The study aimed to describe the anatomical, histological, and histochemical structure of the proventriculuc of adult male Eurasian marsh harrier, Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Accipitriformes, Accipitridae). Six birds were used for this study. The histological sections of proventriculus were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid Schiff, and alcain blue. The proventriculus, representing the upper stomach, appeared as a conical structure with a thick wall connecting the caudal end of the thoracic esophagus to the gizzard. It had a light brown color. Microscopic examination revealed that the proventriculus wall consists of the outer tunica serosa, the tunica muscularis, tunica sub mucosa, and the inner tunica mucosa. The mucous layer exhibited folds, and the sulci represented many longitudinal folds with uniform lengths on its luminal surface. A single layer of columnar cells with oval-shaped nuclei made up the lining epithelium. The second layer was the laminal layer propria, composed of a relatively dense network of connective tissue. A thin, discontinuous layer of circularly arranged smooth muscle fibers in the muscularis mucosa separates the lamina propria from the sub mucosa. The submucosa appears as a very thick layer of dense vascular connective tissue, sub-mucosal compound tubuloalveolar glands form the major bulk of this tunica. These glands are arranged in one to three series of lobules that appear in different shapes. Muscularis externa consists of smooth muscle fibers arranged in a thick inner circular layer and a thin discontinuous outer longitudinal layer. The tunica serosa was a well-developed layer constituted by loose connective tissue covered by a single layer of flattened epithelial cells of the mesothelium. The proventriculus has some similarities to other bird species as well as some variations to other species, which may be explained by its nourishing food and behavior.
The results of this study showed that the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat is divided into three regions of apex, body and root. The dorsal surface of all regions possesses five types of lingual papillae, two mechanical which are filiform and cylindrical papillae, while the other three types are taste papillae which are foliate, fungiform and circumvallate papillae, while these papillae are absent on its ventral surface. The histological examination of all tongue areas revealed that it consisted of three tunica, the tunica mucosa and the tunica submucosa (the lamina propria) and the tunica muscularis. The tunica mucosa consisted of the epithelial lining, which is a stratified squamous epithelial tissue covering the lingual papillae, a
... Show MoreEcosystems provide humans with services that include benefits from food, fresh water, climate regulation, and socio-economic assets. The Mesopotamian marshlands are among the largest wetlands in the Middle East and they provide various benefits. However, ecosystem services of the Marshlands are consistently undervalued in national economic analysis and decision making. This study focusses on the Central Marshes, the first National Park in Iraq, and is the first attempt at valuing a series of ecosystem services from a valuable natural ecosystem in Iraq. We adopted the Toolkit for Ecosystem Services Site-Based Assessment (TESSA) for the determination of biophysical and economic values of services at the site level. Data on key ecosystem se
... Show MoreIn this research, the effect of changing the flood level of Al-Shuwaija marsh was studied using the geographic information systems, specifically the QGIS program, and the STRM digital elevation model with a spatial analysis accuracy of 28 meters, was used to study the marsh. The hydraulic factors that characterize the marsh and affecting on the flooding such as the ranks of the water channels feeding the marsh and the degree of slope and flat areas in it are studied. The area of immersion water, the mean depth, and the accumulated water volume are calculated for each immersion level, thereby, this study finds the safe immersion level for this marsh was determined.
The present work was aimed to form the baseline data of normal morphological and histological structure features of liver in migratory starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Anatomically, the starling liver bird was dark red -brown in colour and located in the cranial third of the abdominal cavity and consisted of undivided lobes (left and right). The liver right lobe was larger than the left. Histological examination revealed that the liver parenchyma was covered by a connective tissue capsule which appears to be thicker in the rim of liver lobes than other area in the liver lobe. Liver parenchyma was arranged in an unlimited hepatic lobules, which composed of polygonal hepatocytes organized as irregular, radial interconnecting cords or laminae of o
... Show MoreThe results of this study showed that the tongue of the adult Iraqi domestic cat is divided into three regions of apex, body and root. The dorsal surface of all regions possesses five types of lingual papillae, two mechanical which are filiform and cylindrical papillae, while the other three types are taste papillae which are foliate, fungiform and circumvallate papillae, while these papillae are absent on its ventral surface. The histological examination of all tongue areas revealed that it consisted of three tunica, the tunica mucosa and the tunica submucosa (the lamina propria) and the tunica muscularis. The tunica mucosa consisted of the epithelial lining, which is a stratified squamous epithelial tissue covering the lingual papillae, a
... Show MoreObjective: This project aimed to study the morphological description and histological structure of ileum in Iraqi black partridge (
The purpose of this study was to examine the histological structure of the kidney in snake Eryx gaculus gaculus. In present study, the snakes were collected from the city of Baghdad and transferred to the laboratory where their kidneys were dissected out. The samples were then processed to be prepared for histological examination microscopial observations showed that there is no border between the cortex and medulla regions of kidney. The kidney consists of nephrons which are composed of glomerulus surrounded by Bowman’s capsule; the other segments are proximal tubule, distal tubule and connecting tubule. The epithelial tissue lining of these segments simple cuboidal tissue.