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Fast Hybrid String Matching Algorithm based on the Quick-Skip and Tuned Boyer-Moore Algorithms
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences
Genetic Polymorphism of Iraqi Leishmania tropica Isolates Based on HSP70Gene
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Leishmaniasis is one of the important parasitic diseases, affecting mainly low social class people indeveloping countries, and is more prevalent and endemic in the tropical and subtropical regions of old worldand new world. Despite ofbroad distribution in Iraq,little known about the geneticcharacteristics of thecausative agents. So this study was aimed to evaluate the genetic varietyoftwo IraqiLeishmaniatropicaisolatesbased on heat shock protein gene sequence 70 (HSP70) in comparison with universal isolates recordedsequences data. After amplification and sequencing of HSP70 gene,the obtainedresults were alignment alongwith homologous Leishmania sequences retrieved from NCBI by using BLAST. The analysis results showedpresence of particular g

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Optoelectronics
Hypothetical Design of Carbon Nanotube Materials Based on [8]Circulene
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B3LYP/6-31G, DFT method was applied to hypothetical study the design of six carbon nanotube materials based on [8]circulene, through the use of cyclic polymerization of two and three molecules of [8]circulene. Optimized structures of [8]circulene have saddle-shaped. Design of six carbon nanotubes reactions were done by thermodynamically calculating (Δ S, Δ G and Δ H) and the stability of these hypothetical nanotubes depending on the value of HOMO energy level. Nanotubes obtained have the most efficient gap energy, making them potentially useful for solar cell applications.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
An efficient multistage CBIR based on Squared Krawtchouk-Tchebichef polynomials
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Abstract<p>Image databases are increasing exponentially because of rapid developments in social networking and digital technologies. To search these databases, an efficient search technique is required. CBIR is considered one of these techniques. This paper presents a multistage CBIR to address the computational cost issues while reasonably preserving accuracy. In the presented work, the first stage acts as a filter that passes images to the next stage based on SKTP, which is the first time used in the CBIR domain. While in the second stage, LBP and Canny edge detectors are employed for extracting texture and shape features from the query image and images in the newly constructed database. The p</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Text image secret sharing with hiding based on color feature
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Chemical Sensor Based on a Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber
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In this work a chemical sensor was built by using Plane Wave Expansion (PWE) modeling technique by filling the core of 1550 hollow core photonic crystal fiber with chloroform that has different concentrations after being diluted with distilled water. The minimum photonic bandgap width is.0003 and .0005 rad/sec with 19 and 7 cells respectively and a concentration of chloroform that filled these two fibers is 75%.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Iraqi stock market structure analysis based on minimum spanning tree
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tock markets changed up and down during time. Some companies’ affect others due to dependency on each other . In this work, the network model of the stock market is discribed as a complete weighted graph. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi stock markets using graph theory tools. The vertices of this graph correspond to the Iraqi markets companies, and the weights of the edges are set ulrametric distance of minimum spanning tree.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Spatial Data Infrastructure based on Free Data Integration
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In recent years, the performance of Spatial Data Infrastructures for governments and companies is a task that has gained ample attention. Different categories of geospatial data such as digital maps, coordinates, web maps, aerial and satellite images, etc., are required to realize the geospatial data components of Spatial Data Infrastructures. In general, there are two distinct types of geospatial data sources exist over the Internet: formal and informal data sources. Despite the growth of informal geospatial data sources, the integration between different free sources is not being achieved effectively. The adoption of this task can be considered the main advantage of this research. This article addresses the research question of ho

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Satellite Images Classification in Rural Areas Based on Fractal Dimension
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Fractal geometry is receiving increase attention as a quantitative and qualitative model for natural phenomena description, which can establish an active classification technique when applied on satellite images. In this paper, a satellite image is used which was taken by Quick Bird that contains different visible classes. After pre-processing, this image passes through two stages: segmentation and classification. The segmentation carried out by hybrid two methods used to produce effective results; the two methods are Quadtree method that operated inside Horizontal-Vertical method. The hybrid method is segmented the image into two rectangular blocks, either horizontally or vertically depending on spectral uniformity crit

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Image Steganography using Dynamic Threshold based on Discrete Cosine Transform
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The art of preventing the detection of hidden information messages is the way that steganography work. Several algorithms have been proposed for steganographic techniques. A major portion of these algorithms is specified for image steganography because the image has a high level of redundancy. This paper proposed an image steganography technique using a dynamic threshold produced by the discrete cosine coefficient. After dividing the green and blue channel of the cover image into 1*3-pixel blocks, check if any bits of green channel block less or equal to threshold then start to store the secret bits in blue channel block, and to increase the security not all bits in the chosen block used to store the secret bits. Firstly, store in the cente

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
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Intelligent Robotic Welding Based on a Computer Vision Technology Approach
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Robots have become an essential part of modern industries in welding departments to increase the accuracy and rate of production. The intelligent detection of welding line edges to start the weld in a proper position is very important. This work introduces a new approach using image processing to detect welding lines by tracking the edges of plates according to the required speed by three degrees of a freedom robotic arm. The two different algorithms achieved in the developed approach are the edge detection and top-hat transformation. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system ANFIS was used to choose the best forward and inverse kinematics of the robot. MIG welding at the end-effector was applied as a tool in this system, and the wel

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