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Chemo-sensory loss and FUT2 gene in COVID-19 infected Iraqi dentists
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Aim: To find any association between specific ABO blood groups and FUT2 secretory status and COVID-19 in a sample of Iraqi dentists. Materials and Methods: For each participant, a questionnaire including demography, COVID-19 status, blood grouping, and RH factor, with chemo-sensitive symptoms was recorded. The saliva samples were collected and DNA was extracted from leukocytes. Sequencing of molecular detection of the FUT2 gene by real-time PCR and the data was done, whilst drawing the phylogenetic tree. Results: Out of 133, most of the dentists were female 61%, most were just under 35 years of age. The most participants in this study were predominantly with blood group O (40%), followed by B, A, and AB, with (90%) of them were RH+. All blood grouping and RH factor were high significantly associated with COVID-19 infection and its frequency (p<0.001). A significant association between smell dysfunction and infected blood group A and RH+ (p =0.044, 0.038) while taste dysfunction was negatively and significantly correlated with AB group (r=-0.73; p=0.008). The FUT2 secretor showed a significant association with COVID-19 infection and frequency. The majority of COVID-19-infected participants experienced a significant loss of both smell and taste with fast recovery within 2 weeks. Conclusions: The COVID-19 infection susceptibility and reinfection are associated with FUT2 secretory status and greatly associated to olfactory and gustatory sense loss.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Calculation of Pressure Loss of Two Drilling Muds in Noor Oil Field
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In this work, calculation of pressure losses in circulating system for two drilling muds is evaluated in Noor oil field. Two types of drilling muds that were used for drilling section 12 1/4" and 8 3/4" which are Salt saturated mud and Ferro Chrome Lignosulfonate-Chrome Lignite mud. These calculations are based on field data that were gathered from the drilling site of well Noor-15, which are included, rheological data, flow data and specification of drill string. Based on the obtained results, the best rheological model that fit their data is the Herschel-Bulkley model according to correlation coefficient value for their two drilling mud. Also, the difference between the calculated pressure lo

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
مجلة کلية التربية بالعريش
تحليل مستويات نوبات الهلع من جائحة کورونا COVID-19 باستخدام نظرية الاستجابة المفردة :دراسة تشخصية فارقة على عينات من المجتمع العربي
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Olanzapine-induced Metabolic Syndrome and its Association with -759C&gt;T Polymorphism of the HTR2C Gene in Iraqi Schizophrenic Patients
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The hazardous metabolic effects of treating schizophrenia patients with olanzapine comprise serotonin 2C receptor (5-HT2C) antagonists. Metabolic side effects of antipsychotic drugs, including lipid abnormalities, disturbed glucose metabolism, and weight gain, can have a major impact on treating psychiatric patients. The intent of this study was to investigate whether there is an associated link between the genetic polymorphism at -759C&gt;T in the promoter region of the 5-hydroxytryptamine 2C receptor (HTR2C) gene and the metabolic syndrome driven by olanzapine in schizophrenia patients. A cross-sectional study that involved fifty hospitalized patients with schizophrenia. The patients were split into two groups (metabolic and non-metab

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Preservatives Upon Sensory Properties of Laboratory Biscuit During Storage
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The study was conducted to detect the effect of addition of 0.03, 0.06 and0.10% potassium sorbate and 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.30% sodium propionate upon the sensory properties of laboratory made biscuit. The statistical analysis of the results revealed no significant differences (P<0.05) between the propionate treatment (A,B,C,D) and between the sorbate treatment (E,F,G) and the control (H) in most sensory properties of biscuit prior to storage. Upon six month storage of biscuit made with addition of different levels of sodium propionate 20-40C (room temperature) no significant differences (P<0.05) were shown on softness, flakiness and color in comparison with the control . No significant differences (P<0.05) were also

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lack of Association between LCS6 Variant in KRAS Gene with the Occurrence of Breast Tumors in Iraqi Women
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Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and remains one of the main reasons of cancer-related mortality in women worldwide. KRAS variant rs61764370 (T>G) is associated with an increased risk of occurrence of many cancers, Here The case-control study was accomplished on 135 women including 45 women with breast cancer patients, 45 women with benign breast lesions and 45 healthy women to analyze the association of KRAS variant rs (61764370 T>G) with breast cancer. LCS 6 variant in KRAS gene was amplified by using specific primers, then genotype was detected after sequencing the PCR products. The results showed that the genotype and allele frequency of TT and GT allele of  KRAS

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Measurement of Academic Stress Level in E-Learning Environment among Postgraduate Students at the College of Education, King Khalid University during Covid-19 Pandemic
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The study aims to measure the level of academic stress in the e-learning environment in three areas, students and their dealing with classmates, dealing with the professor and technical skills, and the nature and content of the curriculum among graduate students in the College of Education at King Khalid University during COVID-19 pandemic. This study was descriptive in nature (survey, comparative). The sample consisted of (512) male and female graduate students in the master's and doctoral programs. The Academic Stress Scale in the E-learning Environment designed by Amer (2021) was used. The results indicated a high level of academic stress among graduate students in the e-learning environment. The study also found that there were stati

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 16 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The contents of the campaign (your health is a trust) of the World Health Organization in Iraq to prevent infection with the Covid 19 virus
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This study examines the analysis of the contents of the international public relations campaign in confronting the Covid-19 virus, which was taken from the (Your Health is a Trust) campaign for the World Health Organization, Iraq office.The research problem revolves around a main question that is, what are the axes of the campaign (Your Health is a Trust) established by the World Health Organization (Iraq office) in the prevention of Covid 19 virus?From this main question, several sub-questions emerged that this study answered on their Facebook page, and the communication activities of the Covid-19 awareness campaign. In the content analysis form, as this form included a number of main themes and main categoriesthat were adopted in analyzin

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of sensory marketing in enhancing the mental image of the customer)Applied research(
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    The research aims to study the extent of the influence of the dimensions of sensory marketing on the perceptual mental image of customers, knowing the type of relationships that link the dimensions of sensory marketing with each other, no one from the researcher mentioned (as far as the researcher knows) the link between sensory marketing and mental image, from this point of view the main goal is determined, the effect of sensory marketing on the mental image taken from customers, as the research was conducted on a number of first-class restaurants represented (Chef City, Chili House, Mado, Fried Chicken Saj Alreef) and the research community was represented by the customers of the aforementioned restaurants, a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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Visceral leishmaniasis(VL) or kala-azar is one of the world most neglected tropical diseases in mortality and fourth in morbidity, rK39 dipstick was used to diagnose the suspected infected patients as easiest and rapid technique for VL diagnostic, the disease out-coming required to the differentiation of cell mediated immunity either T-helper 1(Th-1) or (Th-2). One of main pointers that may be considered as one of immune evasion strategy in the host-parasite interplay is HLA-G level alteration. HLA-G Known as a special proteins (non-classical HLA class I) molecules which can suppress the immune system by T-cell functions impaired in the aid with target receptors as LILRB4. The development of the cell mediated immunity initiated with Interle

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 29 2016
Journal Name
Enzyme Research
Molecular Analysis of CYP21A2 Gene Mutations among Iraqi Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
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Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of autosomal recessive disorders. The most frequent one is 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Analyzing CYP21A2 gene mutations was so far not reported in Iraq. This work aims to analyze the spectrum and frequency of CYP21A2 mutations among Iraqi CAH patients. Sixty-two children were recruited from the Pediatric Endocrine Consultation Clinic, Children Welfare Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, from September 2014 till June 2015. Their ages ranged between one day and 15 years. They presented with salt wasting, simple virilization, or pseudoprecocious puberty. Cytogenetic study was performed for cases with ambiguous genitalia. Molecular analysis of

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