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Performance of doubly reinforced concrete beams with GFRP bars
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Abstract<p>The study focused on examining the behavior of six concrete beams that were reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars to evaluate their performance in terms of their load-carrying capacity, deflection, and other mechanical properties. The experimental investigation would provide insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of GFRP bars as an alternative to traditional reinforcement materials like steel bars in concrete structures. The GFRP bars were used in both the longitudinal and transverse directions. Each beam in the study shared the following specifications: an overall length of 2,400 mm, a clear span of 2,100 mm, and a rectangular cross-section measuring 300 mm in width and 250 mm in depth. To apply loads for testing, two-point static loads were placed at the middle third of the beam’s span, creating a shear span of 700 mm in length. The beams were categorized into three groups depending on the GFRP longitudinal reinforcement ratio in the tension and compression zones of the section. GFRP bars with a diameter of 15 mm were employed as longitudinal reinforcement, while closed GFRP stirrups with a diameter of 8 mm at 100 mm were utilized as transverse reinforcement throughout the structural element. Test results have indicated that the ultimate load capacity of doubly GFRP-reinforced concrete beams varies compared to singly GFRP-reinforced beams. The range of variation observed is between an increase of 8% and a decrease of 4%. Accordingly, the contribution of the GFRP bars in the compression zone is insignificant and could be ignored in design calculations. It was observed that the loading level at which crack spacing stabilized ranged between 31.3 and 87% of the experimental failure load. It seems that the crack spacing decreased with the increase in the reinforcement ratio.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
Simulation and design model for reinforced concrete slabs with lacing systems
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Lacing reinforcement plays a critical role in the design and performance of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs by distributing the applied loads more evenly across the slab, ensuring that no specific area of the slab is overloaded. In this study, nine slabs, divided into three groups according to the investigated parameters, were meticulously designed and evaluated to study the interplay between the lacing reinforcement and other key parameters. Each slab was crafted for simple support and was subjected to both static and repeated two-point load tests. The lacing reinforcement had an angle of 45° with various tension and lacing steel. The repeated-tested specimens with lacing reinforcement experienced smaller ductility than those of s

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 15th European Radar Conference (eurad)
Delamination Detection in Glass-Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Using Microwave Time Domain Reflectometry
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Transactions C: Aspects
Axial Behavior of Concrete Filled-steel Tube Columns Reinforced with Steel Fibers
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Concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns are being popular in civil engineering due to their superior structural characteristics. This paper investigates enhancement in axial behavior of CFST columns by adding steel fibers to plain concrete that infill steel tubes. Four specimens were prepared: two square columns (100*100 mm) and two circular columns (100 mm in diameter). All columns were 60 cm in length. Plain concrete mix and concrete reinforced with steel fibers were used to infill steel tube columns. Ultimate axial load capacity, ductility and failure mode are discussed in this study. The results showed that the ultimate axial load capacity of CFST columns reinforced with steel fibers increased by 28% and 20 % for circular and square c

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Impact Resistance of Bendable Concrete Reinforced with Grids and Containing PVA Solution
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The development of new building materials, able of absorbing more energy is an active research area. Engineering Cementitious Composite (ECC) is a class of super-elastic fiberreinforced cement composites characterized by high ductility and tight crack width control. The use of bendable concrete produced from Portland Limestone Cement (PLC) may lead to an interest in new concrete mixes. Impact results of bendable concrete reinforced with steel mesh and polymer fibers will provide data for the use of this concrete in areas subject to impact loading. The experimental part consisted of compressive strength and impact resistance tests along with a result comparison with unreinforced concrete. Concrete samples, with dimensions of 100×

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 10 2022
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Behavior of One-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Polystyrene Embedded Arched Blocks
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This study presents experimental and numerical investigations on seven one-way, reinforced concrete (RC) slabs with a new technique of slab weight reduction using polystyrene-embedded arched blocks (PEABs). All slabs had the same dimensions, steel reinforcement, and concrete compressive strength. One of these slabs was a solid slab, which was taken as a control slab, while the other six slabs were cast with PEABs. The main variables were the ratio of the length of the PEABs to the length of the slab (lp/L) and the ratio of the height of the PEABs to the total slab depth (hP/H). The minimum decrease in the ultimate load capacity was about 6% with a minimum reduction in the slab weight of 15%. In contrast, the maximum decrease in the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 02 2025
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
A Numerical Study of Concrete Composite Circular Columns encased with GFRP I-Section using the Finite Element Method
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This paper presents ABAQUS simulations of fully encased composite columns, aiming to examine the behavior of a composite column system under different load conditions, namely concentric, eccentric with 25 mm eccentricity, and flexural loading. The numerical results are validated with the experimental results obtained for columns subjected to static loads. A new loading condition with a 50 mm eccentricity is simulated to obtain additional data points for constructing the interaction diagram of load-moment curves, in an attempt to investigate the load-moment behavior for a reference column with a steel I-section and a column with a GFRP I-section. The result comparison shows that the experimental data align closely with the simulation

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Behavior of Steel-Concrete-Steel Sandwich Beams with Truss Configuration of Shear Connectors
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This paper presents experimentally a new configuration of shear connector for Steel-Concrete-Steel (SCS) sandwich beams that is derived from truss configuration. It consists of vertical and inclined shear connectors welded together and to cover steel plates infilled with concrete. Nine simply supported SCS beams were tested until the failure under a concentrated central load (three- point bending). The beams were similar in length (1100mm), width (100mm), and the top plate thickness (4mm). The test parameters were; beam thickness (150, 200, 250, and 300mm), the bottom plate thickness (4, and 6mm), the diameter of the shear connectors (10, 12, and 16mm), and the connector spacing (100, 200, and 250mm). The test results sh

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
3D- ABAQUS Modelling of Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beams with Multi-Openings of Different Shapes
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A long-span Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beam with Multi-Opening has been developed as an alternative to steel structural elements. The commercial finite element package ABAQUS/CAE version 2019 has been utilized. This article has presented the results of three-dimensional numerical simulations investigating the flexural behaviour of existing experimental work of supported Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beams with multiple openings of varying shapes under static monotonic loads. Insertion openings in such a beam lead to concentrate stresses at the corners of these openings; as a result, extensive cracking would appear. Correlation between numerical models and empirical work has also been discussed regarding load displacemen

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 31 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Integrated Engineering
Behavior of High Strength Hybrid Reinforcement Concrete Beams
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Six proposed simply supported high strength-steel fiber reinforced concrete (HS-SFRC) beams reinforced with FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) rebars were numerically tested by finite element method using ABAQUS software to investigate their behavior under the flexural failure. The beams were divided into two groups depending on their cross sectional shape. Group A consisted of four trapezoidal beams with dimensions of (height 200 mm, top width 250 mm, and bottom width 125 mm), while group B consisted of two rectangular beams with dimensions of (125 ×200) mm. All specimens have same total length of 1500 mm, and they were also considered to be made of same high strength concrete designed material with 1% volume fraction of steel fiber.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flexural Behavior of Partially Pretensioned Continuous Concrete Beams
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This paper describes flexural behavior of two spans continuous rectangular concrete beams reinforced with mild steel and partially prestressing strands, to evaluate using different prestressing level and prestressing area in continuous prestressed beams at serviceability and ultimate stages. Six continuous concrete beams with 4550 mm length reinforced with mild steel reinforcement and partially prestressed with two prestressing levels of (0.7fpy  or 0.55fpy.) of and different amount of 12.7 mm diameter seven wire steel strand were used. Test results showed that the partially prestressed reinforced beams with higher prestressing level exhibited the narrowest crack width, smallest deflection and strain in both steel and concrete at ul

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