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Effect of antimony on characteristics of HgBa2CaCu2-xSbxO8+δ superconducting

In this work, HgBa2CaCu2-xSbxO8+δ compounds with (x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8) have been prepared by the solid-state reaction method. Structural, morphological, and electrical properties were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques. Using the 4-probe technique to study the effect of antimony-substitution for Copper on the electrical properties of HgBa2CaCu2-xSbxO8+δ (Hg-1212) phase was investigated by measuring the resistivity as a function of temperature. Results indicate that the addition of antimony (Sb) increases the volume fraction of the phase and changes the superconducting transition temperature Tc of the superconductor to a normal state. The dielectric loss factor and ac conductivity have been investigated at room temperature. It was found that dielectric properties decreased with increasing electric field frequency. It was observed that the best value was 0.8 of the Sb content. Generally, with increasing antimony content, at lower frequencies, higher dielectric criteria are achieved, while at higher frequencies, lower dielectric criteria are achieved. On the other hand, the dissipation of the energy in the dielectric is directly proportional to the dielectric loss factor. Considering this, the increase in the values of ac conductivity is increasing with an increased frequency range to 5 MHz.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technolog
Effect Of heat Treatment On The Optical Properties Of CuInSe2 Thin Films

CuInSe2(CIS) thin films have been prepared by use vacuum thermal evaporation technique, of thickness750 nm with rate of deposition 1.8±0.1 nm/sec on glass substrate at room temperature and pressure (10-5) mbar. Heat treatment has been carried out in the range (400-600) K for all samples. The optical properties of the CIS thin films are been studied such as (absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary dielectric constant) by determined using Measurement absorption and transmission spectra. Results showed that through the optical constants we can make to control it are wide applications as an optoelectronic devices and photovoltaic applications.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 07 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology
Effect Of heat Treatment On The Optical Properties Of CuInSe2 Thin Films

CuInSe2 (CIS)thin films have been prepared by use vacuum thermal evaporation technique, of 750 nm thickness, with rate of deposition 1.8±0.1 nm/sec on glass substrate at room temperature and pressure (10-5) mbar. Heat treatment has been carried out in the range (400-600) K for all samples. The optical properties of the CIS thin films are been studied such as (absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary dielectric constant)by determined using Measurement absorption and transmission spectra. Results showed that through the optical constants we can made to control it is wide applications as an optoelectronic devices and photovoltaic applications.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Effect of metals as Additives on Thermal conductivity of Epoxy Resin

A hand lay-up method was used to prepare Epoxy/ metal composites. Epoxy resin (EP) was used as a matrix with metal particles (Al, Cu, and Fe) as fillers.
The preparation method includes preparing square panels of composites with different weight percentage of fillers (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%). Standard specimens (88mm in diameter) for thermal conductivity tests were prepared to measure thermal conductivity kexp.The result of experimental thermal conductivity kexp, for EP/metal composites show that, kexp increase with increasing weight percentage, For EP/ Al and EP/Cu composites, and it have have maximum values of 0.33 and 0.35 W/m.K, respectively. While kexp for EP/ Fe composite show slight increase with maximum value of 0.186 W/m.K.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 21 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Orthodontic Force on Salivary Levels of Alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme

Background: Orthodontic tooth movement is characterized by tissue reactions, which consist of an inflammatoryresponse in periodontal ligament and followed by bone remodeling in the periodontium depending on the forces applied. These processes trigger the secretion of various proteins and enzymes into the saliva.The purpose of thi study was to evaluate the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in saliva during orthodontic tooth movement using different magnitude of continuous orthodontic forces.
Materials and Methods: Thirty orthodontic patients (12 males and 18 females) aged 17-23 years with class II division I malocclusion all requiring bilateral maxillary first premolar extractions were randomly divided into three groups according t

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Effect of operation conditions on Catalytic Oxidation of Phenol in Aqueous Solution

This work was conducted to study the oxidation of phenol in aqueous solution using copper based catalyst with zinc as promoter and different carrier, i.e. γ-Alumina and silica. These catalysts were prepared by impregnation method.
The effect of catalyst composition, pH (5.6-9), phenol to catalyst concentration ratio (2-0.5), air feed rate (30-50) ml/s, stirring speed (400-800) rpm, and temperature (80-100) °C were examined in order to find the best conditions for phenol conversion.
The best operating conditions which lead to maximum phenol conversion (73.1%) are : 7.5 pH, 4/6 phenol to catalyst concentration, 40 ml/s air feed rate, 600 rpm stirring speed, and 100 °C reaction temperature. The reaction involved an induction period

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of the Poles Distances on Plasma Characteristic of Discharge Tube

     The effects of poles distances of a discharge tube (cathode and anode) were investigated. The distances(90,95,100,110,115,120,130,140)mm are considered. The influence of (25mT) parallel and (2mT) normal magnetic fields with respect to the discharge tube on electron temperature under a pressure of (6pascal) and (900volt) was studied by implementing double Langmuire probe into plasma. Curves fitting were performed to find the optimum values of electron temperature for all cases in this work.We found that the electron temperature as a function of poles distances is exponential form

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Nanocomposites TiO2 addition on the Dielectric Properties of Epoxy resin

Sheets of Epoxy (EP) resin with addition of TiO2 of grain size (1.5μm, and 50nm) and weight percentage (1%, 3%, and 5%) were prepared. Discs of 20mm diameter and 3mm thickness were cut for dielectric measurements. Dielectric properties (dielectric constant, dispassion factor and electrical conductivity) over the frequency range 102 -106 Hz were measured.
Comparison was made between the effect of micro and nano particles of TiO2 on the dielectric properties of EP composites with different weight percentage. Epoxy composites with micro sized particles of TiO2 were observed to have the better values of dielectric properties.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect Of Curing Types On Compressive Strength Of High Performance Concrete

The present investigation considers the effect of curing temperatures (30, 40, and 50˚C) and curing compound method on compressive strength development of high performance concrete, and compares the results with concrete cured at standard conditions and curing temperature (21˚C). The experimental results showed that at early ages, the rate of strength development at high curing temperature is greater than at lower curing temperature, the maximum increasing percentage in compressive strength is 10.83% at 50C˚ compared with 21C˚ in 7days curing age. However, at later ages, the strength achieved at higher curing temperature has been less, and the maximum percentage of reduction has been 5.70% at curing temperature 50C˚ compared with 21

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of π-conjugated molecules on electronics properties of benzene-diamine derivatives

The present work shows a theoretical results that have been used the functional Hybrid of three parameters Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP) of the quantum mechanical approach for density functional theory with (Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms) SIESTA code. All calculations were carried out employing the used method at the Gaussian 09 package of programs. It was reported the main point for research on dominance of the bandgap of elongated pi-conjugated molecules by using different chemical groups replacing hydrogen atom in the most molecules that used in this work. The side groups creates another factor that controls the value of the band gap. The dihedral angle between the two pheny

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research International
Effect of Formulation Parameter on Dissolution Rate of Flurbiprofen Using Liquisolid Compact

Attempts were made to improve solubility and the liquisolid technology dissolving of medication flurbiprofen. Liquisolid pill was developed utilizing transcutol-HP, polyethylene glycol 400, Avecil PH 102 carrier material and Aerosil 200 layer coating material. Suitable excipient amounts were determined to produce liquisolid powder using a mathematical model. On the other hand, flurbiprofen tablet with the identical composition, directly compressed, was manufactured for comparison without the addition of any unvolatile solvent. Both powder combination characterizations and after-compression tablets were evaluated. The pure drug and physical combination, and chosen liquisolid tablets were studied in order to exclude interacting with t

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