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A Pharmacoeconomics Study for Anticoagulants used for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf city –Iraq(Conference Paper )#
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Abstract Background: The novel coronavirus 2 (SARS?CoV?2) pandemic is a pulmonary disease, which leads to cardiac, hematologic, and renal complications. Anticoagulants are used for COVID-19 infected patients because the infection increases the risk of thrombosis. The world health organization (WHO), recommend prophylaxis dose of anticoagulants: (Enoxaparin or unfractionated Heparin for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. This has created an urgent need to identify effective medications for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. The value of COVID-19 treatments is affected by cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) to inform relative value and how to best maximize social welfare through evidence-based pricing decisions. Objective: compare the clinical outcome and the costs of two anticoagulants (heparin and (enoxaparin)) used to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection. Patients and method: The study was a retrospective review of medical records of adult, non-pregnant, COVID-19 infected hospitalized patients who had baseline and last outcome measurements at Alamal Epidemiology Center, Al-Najaf city from (Augast 2020 to June 2021). The outcome measures included D-dimer, length of stay (LOS), and mortality rate. Only the cost of the medical treatment was considered in the analysis. The pharmacoeconomics analysis was done in three different cost-effectiveness analysis methods. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS), was used to conduct statistical analysis. Kaplan Meier test was used to compare the mortality rate. T-TEST was used to compare the outcomes of the two groups. Results and discussion: two groups were compared, the first group consists of 72 patients who received heparin, and the second group consists of 72 patients who received enoxaparin. COVID-19 infected patients had a higher abnormal average D-dimer (2534.675 ng/dl). No significant differences between both genders with regards to the basal average D-dimer (males= 2649.95 ng/dl, females= 2374.1mg/dl, P-value>0.05). There was a significant difference between patient's ages 60 years and patients <60. (3177.33 ng/dl, 1763.06 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). It seems that, higher D-dimer levels were associated with a higher mortality rate (died=3166.263 ng/dl, survived= 1729.94 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). Heparin was more effective in decreasing D-dimer levels than enoxaparin which inversely increased the D-dimer levels (-24.4 ng/dl/day, +154.701 ng/dl/day, P-value <0.05). Additionally, heparin was more effective in increasing the survival rate compared to enoxaparin (55% vs, 35%, P-value<0.05). Heparin was associated with a longer duration of stay in hospital than enoxaparin but with no significant difference (13.7 days, 12.3 days, P-value >0.05). Concerning the cost, treatment with heparin cost less than enoxaparin (2.08 U.S $, 9.44 U.S $)/per patient/per day. Conclusion: Originator heparin was a more cost-effective anticoagulant therapy compared to originator enoxaparin, it was associated with a lower cost and better effect, treatment with Heparin resulted in positive INB= 11.3, where a positive result means that heparin is more cost-effective than Enoxaparin. All three methods of pharmacoeconomic analysis decide that heparin was more cost-effective than enoxaparin in treating COVID-19 infected patients.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
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The Role of Water Absorption on Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties for (Recycling HDPE-Coal Ash) Composite
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 08 2015
Journal Name
Chemical And Process Engineering Research
Uni and Simplex Optimization for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Erythromycin ethylsuccinate Drug via Charge-Transfer Complex Formation
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Charge transfer complex formation method has been applied for the spectrophotometric determination of erythromycin ethylsuccinate, in bulk sample and dosage form. The method was accurate, simple, rapid, inexpensive and sensitive depending on the formed charge- transfer complex between cited drug and, 2,3- Dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p- benzoquinone (DDQ) as a chromogenic reagent. The formed complex shows absorbance maxima at 587 nm against reagent blank. The calibration graph is linear in the ranges of (10 - 110) μg.mL-1 with detection limit of 0.351μg.mL-1. The results show the absence of interferences from the excipients on the determination of the drug. Therefore the proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of eryth

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
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Lark Journal For Philosophy , Linguistics And Social Sciences
The Possibility of Religious Reform: Is there any real accountability for the roots of extremism and terrorism?
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 26 2021
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Modern Sport
Effect of Rehabilitation Program by Using Hypermedia on Treatment Some of Shoulder Tissues Injuries for Badminton Players
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The important of present study is to design rehabilitation program by using hypermedia for some injuries of smooth tissues in shoulder joint.   This joint is most important to help badminton players in achieving their daily and sport tasks due to upper limp movements depend on health and active of this joint. Experimental approach with a manner of equal single station was used in present study and study simple consisted of 6 badminton players from Babylon and Al-Mahaweel clubs who have less sharp tissue smooth injury such (muscles, ligaments, pocket). We used (SPSS) to analyses pre, medal, post-tests data. In conclusion, hypermedia is positive benefit to rehabilitee of injuries of smooth tissues in shoulder joint for badminton pla

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering
Intrusion detection method for internet of things based on the spiking neural network and decision tree method
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The prevalence of using the applications for the internet of things (IoT) in many human life fields such as economy, social life, and healthcare made IoT devices targets for many cyber-attacks. Besides, the resource limitation of IoT devices such as tiny battery power, small storage capacity, and low calculation speed made its security a big challenge for the researchers. Therefore, in this study, a new technique is proposed called intrusion detection system based on spike neural network and decision tree (IDS-SNNDT). In this method, the DT is used to select the optimal samples that will be hired as input to the SNN, while SNN utilized the non-leaky integrate neurons fire (NLIF) model in order to reduce latency and minimize devices

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems I: Regular Papers
Crosstalk-Aware Multiple Error Detection Scheme Based on Two-Dimensional Parities for Energy Efficient Network on Chip
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Achieving reliable operation under the influence of deep-submicrometer noise sources including crosstalk noise at low voltage operation is a major challenge for network on chip links. In this paper, we propose a coding scheme that simultaneously addresses crosstalk effects on signal delay and detects up to seven random errors through wire duplication and simple parity checks calculated over the rows and columns of the two-dimensional data. This high error detection capability enables the reduction of operating voltage on the wire leading to energy saving. The results show that the proposed scheme reduces the energy consumption up to 53% as compared to other schemes at iso-reliability performance despite the increase in the overhead number o

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
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Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
mathematical model for segmentation of the overall planning of puplic redemption company- ministry of industry and minerals
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The study presents a mathematical model with a disaggregating approach to the problem of production planning of a fida Company; which belongs to the ministry of Industry. The study considers disaggregating the entire production into 3 productive families of (hydraulic cylinders, Aldblatt (dampers), connections hydraulics with each holds similar characteristics in terms of the installation cost, production time and stock cost. The Consequences are an ultimate use of the available production capacity as well as meeting the requirements of these families at a minimal cost using linear programming. Moreover, the study considers developing a Master production schedule that drives detailed material and production requi

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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Plant Archives,
Phenotypic, genotypic correlation and path coefficient for severaltraits of maize under watered and water stress (agronomic traits)
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 05 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extraction for Coriander Seeds, Leaves and Stems and Studying their Antibacterial Activity
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Objective: To evaluate two kinds of extraction (aqueous and ethanolic) for coriander using seeds, leaves and stems and
studying their antibacterial activity against nine different microorganisms.
Methodology: Coriander was selected to carry out this study. Seeds, leaves and stems were collected from local markets in
Baghdad then dried in shade for at least 10 days and grinded to fine powder. Aqueous hot extracts for 1hr. at (50
c) and
cold extracts for 24 hrs at (4
c) were performed by using seeds, leaves and stems then studied antibacterial effect against
nine different microorganisms by using well diffusion technique. Cold aqueous extracts of coriander seeds for 48 hrs. and
72 hrs and ethanolic extraction

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The non right behavior appearance for the kindergarten children and its relation with the kindergarten teaching style
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The kindergarten teacher play a role in fixing the children behavior so she must plant the value and the habits that make a positive behavior and accepted by the society so the teacher must know all the right educational psychological styles to fix the children behavior and make them accepted psychologically and socially so the problem of the research start from knowing the relation between the methods of dealing with the kindergarten’s teachers and the non right behavior appearance for the kindergarten children. The current research aims to measure the negative behavior appearance of the children of kindergarten and distinguish it according to (sex and levels) and to distinguish the most using styles by the teachers of kinderg

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