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Optimization of some environmental and nutritional conditions using microtiter plate for Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation
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One of the most important virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is biofilm formation, as it works as a barrier for entering antibiotics into the bacterial cell. Different environmental and nutritional conditions were used to optimize biofilm formation using microtitre plate assay by P. aeruginosa. The low nutrient level of the medium represented by tryptic soy broth (TSB) was better in biofilm formation than the high nutrient level of the medium with Luria Broth (LB). The optimized condition for biofilm production at room temperature (25 °C) is better than at host temperature (37 °C). Moreover, the staining with 0.1% crystal violet and reading the biofilm with wavelength 360 are considered essential factors in increasing the productivity of biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa. Finally, we highly recommended using these optimized microtitre plate assays to assess biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prevention of Scale Formation in Heat Exchanger Pipes by Using Magnetic Field
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The possibility of using the magnetic field technique in prevention of forming scales in heat exchangers pipes using
hard water in heat transfer processes, also the studying the effective and controllable parameters on the mechanism of
scale formation.
The new designed heat exchanger experimental system was used after carrying out the basic process designs of the
system. This system was used to study the effect of the temperature (40-90 °C) and water flow rate (0.6-1.2 L/min) on
the total hardness with time as a function of precipitation of hardness salts from water and scale formation.
Different magnetic field designs in the heat exchanger experimental system were used to study the effect of magnetic
field design a

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biodiversity Index value of benthic invertebrates' community in relation with variation of some environmental properties in Rivers Tigris and Diyala within Baghdad city.
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This study was carried out to determine the effects of some environmental variables on biodiversity index value of benthic invertebrates' community in samples that collected monthly from two adjacent sites nearby the confluence of Tigris and Diyala rivers within Baghdad city that’s from November 2007 - October 2008. Results showed differences in chemical and physical characteristics for each river. Where the annual averages of these characteristics in Rivers Tigris and Diyala respectively for: water temperature (20, 19) Cº, pH (8, 8), Dissolved oxygen DO(8,4 ) mg/l , EC(1152,2979)µc/cm , Turbidity (28,74) NTU, Total Hardness of CaCO3 (485,823)mg/l, and finally NO3 (4,6)mg/l. Concerning the biological groups, included types of Insect

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of some of reliability and Hazard estimation methods for Rayleigh logarithmic distribution using simulation with application
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The question of estimation took a great interest in some engineering, statistical applications, various applied, human sciences, the methods provided by it helped to identify and accurately the many random processes.

In this paper, methods were used through which the reliability function, risk function, and estimation of the distribution parameters were used, and the methods are (Moment Method, Maximum Likelihood Method), where an experimental study was conducted using a simulation method for the purpose of comparing the methods to show which of these methods are competent in practical application This is based on the observations generated from the Rayleigh logarithmic distribution (RL) with sample sizes

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 19 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimization of Material Removal Rate and Temperature in Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process for Stainless Steel 304
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The effect of the magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) method on the temperature rise (TR), and material removal rate (MRR) has been investigated in this paper. Sixteen runs were to determine the optimum temperature in the contact area (between the abrasive powder and surface of workpiece) and the MRR according to Taguchi orthogonal array (OA). Four variable technological parameters (cutting speed, finishing time, working gap, and the current in the inductor) with four levels for each parameter were used, the matrix is known as a L16 (44) OA. The signal to noise ratio (S/N) ratio and analysis of the variance (ANOVA) were utilized to analyze the results using (MINITAB17) to find the optimum condition and identify the significant p

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Positive Definiteness of Symmetric Rank 1 (H-Version) Update for Unconstrained Optimization
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Several attempts have been made to modify the quasi-Newton condition in order to obtain rapid convergence with complete properties (symmetric and positive definite) of the inverse of  Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function). There are many unconstrained optimization methods that do not generate positive definiteness of the inverse of Hessian matrix. One of those methods is the symmetric rank 1( H-version) update (SR1 update), where this update satisfies the quasi-Newton condition and the symmetric property of inverse of Hessian matrix, but does not preserve the positive definite property of the inverse of Hessian matrix where the initial inverse of Hessian matrix is positive definiteness. The positive definite prope

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Optimization of process parameters for biodiesel production from three indigenous vegetable oils
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Optimization procedures using a variety of input parameters have gotten a lot of attention, but using three non-edible seed oils of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas), Sesame (Sesamum indicum), and Sweet Almond (Prunusamygdalus dulcis) has a few advantages, including availability and non-food competitiveness. Optimizing a two-stage trans-esterification process using a sodium hydroxide-based catalyst at a fixed catalyst (1.0wt %) and temperature (60 oC) while varying molar ratio (1:3, 1:6, 1:12),  time (20–60 min), and mixing speed (500–1000 rpm), to produce optimal responses of yields were studied using response surface methodology (RSM). The optimization solution of molar ratio (1:3), time (40.9 min.),

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Design of Distribution System with Practical Application
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The Ant System Algorithm (ASA) is a member of the ant colony algorithms family in swarm intelligence methods (part of the Artificial Intelligence field), which is based on the behavior of ants seeking a path and a source of food in their colonies. The aim of This algorithm is to search for an optimal solution for Combinational Optimization Problems (COP) for which is extremely difficult to find solution using the classical methods like linear and non-linear programming methods. 

The Ant System Algorithm was used in the management of water resources field in Iraq, specifically for Haditha dam which is one of the most important dams in Iraq. The target is to find out an efficient management system for

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study For a Laminar Natural Convection Heat Transfer From an Isothermal Heated Square Plate With and Without Circular Hole
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An experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer from an isothermal horizontal,vertical and inclined heated square flat plates with and without circular hole, were carried out in two cases, perforated plates without an impermeable adiabatic hole "open core" and perforated plates with an impermeable adiabatic hole "closed core" by adiabatic plug. The experiments covered the laminar region with a range of Rayleih number of (1.11x106 ≤RaLo≤4.39x106 ), at Prandtle number (Pr=0.7). Practical experiments have been done with variable inclination angles from horizon (Ф=0o ,45o,90o,135oand 180o),facing upward (0o≤Ф<90o), and downward (90o
≤Ф<180o). The results showed that the temperature gradient increases whi

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection capability Alttafaria for some materials using a bacterial mutagenesis system
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Tested effective Alttafaria some materials used for different purposes, system a bacterial mutagenesis component of three bacterial isolates belonging to different races and materials tested included drug Briaktin

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of Optimum Cultural Conditions for the Production of Cytosine Deaminase From Escherichia coli
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    The study involved isolation and characterization of E.coli from patient’s infected with diarrhea , in order to study the ability of the bacteria to produce cytosine deaminase (CD). Result showed eight isolates of E.coli which showed adifference in the production of (CD) and the isolate of E. coli E33 was the beast of its production of CD than the other’s and the value of the specific activity was 4.920  u/mg protein , when grown in the medium which contains 1% glycerol ,3% peptone as a source of Carbon and Nitrogen respectively with pH 8.   The optimum cultural condition‘s for the production of CD from E. coli E33 was studied the result‘s  showed that the isolate gave the

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