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Comparison study of classification methods of intramuscular electromyography data for non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury
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Traumatic spinal cord injury is a serious neurological disorder. Patients experience a plethora of symptoms that can be attributed to the nerve fiber tracts that are compromised. This includes limb weakness, sensory impairment, and truncal instability, as well as a variety of autonomic abnormalities. This article will discuss how machine learning classification can be used to characterize the initial impairment and subsequent recovery of electromyography signals in an non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury. The ultimate objective is to identify potential treatments for traumatic spinal cord injury. This work focuses specifically on finding a suitable classifier that differentiates between two distinct experimental stages (pre-and post-lesion) using electromyography signals. Eight time-domain features were extracted from the collected electromyography data. To overcome the imbalanced dataset issue, synthetic minority oversampling technique was applied. Different ML classification techniques were applied including multilayer perceptron, support vector machine, K-nearest neighbors, and radial basis function network; then their performances were compared. A confusion matrix and five other statistical metrics (sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, and F-measure) were used to evaluate the performance of the generated classifiers. The results showed that the best classifier for the left- and right-side data is the multilayer perceptron with a total F-measure of 79.5% and 86.0% for the left and right sides, respectively. This work will help to build a reliable classifier that can differentiate between these two phases by utilizing some extracted time-domain electromyography features.

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Strong Subordination for E -valent Functions Involving the Operator Generalized Srivastava-Attiya
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Some relations of inclusion and their properties are investigated for functions of type " -valent that involves the generalized operator of Srivastava-Attiya by using the principle of strong differential subordination.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2023
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Biocatalysis And Agricultural Biotechnology
Enhancing the prodigiosin pigment by adding Ag\TiO2 synergism for antibacterial activity
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archive
Furrow irrigated raised bed (firb) technique for improving water productivity in Iraq
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A field experiment was conducted during the agricultural season 2017-2018. In the research station of the Ministry of Agriculture AL Rasheed side, and within the activities and researches of the national program to develop wheat cultivation in Iraq, Two factors were experienced in the cultivation of wheat, The first factor is the method of cultivation of five treatments were used: : Treatment of the cultivation of wheat in the plots (B), Treatment of wheat crops on bed with 50 cm width (S1), 60cm (S2), 70cm (S3) and 80cm (S4), The second factor is irrigation levels depletion of 40, 60 and 80% of available water coded as W1, W2 and W3, respectively, The experiment was designed under randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicat

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Telkomnika (telecommunication Computing Electronics And Control)
Online 3D path planning for Tri-copter drone using GWO-IBA algorithm
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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2023
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Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment
Cover crop and biofuel crop effects on hydraulic properties for claypan soils
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Perennial biofuel and cover crops systems are important for enhancing soil health and can provide numerous soil, agricultural, and environmental benefits. The study objective was to investigate the effects of cover crops and biofuel crops on soil hydraulic properties relative to traditional management for claypan soils. The study site included selected management practices: cover crop (CC) and no cover crop (NC) with corn/soybean rotation, switchgrass (SW), and miscanthus (MI). The CC mixture consisted of cereal rye, hairy vetch, and Austrian winter pea. The research site was located at Bradford Research Center in Missouri, USA, and was implemented on a Mexico silt loam. Intact soil cores (76‐mm diam. by 76‐mm long) were taken from the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
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Results In Engineering
Low-cost autonomous car level 2: Design and implementation for conventional vehicles
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment
Cover crop influence on soil water dynamics for a corn–soybean rotation
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Abstract<p>Crop production is reduced by insufficient and/or excess soil water, which can significantly decrease plant growth and development. Therefore, conservation management practices such as cover crops (CCs) are used to optimize soil water dynamics, since CCs can conserve soil water. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of CCs on soil water dynamics on a corn (<italic>Zea mays</italic> L.)–soybean [<italic>Glycine max</italic> (L.) Merr.] rotation at three soil depths over 3 yr. The study was conducted at the Chariton County Cover Crop Soil Health Research and Demonstration Farm (CCSH) in Missouri. Initial CC establishment occurred in 2012. Volumetric soil water </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
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Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics
Singular Perturbation-Based Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control for Flexible Joint Robots
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The flexible joint robot (FJR) typically experiences parametric variations, nonlinearities, underactuation, noise propagation, and external disturbances which seriously degrade the FJR tracking. This article proposes an adaptive integral sliding mode controller (AISMC) based on a singular perturbation method and two state observers for the FJR to achieve high performance. First, the underactuated FJR is modeled into two simple second-order fast and slow subsystems by using Olfati transformation and singular perturbation method, which handles underactuation while reducing noise amplification. Then, the AISMC is proposed to effectively accomplish the desired tracking performance, in which the integral sliding surface is designed to reduce cha

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Comparative Study between Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs Repaglinide, Glibenclamide and Rosiglitazone on Some Biochemical Parameters in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
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Type 2 diabetes mellitus is often characterized by hyperglycemia as a result of increased insulin resistance in hepatic/peripheral tissues and pancreactic B-cell dysfunction. Approximately 92% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus demonstrate insulin resistance, however hyperglycemia is always a consequence of insulin deficiency. This study was done on 120 patients newly diagnosed diabetes type 2 characterized by dyslipidemia that is increased triglycerides and decreased HDL. Hypoglycemia and weight gain are common problem with oral sulfonyl urea drugs. In this work three different oral hypoglycemic drugs repaglinide and glibenclamide (insulin secretagogues) and rosiglitazone (insulin sensitizer) were used for treatment of patients w

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences &amp; Humanities
HRM Management Approaches, With a Focus on Employee Centric Approach: A Case Study In The Rafidain Bank In Iraq
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This research attempts to shed light on a topic that is considered one of the most important topics of HRMs management, which is the Employee centric approach by examining its philosophy and understanding . To achieve the goal, the research relied on the philosophical analytical method, which is one of the approaches used in theoretical studies. The research reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which are the theoretical studies that addressed this entry in the English language and the lack of it in the Arabic language, according to the researcher's knowledge. The research reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which was that this approach needs more research, analysis and study at the practical and th

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