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Behavior of reactive powder concrete containing recycled glass powder reinforced by steel fiber
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Abstract<p>Environmental sustainability is described as one that avoids the depletion or deterioration of natural resources, while also allowing for the preservation of long-term environmental quality. By practicing environmental sustainability, we may assist to guarantee that the requirements of today’s population are satisfied without risking the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs in the future. Engineers in the field of concrete production are becoming increasingly interested in sustainable development, which includes the utilization of the locally available materials in addition to using the agricultural and industrial waste in construction industry as one of the possible solutions to the environmental and economic issues. This study investigated the effect of partial substitution of cement with recycled glass powder (0, 15, 20, and 25%) by weight of cement at various ages (on compressive strength) after determining the optimal ratio of replacement. This optimal ratio is used to study its effect on some mechanical properties (such as flexural strength, absorption, and dry density) of reactive powder concrete containing 1% micro steel fiber (SRPC), and furthermore, utilizing steam curing for 5 h at 90°C after hardening the sample directly. Reactive powder concrete (RPC) has been designed with the use of the local cement, silica fume, and super plasticizer with a water/cement ratio of 0.20 in order to achieve a compressive strength of 137.09 MPa at the age of 28 days. When recycled glass powder replacement (20%) was utilized, the findings revealed that the compressive strength of RPC improved by 4.2%, the flexural strength increased by 15.3%, the dry density increased by 0.61%, and the absorption was reduced by 32% at 28 days after the test results were compared to the reference mix.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Computer Analysis Of A simplified Eye Model
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  Computer analysis of simple eye model is performed in the present work by using the Zemax optical design software 2000E . The most important optical parameters of the eye were calculated such as the effective focal length (EFL) , the image spot size at the retina and found to be in a reasonable agreement with the values needed for the laser retinal treatment .The present eye model leads to an effective wavelength and we found the image spot diagram at the surface of the retina and the wavefront error which are provided at zero field angle. This gives a good evidence of the validity of the model in one hand, and can be used to determine the compatibility of any optical design intended for visual applications. By using the pulse fre

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 26 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research was aimed to study the pollen morphology for the genus Pterocephalus(Vaill)  from Dipsacaceae family in Iraq, and to utilize these feathers in isolating the species as valuable taxonomic traits for enriching Iraqi flora. The study included characteristics of the type, shape, size, sculpturing and apertures, as well as determining the full dimensions using light microscopy as well as numerical analysis of this species and draw polygonal shapes and denderogram  convergence between species. The results of the study of pollen and polygonal forms showed significant differences in the characteristics at the level of each species, which helps to identification the genus species, as it was found that the pollen was a tricolp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Ssrn Electronic Journal
The Concept of Urbanization in Developing Countries
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The population density witnessed by the capital, Baghdad, due to successive wars and unemployment, is linked to the phenomenon of urbanization, which is a global phenomenon that means the increasing tendency of the rural population to reside in cities (urban), especially concentration in the capital, Baghdad. Therefore, the phenomenon of urbanization is associated with 3 terms: migration, countryside, and city. Migration is when a person or a group leaves their place of residence to move to live in another place with the intention of staying in the new place for a long time. As for the countryside: they are the areas surrounding cities usually, and the countryside is characterized by natural and agricultural areas and is considered an outle

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Ssrn Electronic Journal
Successful Character of Project Manager (Presentation Slides)
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Construction projects are the organized effort to construct a building or structure. In the fields of civil engineering and architecture, construction projects involve the process that consists of tangibly assembling an infrastructure or building. Important 5 Skills for Project Managers Leadership and Team Management Risk Management Cost Management Task Management Communication

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Provisions of combat games In Islamic Jurisprudence
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Provisions of combat games In Islamic Jurisprudence

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Computer Systems Science & Engineering
Parameters' fine tuning of differential evolution algorithm
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Most heuristic search method's performances are dependent on parameter choices. These parameter settings govern how new candidate solutions are generated and then applied by the algorithm. They essentially play a key role in determining the quality of the solution obtained and the efficiency of the search. Their fine-tuning techniques are still an on-going research area. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is a very powerful optimization method and has become popular in many fields. Based on the prolonged research work on DE, it is now arguably one of the most outstanding stochastic optimization algorithms for real-parameter optimization. One reason for its popularity is its widely appreciated property of having only a small number of par

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Scopus (7)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Levels of Elements in Milk and Yoghurt
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This study aimed to know the concentration of elements content in dairy products. Nine samples collected from the local market in Baghdad, two samples of milk and seven of yoghurt.The results were followed: The ratio of Aluminum In Aluminum cans That is used for storage milk and industrialize yoghurt is about 95.5% ,this ratio is against [1] which said that pureness of Aluminum used in Aluminum cans should not be less than 98-99% . and the ratio of Cadmium reached to 0.001% which is also against [1] which assure that the Aluminum cans should be clean from that element, mean while the concentration of Iron, Copper and Zinc were within the standard level. The highest concentration of Iron was in treatment B2(canon yoghurt)it was 9.95 m

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 06 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Quotient on some Generalizations of topological group
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In this paper, we define some generalizations of topological group namely -topological group, -topological group and -topological group with illustrative examples. Also, we define grill topological group with respect to a grill. Later, we deliberate the quotient on generalizations of topological group in particular -topological group. Moreover, we model a robotic system which relays on the quotient of -topological group.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Antimutagenicity of arugula(Eruca sativa) and carrot
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Been studying the opposite effect of mutagenesis to juice plant watercress and compared juice carrots to induce mutations resistant Struptomaysan Palmtafr (NTG) and transactions as diverse as the use of juice before treatment Palmtafr or after using Almtafr or with Almtafr using system mutagenesis Bactra consisting of three isolates G3, G12, G27 are very sensitive to Struptomaysanstudy resulted in a user juice plants had no effect on the neighborhood number of isolates, but its effect on the watercress was clear

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Materials Science And Engineering
Analysis of Wind Turbine Using QBlade Software
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