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בעיות בתרגום מונחים בין עברית לערבית המונח תפילה דוגמנית
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סיכום לכל מדע מערך יסודות שעליו הוא עומד ועושה, בין אם ברמה של מושג ותוכן, או ברמת תכנית הלימודים והמונח , מקום בו מדעי האדם מתמודדים עם בעיות רבות המתחילות במסגרת מדע יחיד ומידת הייחודיות שלו והאינטראקציה שלו עם מדעים אחרים, דרך בעיית תכנית הלימודים, עד לבעיית המונח . בדרך זו היה צורך להתייחס למונח כמשהו רגיש, אם לא מסוכן.מדע המונח נחשב לאחד מענפי הבלשנות היישומית כיום, והוא נחשב למדע בולט, עד שהוא הפך למדע עצמאי בפני עצמו. הכרת המונח מדע היא כזו שתורמת לאיחוד בסיס המחקר עליו יכולים לסמוך מדענים, והוא תורם רבות לתיאום בין מחקרים ומחקרים שונים, והוא תורם להגברת הידע של הקורא שאינו מתמחה במדע זה כתוצאה מחיסול הפרעה טרמינולוגית. ומדע התרגום נחשב למלא תפקיד חשוב בהתמודדות עם המינוחים.באמצעות זה, נושא זה נחשב, הנחשב במדע המונח המיוחד, לדעת כיצד והשיטה שאחריה מתרגמים בהתמודדותם עם המונח תוך תרגום של משמעויותיו של הקוראן הנובל לשפה העברית.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الأصوات اللثوية في اللغة العربية
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The Arabic language has always been and still is the preoccupation of our scholars, both advanced and late, because of the amazing secrets that this language holds. What distinguished it from the rest of the languages ​​is that its owners speak with sounds that others are unable to pronounce, except by vigorous attempts, and these voices include za’, middle and extreme hamza, and ha’.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Noun markers in Arabic
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This study aims to show the markers of the Arabic noun(genitive, nun nation articles,
vocative, definite article and predication). These markers distinguish the noun from other
parts of sentence. It alsoaims at showing why these markers are peculiar to nouns.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ثيَكهاتةى وشة لة زمانى كورديدا بةثيَى تيؤرى ( مؤرفيم ) ( ذمارةوشة و تيَكضرِذاوةوشة وةك نموونة )
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زمانةوانة بونيادطةرة ئةمريكييةكان لة نيَوانى سالاَنى ( 1925 – 1945 ) بةتيَثةرِبووكات تيؤرى ( فؤنيم)يان ضةسثاند ،بةم جؤرة  زمانةوانةكان ئاراستةى كاريان بةرةو مؤرفؤلؤذى طؤرِى بؤية ماوةى نيَوان سالاَنى ( 1940 –1960 ) ليَكؤلَينةوةى مؤرفؤلؤذى بووة خالَى بنةرِةتى (1 ) . جيَى ئاماذةية كة ئةو كةم و كورتيانةى كة لة ثيَناسةى وشةدا دةركةوت هؤكاريَكى سةرةكى بوون بؤ ئةوةى بةدواى جيَطرةوةيةك بطةرِيَن ، كة ئةويش ضةمكى مؤرفيم بو

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
LA CONDICIONALIDAD EN ESPAÑOL Estudio analítico, formal y semántico-pragmático
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 Pretendemos hacer con este trabajo un breve recorrido sobre lo que han dicho algunos gramáticos de las construcciones condicionales, a la par señalaremos los criterios que los mismos establecen y siguen para diferenciar entre distintos tipos de estructuras condicionales o entre las construcciones que ellos entienden o consideran como tales y las que no, atendiendo fundamentalmente a dos criterios; formal y semántico-pragmático. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la clasificación y la descripción de las construcciones condicionales, demostrando que no todas las condicionales son hipotéticas ni todas las hipotéticas son condicionales.


We intend to make this work

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La langue et la quête de l'identité dans l’œuvre d’Annie Ernaux
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Since her early beginning in 1974 in her novel "Les armoires vides", Annie Ernaux writing about life in all its various aspects remained her main goal. This novel gave the earliest signals of what would happen later on in her literary career. Indeed, her works showed abilities of echoing reality, her sufferance and experiences via the use of simple and clear language. Add to this, her writings are to be viewed as an expression of deep felt journey, and a continuous search due to the consequent changes coming out of her identity.

    We try here to give an answer to the question about writing as to whether being, to Ernaux herself, a need for the search about her social and feminist identity, or a pure literary work

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 27 2022
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
متطلبات تطبيق الحوكمة في الجامعات العراقية جامعة بغداد - جامعة الانبار انموذجا
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يعد النظام التعليمي لاي بلد انعكاسا للمستوى الثقافي والحضاري للمجتمع وعادة ما يحدد هذا النظام ويوجه من قبل التنظيمات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية في المجتمع كونها تعتمد علية في تحقيق اهدافها ,وصبحت الجامعة اليوم تمثل عمد النظام التربوي والتعليمي بما تمتلكه من كفاءات وقد ا رت وامكانيات بشرية ومادية تستطيع من خلالها رفد المجتمع بما يحتاجة من قد ا رت بشرية متعلمة في كافة الاختصاصات ومناحي الحياة لادامة ال

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Obstacles to the application of electronic management in university libraries: the universities of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya as a model.
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The research aims to identify the obstacles facing the application of electronic management in our university libraries, including the central library of the University of Baghdad and the central library of Al-Mustansiriya University, the research sample, as they are among the main libraries that used electronic technologies in managing some of their work and in providing their services, and they have a website via the Internet. The research relied on the case study method to identify the obstacles by visiting the two libraries, interviewing their managers and employees responsible for the departments, and answering inquiries about the obstacles that prevent the application of electronic management in order to identify them and find appropr

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
The Quality of University Environment According to the Viewpoint of Female Students: The College of Sciences for Woman an Example
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This research aims at identifying the level of quality of University environment according to the viewpoint of female students taking the College of Sciences for Woman an example, as represented in the college units as registration unit and the unit of students' affairs, the curricula, instructors, study halls, the college library, scientific labs, computer access, stationary and photocopying services, health care center, the unit of artistic, cultural and sportive activity, the canteen, the college gardens, college buildings and equipment and bathrooms. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire to identify the viewpoints of female students concerning the extent of the availability of the standards o

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Al-Hajjaj in pre-Islamic poetry hangs Imru 'al-Qays and the Twrfa of Ibn al-Abd as a model
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The topic of (pilgrims) of the old and modern subjects at the same time, as it extends his foot and is associated with the beginning of speech and argument, a modern because it is based on studies and research (and the theory of pilgrims) from (Austin and Cyril) through (Charles Breman) to (Aristotle) ), It is worth mentioning here to mention the role of (Hazem al - Qartagni) in mentioning the value of the pilgrimage of hair and saying the use of persuasion in the hair, is palatable and acceptable. Hence our research applied these views, and we chose the pendants as a model for that matter.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
اسلوب القسم الظاهر واثره في بناء النص القراني سورة العاديات ..........انموذجا
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