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The most prominent challenges facing Muslim youth and addressing them from a Quranic perspective
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The research talks about the most important challenges facing Muslim youth of their ideological, social and economic types, and the youth is facing several problems, the most important of which are the intellectual and social invasion to which the Islamic nation has been exposed and ways to address them from a Quranic perspective and find solutions to these problems and these challenges in accordance with Islamic Sharia and the texts of the Holy Quran. From three topics and several demands, during which the researcher tried to find solutions to each challenge through the verses of the Noble Qur’an.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Demand Priority in a Power System With Wind Power Contribution Load Shedding Scheme Based
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The load shedding  scheme has been extensively implemented as a fast solution for unbalance conditions. Therefore, it's crucial to investigate supply-demand balancing in order to protect the network from collapsing and to sustain stability as possible, however its implementation is mostly undesirable. One of the solutions to minimize the amount of load shedding is the integration renewable energy  resources, such as wind power, in the electric power generation could contribute significantly to minimizing power cuts as it is ability to positively improving the stability of the electric grid. In this paper propose a method for shedding the load base on the priority demands with incorporating the wind po

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Romanian Neurosurgery
A giant A4-A5 distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysm treated with microsurgical clip reconstruction
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Background. Aneurysms of the distal anterior cerebral artery (DACA) are uncommon; they often form near the pericallosal-callosomarginal junction and are typically small. To our knowledge, giant DACA aneurysms developing from the more distant parts of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA), A4-5, have been described only once in the literature. Case description. A 66-year-old gentleman reported with a brief loss of consciousness followed by weakness in his right lower leg. The patient was admitted with a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of 15. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the head revealed a left hyperdense mass in the frontal parasagittal supracallosal region. Contrast MRI revealed a heterogeneously enhancing mass measuring 35x30x25 mm. C

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Performance of Electro-Fenton Process for Phenol Degradation Using Nickel Foam as a Cathode
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Toxic substances have been released into water supplies in recent decades because of fast industrialization and population growth. Fenton electrochemical process has been addressed to treat wastewater which is very popular because of its high efficiency and straightforward design. One of the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) is electro-Fenton (EF) process, and electrode material significantly affects its performance. Nickel foam was chosen as the source of electro-generated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) due to its good characteristics. In the present study, the main goals were to explore the effects of operation parameters (FeSO4 concentration, current density, and electrolysis time) on the catalytic perform

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Fifth International Conference On Applied Sciences: Icas2023
A modified Mobilenetv2 architecture for fire detection systems in open areas by deep learning
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This research describes a new model inspired by Mobilenetv2 that was trained on a very diverse dataset. The goal is to enable fire detection in open areas to replace physical sensor-based fire detectors and reduce false alarms of fires, to achieve the lowest losses in open areas via deep learning. A diverse fire dataset was created that combines images and videos from several sources. In addition, another self-made data set was taken from the farms of the holy shrine of Al-Hussainiya in the city of Karbala. After that, the model was trained with the collected dataset. The test accuracy of the fire dataset that was trained with the new model reached 98.87%.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iracst – International Journal Of Computer Networks And Wireless Communications (ijcnwc)
Optimizing Network Security Considerations with Transition to IPv6 in University of Baghdad, A Prototype
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It is believed that Organizations around the world should be prepared for the transition to IPv6 and make sure they have the " know how" to be able to succeed in choosing the right migration to start time. This paper focuses on the transition to IPv6 mechanisms. Also, this paper proposes and tests a deployment of IPv6 prototype within the intranet of the University of Baghdad (BUniv) using virtualization software. Also, it deals with security issues, improvements and extensions of IPv6 network using firewalls, Virtual Private Network ( VPN), Access list ( ACLs). Finally, the performance of the obtainable intrusion detection model is assessed and compared with three approaches.

Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic Study on Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol in a Trickle Bed Reactor
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Kinetics study on the phenol oxidation by catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) using CuO.NiO/Al2O3 as heterogeneous catalyst is presented. 4 g/l phenol solution of pH 7.3 was oxidized in a trickle bed reactor with gas flow rate of 80% stochiometric excess (S.E).. In order to verify the proposed kinetics, a series of CWAO experimental tests were done at two temperatures (140 and 160° C), oxygen partial pressures (9 and 12 bar), and weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 h-1). According to Power Law, the reaction orders are found to be approximately 1 and 0.5 with respect to phenol concentration and oxygen solubility, respectively. These values favorably compare with those cited in the literature for intrinsic kinetics,

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article Structural violence: A study In Johann Galtung's theory of explanation he violence t
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This study deals with the subject of violence, but from another perspective, it has not been emphasized in contemporary studies of violence in Arabic and raqi universities, which is the structural or institutional aspect of violence. Traditional studies have focused their analysis of violence on the direct side the violence, The other side of the violence is the hidden violence, which is characterized by a lack of clarity of the underlying factors and its effects are not arises, which makes it the most serious violence, which requires a deep research into the social, political, economic, cultural and psychological structure of society (individuals and institutions). This study was based on the theory of the Norwegian scientist (J

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Comparison of Vertical Marginal Fit of different Brands of Translucent Zirconia Crown Restorations
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Background: As the development of zirconia crown using CAD/CAM technology, the usage of full zirconia crown is gradually increased. The aim of this in-vitro study was to evaluate and contrast the vertical marginal fit of single all-ceramic translucent zirconia crowns constructed from different brands translucent zirconia blanks. Materials and Methods: An acrylic resin model of a left maxillary premolar was prepared all around the tooth with (1 mm) depth and 3D scanning to get fifteen STL files, then distributed into three groups (Imes-icor, Whitepeaks and Dental direct), 3D scanning and milling machine by Imes-icor CAD/CAM devise. Marginal gaps along vertical planes were measured at four indentations at the (mid mesial, mid distal, mid bucc

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Use of Gis for Creating a Project Management Data Base in Baghdad Al-Rissfa
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The main objective of resources management is to supply and support the site operation with necessary resources in a way to achieve the required timing in handing over the work as well as to achieve the cost-realism within the budget estimated. The research aims to know the advantage of using GIS in management of resources as one of the new tools that keep pace with the evolution in various countries around the world also collect the vast amount of spatial data resources in one environment easily to handled and accessed quickly and this help to make the right decision regarding management of resources in various construction projects. The process of using GIS in the management and identification of resources is of extreme importance in t

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering And Processing - Process Intensification
Studies of mass transfer at a spiral-wound woven wire mesh rotating cylinder electrode
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Mass transfer has been studied at rotating cylinder electrodes fabricated with spiral-wound woven-wire meshes using reduction of copper as a test reaction. The experimental data were correlated by an empirical expression between the Sherwood number and the Reynolds number, both regarding the hydraulic diameter as a characteristic length. It was found that the Sherwood number was dependent upon the Reynolds number to the power of 0.521. An enhancement factor was adopted to compare the efficiency of the new rotating cylinder electrode with previous three-dimensional rotating cylinder electrodes. The results showed that the new type has a mass-transfer enhancement factor 2.3 times higher than those obtained with smooth rotating cylinder electr

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