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Comparison study of classification methods of intramuscular electromyography data for non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury
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Traumatic spinal cord injury is a serious neurological disorder. Patients experience a plethora of symptoms that can be attributed to the nerve fiber tracts that are compromised. This includes limb weakness, sensory impairment, and truncal instability, as well as a variety of autonomic abnormalities. This article will discuss how machine learning classification can be used to characterize the initial impairment and subsequent recovery of electromyography signals in an non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury. The ultimate objective is to identify potential treatments for traumatic spinal cord injury. This work focuses specifically on finding a suitable classifier that differentiates between two distinct experimental stages (pre-and post-lesion) using electromyography signals. Eight time-domain features were extracted from the collected electromyography data. To overcome the imbalanced dataset issue, synthetic minority oversampling technique was applied. Different ML classification techniques were applied including multilayer perceptron, support vector machine, K-nearest neighbors, and radial basis function network; then their performances were compared. A confusion matrix and five other statistical metrics (sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, and F-measure) were used to evaluate the performance of the generated classifiers. The results showed that the best classifier for the left- and right-side data is the multilayer perceptron with a total F-measure of 79.5% and 86.0% for the left and right sides, respectively. This work will help to build a reliable classifier that can differentiate between these two phases by utilizing some extracted time-domain electromyography features.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 02 2018
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal For Engineering Sciences (njes)
Output Feedback Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design for a Plate Heat Exchanger
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The heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat energy between two fluids, hot and cold. In this work, an output feedback adaptive sliding mode controller is designed to control the temperature of the outlet cold water for plate heat exchanger. The measurement of the outlet cold temperature is the only information required. Hence, a sliding mode differentiator was designed to estimate the time derivative of outlet hot water temperature, which it is needed for constructing a sliding variable. The discontinuous gain value of the sliding mode controller is adapted according to a certain adaptation law. Two constraints which imposed on the volumetric flow rate of outlet cold (control input) were considered within the rules of the proposed

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Integration between value chain analysis and balanced scorecard to for performance evaluation
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The performance evaluation process requires a set of criteria and for the purpose of measuring the level of performance achieved by the Unit and the actual level of development of its activities, and in view of the changes and of rapid and continuous variables surrounding the Performance is a reflection of the unit's ability to achieve its objectives, as these units are designed to achieve the objectives of exploiting a range of economic resources available to it, and the performance evaluation process is a form of censorship, focusing on the analysis of the results obtained from the achievement All its activities with a view to determining the extent to which the Unit has achieved its objectives using the resources available to it and h

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Pre-operative serum TSH level estimation for predicting malignant nodular thyroid disease
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics
A novel kite cross hexagonal search algorithm for fast block motion estimation
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The performance quality and searching speed of Block Matching (BM) algorithm are affected by shapes and sizes of the search patterns used in the algorithm. In this paper, Kite Cross Hexagonal Search (KCHS) is proposed. This algorithm uses different search patterns (kite, cross, and hexagonal) to search for the best Motion Vector (MV). In first step, KCHS uses cross search pattern. In second step, it uses one of kite search patterns (up, down, left, or right depending on the first step). In subsequent steps, it uses large/small Hexagonal Search (HS) patterns. This new algorithm is compared with several known fast block matching algorithms. Comparisons are based on search points and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). According to resul

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharm. Sci. & Res.
Review and Description for Theretra alecto Boisduval 1827, (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) in Iraq
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The current study included a review of the registration and description of the Theretra alecto Boi, 1827 (Levant hawk moth), samples were collected from various areas of the Baghdad belt and the provinces of the Middle Euphrates, confirmation in the description was on the most important parts of the body included the head and it's appendages, pronotum, wings as well as male and female genitalia. The morphological characteristics under study were enhanced by illustrations and images. Information on the locations and date of the collection was also confirmed. This study aims to identify the most important characteristics of the diagnosis of the species and the review of appearance variations, especially the analytical style of wings, coupling

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial structure for Riso-Hadson enneagram test indicator
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This  investigation was conducted to recognize the structure for (RHETI version 2.5  1999) by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Sample of (620) student of Al-Mustansrya University were administered the (RHETI).

The data of their responses was analyzed by using (PAF) and oblique rotating .

The findings explored (9) factors as one factor for each type and (184) items were loaded by the factors: (60) item for feeling center, (61) items for instinctive center and (63) items for thinking center.

Results of confirmatory factorial analysis supported a model designed by the researcher depended upon a theoretical views of Riso and Hudson

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 05 2015
Journal Name
PrzeglĄd Elektrotechniczny
Power Amplifier Frequency Controller Using feedback control techniques for Bio-implanted Devices
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
A proposed dual size design for energy minimization in sub-threshold circuits
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Sub-threshold operation has received a lot of attention in limited performance applications.However, energy optimization of sub-threshold circuits should be performed with the concern of the performance limitation of such circuit. In this paper, a dual size design is proposed for energy minimization of sub-threshold CMOS circuits. The optimal downsizing factor is determined and assigned for some gates on the off-critical paths to minimize the energy at the maximum allowable performance. This assignment is performed using the proposed slack based genetic algorithm which is a heuristic-mixed evolutionary algorithm. Some gates are heuristically assigned to the original and the downsized design based on their slack time determined by static tim

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Results on Fixed Points for Monotone Inward Mappings in Geodesic Spaces
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In this article, the partially ordered relation is constructed in geodesic spaces by betweeness property, A monotone sequence is generated in the domain of monotone inward mapping,  a monotone inward contraction mapping is a  monotone Caristi inward mapping is proved, the general fixed points for such mapping is discussed and A mutlivalued version of these results is also introduced.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
The Sai 2015
An optimal defuzzification method for interval type-2 fuzzy logic control scheme
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