ظهر التحول نحو العولمة في ضوء التغيرات العالمية السريعة والمتلاحقة والعميقة في آثارها وتوجهاتها المستقبلية وخاصة تلك التي شهدها الربع الاخير من القرن العشرين الماضي .إذ تحول الاقتصاد العالمي بالفعل إلى قرية صغيرة متنافسة الاطراف بفعل الثورة التكنولوجية والمعلوماتية . ولم تتوقف الامور عن هذا الحد إذ ان التطور العالمي الحديث وما سيشهده العالم من سيطرة العولمة الجديدة التي تدعو لحرية التجارة وسهولة تبادل البضائع والسلع والافكار والخبرات وانتقالها بشكل يكاد يتجاوز مفهوم الدولة القومية وحمايتها لمنتجاتها الوطنية وما يلحق ذلك من سياسات مالية وضريبية لتحقيق ذلك .ثؤثر العولمة وما يتبعها من اندماج دولي إلى جانب التقدم التكنولوجي السريع على قدرة الدول في تحصيل الضرائب ، وعلى توزيع الاعباء ، ومن المرجح ايضا" ان يزداد تأثير العولمة بمرور الوقت على ايرادات الضرائب ، فقد حدث تحول بارز من الضرائب النوعية إلى ضرائب المبيعات خلال فترة التسعينات ، إذ بدأ أثر العولمة في الظهور بشكل اكثر حدة مع تحرير أسواق المال وزيادة اندماج الاقتصاديات . ومن أهم الاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها البحث . ان العولمة مع كل ما تحمله من تقدم تقني وفتح الاسواق وتحرير التجارة ... الخ تهدد الدول التي لم تسارع باعادة هيكلية مؤسساتها لانتاج سلع تنافسية تحمي اقتصادها من التبعية . أما التوصيات التي توصل اليها البحث هوالنهوض بالموارد البشرية ودعم النمو في القطاعات كافة الاقتصادية والصناعية والمصارف بالشكل الذي يوائم متطلبات العولمة .
The researcher highlighted in his research on an important subject that people need, which is the excuse of ignorance in Islamic law. , As the flag of light and ignorance of darkness. Then the researcher lameness of the reasons for research in this subject as it is one of the assets that should be practiced by the ruler and the judge and the mufti and the diligent and jurisprudent, but the public should identify the issues that ignore ignorance and issues that are not excused even if claimed ignorance.
Then the researcher concluded the most important results, and recommendations that he wanted to set scientific rules for students of science and Muslims in general, to follow the issues of legitimacy and learn its provisions and i
تشكل التغيرات الحاصلة في اسعار النفط تحديا" حقيقيا" لاستمرار عملية النمو في العراق, وامام الحكومة فرصة كبيرة لإيجاد حلول ناجعة لمشكلة تزايد عجز الموازنة العامة من خلال اللجوء الى اصدار ادوات الدين العام الداخلي والخارجي, وهذا يتطلب بناء استراتيجية لإقامة وتطوير سوق السندات الحكومية في العراق, لتتمكن الحكومة من خلاله توفير مصادر تمويل اضافية, تسهم في تمويل الانفاق الاستثماري الحكومي ودعم النمو ودعم
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became continually happen in Baghdad (Ghazalia, Ameria, and Hay al-Amyl)
causing bad effects as shortage of drinking water, traffic jam and formation
This thesis depends on soil study to a depth 15 meters, due to its
importance in subsidence. This done through specifying its chemical physical
Soil within Iraq climate, in case of water stopping for any reason it contract
and shrink away especially when it exposed to high pressure these factors
finally caused subsidence. In case of leakage underground water or that of
damaged water pipes this will contribute to chemical reactions which damage soil
structure and incr
The arise of Islam as a multidimensional changing phenomenon with its own revolutionary and comprehensive character was inherent with a lot of alterations in social aspects , and this is explicit particularly in the scope of urban life and town planning . Essentially, Islamic style of life has its own urban identity. The urbanization process in Islam has been developed across two integrated sides, the first one concerned on ideational and theoretical aspects , while the other associated with practice .Many urban centers emerged during the Islamic era since the erection of Basrah , the first Islamic town in the middle of the 7th. centaury. Some contemporary urban concepts , both environmental and social could be noticed in Islamic
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Small and Medium enterprises are inputting around 15.5 per cent to GDP while 33 per cent contribution as a private sector to Saudi Arabia's gross domestic product (GDP). This study aims to identify the most important factors that affect the efficiency of small enterprises in Saudi Arabia. To accomplish this objective, the study was conducted for small projects via the comprehensive inventory method under the supervision of the Institute of Entrepreneurship. A total of 282 questionnaires were collected from entrepreneurs and the differentiation analysis
... Show MoreThe book of the summary in the control of the laws of Arabic is one of the most important books of Andalusian grammar, the resonance of which is clearly evident among the mother of the language books in the seventh century AH because of the character of the educational style easy and simplified service for anyone who wants the Nile Arabic grammar, that end through what is pursued in his book (Summary) on according to visual standards, as was Ibn Abi Al-Rabeea of first- type, and illustrated in which he addressed the analogies, and he followed the modalities expressed and its consequences relating to each attachment in which a (illness and reasoning factor) And what he said in the framework of each service for the study material in his ha
... Show MoreIt has became necessary helping the children to developing same of educational values which can be drawn from daily situations which the live. Especially the childhood stage is the basic building of value individual content since its establishment the societies take care of learning children and take care of them. Through their institutes which depended on, in this function. Therefore the importance of this, research is coming from the importance of this age stage and from importance and necessity of children aguirement the educational values and its development to them, and the importance this research coming from depending on guidance program with new content and it is (al bum of pictures) fro
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Las formas verbales: el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio, son derivados verbales que se comportan como sustantivos, adverbios o adjetivos, respectivamente; aunque, dado su carácter verbal pueden también funcionar como verbos y, por tanto, como núcleos del predicado.
El presente trabajo presenta una visión general sobre las formas no personales del verbo en español. Se debe recordar que las formas no personales del verbo tiene funciones y valores dentro de la oración.
Este trabajo lo dividimos en dos partes: la primera presenta un breve marco teórico en que se explica las formas no personales del verbo y como se forman además de sus funciones.
... Show MoreThe current study aimed at identifying the impact of each of the full and part time summer enrichment programs on the performance of gifted students. Moreover, it aimed to study the difference between the full and part time programs on the performance of gifted students. The study sample consisted of (115) students from the full time programs and (137) students from the part time programs, they have been randomly selected from the gifted students participating in the full and part time summer enrichment programs. The researcher used the scale of student performance. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the averages of the pre and post applications of the
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