Total resistance training (TRX) is a new technique for resistance training using body weight, and gives the body movement at more than one angle compared to regular dumbbell training or weight training, in addition to reducing the risk of injury, developing strength, balance, and flexibility. It has an effective effect in developing functional muscle balance and can be combined with... Basic exercises to increase their effectiveness, and the two researchers noticed, after reviewing previous studies and following the game, that they noticed the lack of use of TRX exercises among the teams, and this was confirmed after the personal appetizers that the two researchers conducted with the volleyball coaches, which does not allow diversification and change to occur in the daily training units, so the two researchers decided to delve into This problem and the research aims to identify the effect of suspended rope exercises (TRX) on the physical and motor abilities and the level of performance of the smashing skill of young volleyball players. The two researchers deliberately selected the research population from 12 volleyball players, and the sample represents a percentage (75%) of the research community. The two researchers used appropriate tests for the purpose of extracting physical and motor variables, and the results were processed using appropriate statistical methods. The two researchers came to the following conclusions: The training curriculum that included TRX suspension rope exercises had a positive, effective and tangible impact on the physical and motor abilities of the research sample members.
سياسات الاصلاح النقدي في جمهورية الصين الشعبية
تدريس مادة القراءة باللغة الروسية في العراق
فقد عني العلماء بما في القرآن الكريم من روائع، وأبرزوا ما فيه من بدائع، وقد برعوا فيما كتبوا، وأبدعوا فيما وضعوا، وقد ساعدهم على هذا ما اتصف بها علماؤنا من حسٍّ مرهف، ودقة متناهية في إدراك أسرار التعبير القرآني، وقد تنوعت هذه الجهود فشملت كل شارة وواردة، وما زال المعين زاخراً كأن لم تمسسه يد، وسورة طه فيها نماطاً خاصاً من الحوارات وسيبينها الباحث في دراسته لتلك السورة.
المستويات الدالة للمؤشرة في الفلم التسجيلي العراقي
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم اجميعن.
فان من أعظم مظاهر اعجازه البياني ذلك التشابه العجيب بين كثير من آياته ، وقد اكتفيت في هذا البحث عن موضوعين ، وقد بينت التشابه بوصف اللفظي حتى لا ينصرف الذهن الى المتشابه المقابل للمحكم ، وقد اظهر البحث سمة الترتيب ، ولاسيما الترتيب داخل الجملة ، ويتضح ذلك في موضوع التقديم والتأخير بين الجمل في ا
... Show Moreمفهوم البعد الواحد في الرسم العراقي المعاصر
This research attempts to trace the most significant development caused by the information revolution, namely "the Communication Technology" which reduced the distances between different urban communities, or within a single one, eliminated the geographical boundaries and the transformed the world into a global village. This led to the emergence of new forms and bodies to those urban communities; perhaps the most important is the fragmentation of the major cities and the emergence of (Satellite Cities) with global links, rather than hinterlands to the local capital cities as in the past. But in spite of the technological tide of communications and its inevitable impacts, it stays, with all its possibilities, a reaction that occurs only i
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