يعد الكيمياء من العلوم المهمة التي تدرس في جميع مراحل التعليم الاساسي ومراحل التعليم العالي في كليات (الزراعة ، العلوم ، الصيدلة ، التربية الاساسية ، الطب ، طب الاسنان ، الطب البيطري) لأنها تدخل في الكثير من مفاصل الحياة اليومية وما لها من تأثير في تقدم المجتمعات من الناحية الصناعية والاقتصادية حيث تدخل الكيمياء في الصناعات الغذائية ، والصناعات الدوائية او صناعة الاقمشة والزراعة وتطوير الثروة الحيوانية عن طريق تداخلها مع علوم كثيرة مثل علم الوراثة لذا كان لابد من الاهتمام بمختبراتها وتقويمها . ولان الكيمياء هي من العلوم ذات الطبيعة التجريبية والتي تعتمد بشكل كبير على اشراك المتعلمين في العملية التعليمية من خلال ممارستهم لعمليات العلم المختلفة مثل الملاحظة والاستنتاج والتنبؤ والتفسير وغيرها . ولضمان مخرجاتها (المتعلمين) يكونون ذوي مستوى جيد من المهارة والعملية لتساعدهم على ممارسة حياتهم العلمية بنجاح
It is very known how great is the role of the Jewish writers in the system of the Zionist movement. The movement relied on writers and writers to carry out their programs, especially those pertaining to the creation of a "national homeland" for Jews. Most Jewish writers sang of Palestine even though they were not born there.
On such a basis, we have followed closely the writings of writers, critics and others by the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. We found that these writings are based on one common question: What is the fate of the Jewish people?
Most of these writings were accompanied by Theodor Herzl's proj
... Show MoreThis study aimed at identifying the trend to applying the Joint Audit as an approach to improve the financial reports quality with all their characteristics (Relevance, Reliability, Comparability, Consistency), as well as enclose the difficulties that faced the auditors in the Gaza Strip in implementing the Joint Audit. In order to achieve the study aims, a measure was used to identify the trend to apply the Joint Audit and it was distributed to the study sample which is consisting of (119) individuals and retrieved thereof (99) valid for analysis, approximately (83.2%), (69) of them are Auditors, (30) financial managers and accountants. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method, and after analyzing the results, the s
... Show MoreThere is a mutual relationship between the form of a text and its meaning so as separating these two or devaluating the role of one of them leads to the absence of the value therein. Thus, a translation is important as to how it relates the details of a text. That is, the text has special features which go beyond form, and these set out its distinctiveness. Here, we tackle Saleh al-Jafari's Arabic translation of "Rubbayat al-Khayyam" of Naysapour descriptively and analytically by depending on extracts from the original text. This translation is evaluated on the basis of Spanish critic Maria Carmen Valero Garces. Herein, we discuss the effectiveness of this theory in the criticism of literary texts. It has been concluded that al-Jaf
... Show MoreThe article describes the basic principles of modeling a dictionary article in the “Dictionary of the Language of Russian Folklore Lexicon epics” (M. A. Bobunova, A. T. Khrolenko). Among such principles are the principle of linguocentrism (representation of universal cognitions in strict observance of the traditions of lexicographic science), the principle of anthropocentrism (language learning as a means of human consciousness / subconsciousness), the principle of expansionism (attracting material from various knowledge bases), the principle of explanatory ("explanatory moment"), and fractal principle (synergistic potential of the presented material: nonlinearity and self-similarity; hierarchical organizati
... Show MoreAbstract
This research’s goal is to restore and to revive the jurisprudence of Mother of Believers (Um alMuaamineen) “Um Salmah” "may God bless her", and to highlight her outstanding assimilation and understanding of religion and her conscious thought. The current research is a comparative scientific theoretical study represented in the comparison of jurisprudence of “Um Salamah” with Hadiths of fasting and pilgrimage rules as well as the duration mentioned in jurisprudence of for doctrines( 4 schools of thought )to identify these hadiths with the inclusion and discussion of their evidence.
The current research included two topics: the first one is to identify and introduce
... Show MoreThis paper aims at providing the teaching staff members with the necessary skills so as to become capable of tackling various situations, and treating daily problems that face students learning Spanish as a Second Language. This is made as an attempt to make teachers of foreign languages in general acquainted with modern trends of teaching with less complicated methods, specifically in teaching e earlier stages of foreign languages.
En el presente trabajo pretendemos dotar al docente no nativo de Lenguas extranjeras, con algunos de los métodos necesari
... Show MoreIt is noted in the title that the paper studies the viewpoint in the novel The Dog and the Long Night by the Iranian novelist Shahranoush Parsi Pour and in the novel Alibaba's Sad Night by the Iraqi novelist Abdulkhaliq Ar-Rikabi. Both are well known novelists, and about whose stories and novels many critical books, MA theses, and Ph.D. dissertations have been written. Also, some of their literary works have won prizes. Here, the researcher shed light on the concept of viewpoint, its types, and its importance in novels in general. This was done along with tackling the two viewpoints in both novels, where similarities and differences were identified. For this end, the researcher has adopted the analytic-descriptive appro
... Show MoreSatire is genre of the literary arts that has always been the source of human interest. Because it is difficult to accept direct criticism, Satire appears as a literary tool in which vices, follies, abuses and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement. A satirical critic usually employs irony to attain this goal. Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often profitable social criticism, using wit to draw at
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