ظهر التحول نحو العولمة في ضوء التغيرات العالمية السريعة والمتلاحقة والعميقة في آثارها وتوجهاتها المستقبلية وخاصة تلك التي شهدها الربع الاخير من القرن العشرين الماضي .إذ تحول الاقتصاد العالمي بالفعل إلى قرية صغيرة متنافسة الاطراف بفعل الثورة التكنولوجية والمعلوماتية . ولم تتوقف الامور عن هذا الحد إذ ان التطور العالمي الحديث وما سيشهده العالم من سيطرة العولمة الجديدة التي تدعو لحرية التجارة وسهولة تبادل البضائع والسلع والافكار والخبرات وانتقالها بشكل يكاد يتجاوز مفهوم الدولة القومية وحمايتها لمنتجاتها الوطنية وما يلحق ذلك من سياسات مالية وضريبية لتحقيق ذلك .ثؤثر العولمة وما يتبعها من اندماج دولي إلى جانب التقدم التكنولوجي السريع على قدرة الدول في تحصيل الضرائب ، وعلى توزيع الاعباء ، ومن المرجح ايضا" ان يزداد تأثير العولمة بمرور الوقت على ايرادات الضرائب ، فقد حدث تحول بارز من الضرائب النوعية إلى ضرائب المبيعات خلال فترة التسعينات ، إذ بدأ أثر العولمة في الظهور بشكل اكثر حدة مع تحرير أسواق المال وزيادة اندماج الاقتصاديات . ومن أهم الاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها البحث . ان العولمة مع كل ما تحمله من تقدم تقني وفتح الاسواق وتحرير التجارة ... الخ تهدد الدول التي لم تسارع باعادة هيكلية مؤسساتها لانتاج سلع تنافسية تحمي اقتصادها من التبعية . أما التوصيات التي توصل اليها البحث هوالنهوض بالموارد البشرية ودعم النمو في القطاعات كافة الاقتصادية والصناعية والمصارف بالشكل الذي يوائم متطلبات العولمة .
The multiple linear regression model is an important regression model that has attracted many researchers in different fields including applied mathematics, business, medicine, and social sciences , Linear regression models involving a large number of independent variables are poorly performing due to large variation and lead to inaccurate conclusions , One of the most important problems in the regression analysis is the multicollinearity Problem, which is considered one of the most important problems that has become known to many researchers , As well as their effects on the multiple linear regression model, In addition to multicollinearity, the problem of outliers in data is one of the difficulties in constructing the reg
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... Show MoreCurrent research strives to achieve the following aims:
- Develop a scale for dominant values of Tikrit university students.
- Measuring the dominant of Tikrit university students.
- Identifying the significant differences among dominant values of Tikrit university students according to(sex, specialty, time).
- Measuring the dominant values of each one of the six fields of the scale.
- Identifying the differences in dominant values of each field according to the sex variables.
The current research has limi
... Show MoreThe development in manufacturing computers from both (Hardware and Software) sides, make complicated robust estimators became computable and gave us new way of dealing with the data, when classical discriminant methods failed in achieving its optimal properties especially when data contains a percentage of outliers. Thus, the inability to have the minimum probability of misclassification. The research aim to compare robust estimators which are resistant to outlier influence like robust H estimator, robust S estimator and robust MCD estimator, also robustify misclassification probability with showing outlier influence on the percentage of misclassification when using classical methods. ,the other
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breast cancer. The current study contained 30 patients whose tissue samples have been collected from
hospitals in Medical City in Baghdad after consent patients themselves and used immunohistochemical
technique to determine these markers. The results showed a significant correlation between ER and PR tissue
markers (Sig = 0.000) and a significant correlation between cyclin E phenotype and cyclin E intensity (Sig =
Urban Balance is one of the important indicators that leads to an assessment of the urbanization process in a particular country , province or even a city that is multi-centered. By examining the data related to Anba province, it was found that the value of this indicator is equal to 0.96, which is less than the absolute one, and therefore the urbanization in the province is distributed collectively
The development of a mathematical or statistical model for estimating urban growth is a complex process due to the overlap between indicators or variables that can be adopted to calculate estimate growth rates Al-Qaim city has been considered as an example to develop a statistical method by which changes
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Breast cancer is the most repeatedly detected cancer category and the second reason cause of cancer-linked deaths among women worldwide. Tumor bio-indictor is a term utilized to describe possible indicators for carcinoma diagnosis, development and progression. The goal of this study is to evaluate part of some cytokines and biomarkers for both serum and saliva samples in breast cancer then estimate their potential value in the early diagnosis of breast cancer by doing more researches in saliva, and utilizing saliva instead of blood (serum and plasma) in sample collection from patients. Serum and salivary samples were taken from 72 patients with breast cancer and 45 healthy controls, in order to investigate the following
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