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A computational study on the potential application of Ca12O12 cluster for sensing of fungicide molecule

Density functional theory calculations are employed to investigate the impact of edifenphos molecule on the reactivity and electronic sensitivity of pure calcium oxide (CaO) nanocluster. The strong adsorption of edifenphos molecule on CaO nanocluster occurs by the sulfur head of the adsorbate, and the amount of the energy of this adsorption is around − 84.40 kcal/mol. The adsorption of edifenphos molecules results in a decrease in the values of Eg of CaO from 4.67 to 3.56 eV, as well as an increase in the electrical conductance. Moreover, the work function of CaO nanocluster is significantly affected, which changes the current of the field emission electron. Eventually, the recovery time is calculated around 99 ms at ambient temperature for the desorption process of edifenphos from CaO nanocluster surface. Based on the obtained results, CaO nanocluster could be considered a suitable sensor for edifenphos molecule.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Designing and Application of Mathematical Model A Multi – Objectives for Assessment The Quality Of The Project : A Case Study at Saad Public Construction Company


This research aims to design a multi-objective mathematical model to assess the project quality based on three criteria: time, cost and performance. This model has been applied in one of the major projects formations of the Saad Public Company which enables to completion the project on time at an additional cost that would be within the estimated budget with a satisfactory level of the performance which match with consumer requirements. The problem of research is to ensure that the project is completed with the required quality Is subject to constraints, such as time, cost and performance, so this requires prioritizing multiple goals. The project

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Laser Physics
Tunneling induced swapping of orbital angular momentum in a quantum dot molecule
Abstract<p>In this paper, we have examined the effectiveness exchange of optical vorticity via three-wave mixing (TWM) technique in a four-level quantum dot (QD) molecule by means of the electron tunneling effect. Our analytical analysis demonstrates that the TWM procedure can result in the production of a new weak signal beam that may be absorbed or amplified within the QD molecule. We have taken into account the electron tunneling as well as the relative phase of the applied lights to assess the absorption and dispersion characteristics of the newly generated light. We have discovered that the slow light propagation and signal amplification can be achieved. Our results show that the exchange o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study of the matter density distributions of halo nuclei 6He and 16C using the binary cluster model

The harmonic oscillator (HO) and Gaussian (GS) wave functions within the binary cluster model (BCM) have been employ to investigate the ground state neutron, proton and matter densities as well as the elastic form factors of two- neutron 6He and 16C halo nuclei. The long tail is a property that is clearly revealed in the density of the neutrons since it is found in halo orbits. The existence of a long tail in the neutron density distributions of 6He and 16C indicating that these nuclei have a neutron halo structure. Moreover, the matter rms radii and the reaction cross section (𝜎𝑅 ) of these nuclei have been calculated using the Glauber model.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 21 2022
Journal Name
Environmental Science And Pollution Research
Development of new computational machine learning models for longitudinal dispersion coefficient determination: case study of natural streams, United States

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Crossref (17)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Efficient computational methods for solving the nonlinear initial and boundary value problems

In this paper, three approximate methods namely the Bernoulli, the Bernstein, and the shifted Legendre polynomials operational matrices are presented to solve two important nonlinear ordinary differential equations that appeared in engineering and applied science. The Riccati and the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer moment equations are solved and the approximate solutions are obtained. The methods are summarized by converting the nonlinear differential equations into a nonlinear system of algebraic equations that is solved using Mathematica®12. The efficiency of these methods was investigated by calculating the root mean square error (RMS) and the maximum error remainder (𝑀𝐸𝑅n) and it was found that the accuracy increases with increasi

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Blockchain Technology and its Potential Effect on the Banking Industry (China Case Study)

The aim of the research is to investigate potential effects of the finance industry and block-chain to general business of financing in particular, as well as its shortcomings and difficulties. To answer the research questions, the researcher used the objective narrative-analytical descriptive approach and included a qualitative analysis of Blockchain technology. The process of Blockchain technology based on their industries, the authors were selected based on their reputation in the Blockchain field. The research found that Blockchain can improve the efficiency of the banking industry's various sections. It has the ability to upgrade and transfer wages across borders, financial reporting and compliance, as well as trade finance

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 20 2022
Journal Name
2022 International Conference On Computer And Applications (icca)
Improve Data Mining Techniques with a High-Performance Cluster

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Medical Journal Of Babylon
Platelet-rich Fibrin Potential Role in Periodontal Regeneration: A Review Study

Periodontitis is a persistent bacterial-causing disease which damages the supporting periodontium of the teeth. The complexity of supporting tissue structure makes the regeneration a challenge for periodontists. Early investigations were focused on discovering therapeutic substitutes that are biocompatible, simple to prepare and economic. This might cause a local release of growth factors that accelerate the healing process of the soft and hard tissue. Recently, platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) has received a wide attention as a biocompatible regenerative material in both dental and medical fields. PRF is a natural fibrin-derived biomaterial, and it is easy to obtain. It can be gotten from individual blood without the use of any external anticoag

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees22fr
Theoretical insights into the study of the electronic transition reaction process from D35CPDT molecule dye to SnO2 semiconductor

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 20 2024
Journal Name
Naunyn-schmiedeberg's Archives Of Pharmacology
The potential role of targeting the leptin receptor as a treatment for breast cancer in the context of hyperleptinemia: a literature review

Since cancer is becoming a leading cause of death worldwide, efforts should be concentrated on understanding its underlying biological alterations that would be utilized in disease management, especially prevention strategies. Within this context, multiple bodies of evidence have highlighted leptin’s practical and promising role, a peptide hormone extracted from adipose and fatty tissues with other adipokines, in promoting the proliferation, migration, and metastatic invasion of breast carcinoma cells. Excessive blood leptin levels and hyperleptinemia increase body fat content and stimulate appetite. Also, high leptin level is believed to be associated with several conditions, including overeating, emotional stress, inflammation, obesity,

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