analysis of two-way slabs are the direct design method and the equivalent frame method. But these methods usually need a long time for analysis of the slabs.

In this paper, a new simple method has been developed to analyze the two-way slabs by using simple empirical formulae, and the results of final analysis of some examples have been compared with other different methods given in different codes of practice.

The comparison proof that this simple proposed method gives good results and it can be used in analy

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Detailed feasibility study of the pre-cast reinforced concrete project and its importance in the construction of Iraq
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Purpose:  Providing practical knowledge of the requirements of a detailed feasibility study for selecting the investment project.

Findings:  Directing the private sector towards investing in productive projects - the pre-cast reinforced concrete project - as it achieves a financial return as well as providing Providing foreign currencies by reducing imports and exploiting available natural resources

Practical implications: The importance of a detailed feasibility study to determining whether the project can be implemented or not.

The precast concrete method is one of the best modern c

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Performance of reinforced concrete non-prismatic beams having multiple openings configurations
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Abstract<p>This experimental study demonstrates the gable-reinforced concrete beams’ behavior with several number of openings (six and eight) and posts’ inclination, aimed to find the strength reduction in this type of beam. The major results found are: for the openings extending over similar beam length it is better to increase the number of posts (openings), <italic>i.e.</italic>, increasing opening number led to decrease in opening area, which allows us to transmit stresses and act as lever arms between the upper and the lower chords. Also, findings revealed that the inclined posts have larger loading at the mid-point relative to vertical ones. For gables with vertical posts hav</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Behavior of reinforced concrete tapered beams
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
The Fire Effect on the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregates by Expanded Clay Aggregates
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This paper aims to investigate the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams considering fire resistance by adding Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates (LECA) to the concrete mix as partial coarse aggregate replacement. LECA is a type of porous clay with a uniform pore structure with fine, closed cells and hard, tightly sintered skin. The experimental work comprised four reinforced self-compacted concrete beams. All the specimens were identical in their geometrical layout of 1600×240×200 mm, reinforcement details, and support condition (simply supported). For all the beams, the main reinforcement was provided by two bars, each having a diameter of 12 mm, while a bar of 6 mm diameter was employed for the top and shear reinforc

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