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دور حوكمة الشركات في معالجة الاختلالات الهيكلية في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية
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تعد حوكمة الشركات Governance  من المواضيع التي تهم العديد من الباحثين والمنظمات المهنية والدولية في فروع عديدة من المعرفة ، حيث يتضمن مفهوم حوكمة الشركات الاطار الذي يتم من خلاله وضع أهداف الشركات والمتمثله في حماية مصالح حملة الاسهم والاخرين من أصحاب المصلحه ، وتعظيم أداء الشركات وتقليل المخاطر وتحسين فرص الوصول الى أسواق رأس المال.  وان احد اسباب ظهور حوكمة الشركات هو وجود عدد من الاختلالات الهيكلية في الشركات ومنها عدم الافصاح الكامل والشفافية فيما يتعلق بالمعلومات المحاسبية ، فضلا عن عدم اظهار المعلومات المحاسبية   لحقيقية الاوضاع المالية للشركات والتي تؤدي الى افتقاد الثقة في المعلومات المحاسبية التي تتضمنها التقارير المالية للشركات في الاسواق المالية المختلفة وابتعاد المستثمرين عنها وافتقاد الثقه في مكاتب المحاسبة والتدقيق ، وعدم الالتزام بتطبيق المعايير المحاسبية الدولية على جذب الاستثمار الاجنبي المباشر .ويمكن القول ان الازمات المالية التي حدثت في السنوات الاخيرة والتي ادت الى افلاس العديد من الشركات والمؤسسات العالمية الكبرى وأنهيار بعض الاسواق المالية يرجع بالدرجة الاولى الى عدم الالتزام بالافصاح والشفافية وعدم جودة ونزاهة المعلومات المالية يالنسبة للمساهمين بأعتبارهم المالكين لأسهم الشركات وغيرها. أن وجود نظام حوكمة جيد للشركات يعني المزيد من التدخل والاشراف من جانب المساهمين والجمعيات العمومية على مجلس الادارة واجهزتها التنفيذية من أجل الحد من الفساد المالي والانحراف الاداري .

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The current research focuses on a major problem: the weak role of disclosing corporate information in the application of laws, regulations and instructions related to the application of corporate governance principles weakens the ability to protect the rights of shareholders and investors in companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange and the study aims to study and analyze the role of disclosure and transparency in achieving the necessary protection to ensure the rights of shareholders. The study was applied to a sample of (42) analysis samples representing (84%) of the total questionnaires distributed to investors and shareholders in all listed companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The results confirm the shareholder's right to obtai

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on social responsibility reports for a sample of Iraqi companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The study aims to indicate the role of the mechanisms and principles of corporate governance in the activation of social responsibility reports, and increase disclosure, to achieve sustainability, legitimacy, and integrity of the business. Through the presentation of the conceptual framework for corporate governance and social responsibility, identify the key dimensions of social responsibility and the statement of the relationship between the mechanisms of governance and social responsibility reports in accordance with these dimensions. To prove the hypothesis research has selected a sample of listed companies in the Iraqi market for securities,

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis of the performance of the stock market in light of inflation : empirical research in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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                The aim of this research to try to determine the type of expected relationship between inflation as the explanatory variable and market performance as a dependent variable, for that used data issued and published by the Central Bank of Iraq and the Iraqi Stock Exchange for a sample consisting of (159) observations using the intentional or intentional sampling method for the period extending between the months (January 2010 to March 2023), in the light of each of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the Iraqi Stock Exchange Index, the number of traded shares and the number of market capital shares to ex

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of economic development efforts in the structural imbalances of the Iraqi economy for the period (2007-2018)
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Sustainable development is launched through the interaction between the economy and natural resources and preserving them from exhaustion as well as the efficient management of natural and social resources and includes a diversified economic condition and thus is the focus of attention to the development of economic structures, which is intended to improve the level of human well-being by increasing its share in the necessary goods and services and their relationship With economic growth, which is the most important driver of economic transformation, because it reflects the ability of society and increasing its productive capabilities and investing in the optimal way Although the Iraqi economy is considered one of the diversified

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تأثير قانون الاستثمار الجديد في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية: دراسة تحليلية
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اصبحت الاسواق المالية في الوقت الحاضر من المتطلبات الأساسية لتحقيق التطور الاقتصادي والمالي وتبرز اهمية السوق المالي في خدمة الاقتصاد الوطني العراق حيث ان سوق العراق للأوراق المالية (بالإنجليزية: ISX‏) هو سوق للأوراق مالية في بغداد وتأسست السوق في

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Electronic Trading Useand its Impacton Iraqi Stock Exchange Performance Improvement
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The Research examines the transmission advantage from Floor Trading (FT) to the Electronic Trading (ET) in the Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISE). Testing three hypothesis, first, test the significant different of market depth before and after period of ET used, second, test the significant different of market liquidity also before and after period of ET used. And third test the impact of market depth and liquidity on the performance of ISE. AnEvent Study is depended with 74 observing distributed equality on research period which is extent among 2006 to 2012, Note that the event window is 5-7-2009.The Result of hypothesis testing explore that the all three null main hypothesis is refusing and accept the alternative of it's because the ET

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Benford’s law to detecting earnings management Application on a sample of listed companies in the Iraqi market for securities
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The net profit reported in the annual financial statements of the companies listed in the financial markets, is considered one of the Sources of information relied upon by users of accounting information in making their investment decisions. At the same time be relied upon in calculating the bonus (Incentives) granted to management, therefore the management of companies to manipulate those numbers in order to increase those bonuses associated to earnings, This practices are called earnings management practices. the manipulation in the figures of earnings by management will mislead the users  of financial statements who depend on reported earnings in their deci

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of Auditing Quality on the Earnings Quality: (An applied research in a sample of private joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange)
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The research aims to measure the impact of the quality of the audit on the Earnings Quality, for a sample of private joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, as the research sample included (14) private and listed joint stock companies in issuing their financial statements for the period from (2010-2018), as well as companies The audit offices in charge of auditing these companies, which number (18) companies or an audit office, and the research relied on two main models for measurement, as the first model reflects the assumed relationship between independent variables represented in the characteristics of external audit quality and measuring the extent of its impact on the dependent variable represented in the Ea

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Mechanisms Corporate Governance in the Accounting Conservatism
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This research aims to identify the nature effect of some mechanisms governance in the Accounting Conservatism for a sample of the practices of companies (banks) in the Iraq Stock Exchange and identify any of this mechanics most effects in the accounting Conservatism. To achieve this objective the use of all of it (the size of the board of directors, management ownership, ownership concentration, the auditor's report) as independent variables was used model Basu revised to measure the Accounting Conservatism  , which was considered a variable follower with taking into account the effect of the control variables represented by the (company size and leverage) of a sample of listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange companies for the pe

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Extent of the Commitment with Accounting Disclosure for Contingent Assets, Liabilities and Provisions in the Shareholding Companies Listed in Iraq Stock Exchange Analytical Entrance
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Accounting changes have taken place in either the local or international level has led to more disclosure from companies, and that many of the economic units in order to attract investors to negotiate on its shares price in the stock market require amendments with respect to the information disclosed, Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze whether companies were research sample disclose contingent assets and liabilities and provisions in their annual financial reports with what brought him International Accounting Standards. It has been used descriptive analysis of annual financial reports for a sample of (50) listed company on the Iraq Stock Exchange were identified companies that disclose contingent assets and liabi

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