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Groundwater quality assessment and pollution sources identification using statistical analyses at Missan Governorate, Southeast Iraq
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The shortage in surface water quantities led to a shift in dependence on the groundwater as an alternative water source in southern parts of Iraq. The groundwater is decreasing in quantity and water quality is degrading due to different factors. Therefore, it is important to assess the groundwater quality of the Missan Governorate of the country by analyzing the physicochemical parameters and distinguishing the probable sources of contaminants in the area. The present study used water quality diagrams and statistical methods such as factor analysis and agglomerative cluster analysis to determine the sources of chemical ions in the forty-four groundwater samples collected from wells in the study area. In addition, the Water Quality Index (WQI) was calculated to evaluate the groundwater quality by combining the parameters into a single index. The WQI results varied from − 66.27 to 1064.13 indicating that the groundwater is unsuitable for drinking at various places and good in quality at most of the wells of the area. The main factors that contribute to the differences in the groundwater quality include the variation in geological materials, influence of climate such as the high rate of evaporation, and anthropogenic factors such as industrial activities in central areas such as oil production in the Bazergan oil field. The most affected wells by the petroleum industry that were clustering in cluster R1which show high levels in most water chemistries. The results have implications for the management of the groundwater resources, which are expected to be under more risk of contamination in near future.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2009
Journal Name
Noise And Health
Expert system to predict effects of noise pollution on operators of power plant using neuro-fuzzy approach
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Ration power plants, to generate power, have become common worldwide. One such one is the steam power plant. In such plants, various moving parts of heavy machines generate a lot of noise. Operators are subjected to high levels of noise. High noise level exposure leads to psychological as well physiological problems; different kinds of ill effects. It results in deteriorated work efficiency, although the exact nature of work performance is still unknown. To predict work efficiency deterioration, neuro-fuzzy tools are being used in research. It has been established that a neuro-fuzzy computing system helps in identification and analysis of fuzzy models. The last decade has seen substantial growth in development of various neuro-fuzzy systems

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
High pollutant levels of produced water around Al-Ahdab oil field in Wasit governorate (Iraq)
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Abstract<p>Exploration activities of the oil and gas industry generate loads of formation water called produced water (PW) up to thousands of tons each day. Depending on the geographic area, formation depth, oil production techniques, and age of oil supply wells, PW from different oil fields contain different chemical compositions. Currently, PW is also known as industrial waste water containing heavy metals that are toxic to humans and the environment, requiring special processing so that they can be disposed of in the environment. To determine the heavy metals content in PW from the Al-Ahdab oil field (AOF), the Ministry of Science and Technology/Agricultural Research Department determined som</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental caries among kindergarten children in relation to socioeconomic status in Al-Najaf governorate-Iraq
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Background: Dental caries is the most common oral problem, although dental caries is not life threating, it has aharmful effect on quality of life. Socioeconomic factors were found to be strong predictors of the prevalence of oral diseases in children, likes family income, occupational prestige, and education. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of socioeconomic factors on occurrence dental caries in their children. Materials and methods: The sample consists of 550 kindergartens children aged between (4-5) years were selected randomly, girls and boys. The kindergartens selection was randomly from different geographical areas in Al-Najaf governorate. Information was taken from children's parents using questionnaire with the help o

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Geographical Distribution of Landfills in the Outskirts of Baghdad Governorate using the GIS
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The problem of solid waste from domestic, industrial, commercial and medical sources is one of the most important problems facing the local administration in all Iraqi cities. The danger of this problem increases with the rapid increase in the population, changing lifestyles, consumption patterns, limited land suitable for landfill, and high costs of collection and disposal. This research aims to solve these problems by determining the locations of current landfills located in the outskirts of Baghdad Governorate. The ArcGIS program was used, where the sites of the landfills were determined on the map and through the available data about the areas. it was concluded that the existing landfill sites do not meet environmental conditions and

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Uranium concentrations in Soil of Salahdin Governorate Using CR-39 Nuclear Track Detector
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Uranium concentrations in soil were determined for ten locations in Salahdin governorate using CR-39 track detector, fission fragments track technique was used, the nuclear reaction of nuclear fission fragments obtained by the bombardment of 235U with thermal neutrons from (Am-Be) neutron source with flux (, the concentration values were calculated by a comparison with standard samples. The results of the measurements show that the uranium concentration in soil samples various from 0.42±0.018ppm in Beji province to 0.2±0.014 ppm in Tooz province with an average (0.31±0.08ppm), the values of uranium concentration in all samples are within the permissible limits universally.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Spatial Prediction of Monthly Precipitation in Sulaimani Governorate using Artificial Neural Network Models
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ANN modeling is used here to predict missing monthly precipitation data in one station of the eight weather stations network in Sulaimani Governorate. Eight models were developed, one for each station as for prediction. The accuracy of prediction obtain is excellent with correlation coefficients between the predicted and the measured values of monthly precipitation ranged from (90% to 97.2%). The eight ANN models are found after many trials for each station and those with the highest correlation coefficient were selected. All the ANN models are found to have a hyperbolic tangent and identity activation functions for the hidden and output layers respectively, with learning rate of (0.4) and momentum term of (0.9), but with different data

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 27 2020
Journal Name
Groundwater Flow-Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis in a Hyper Arid Region
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Groundwater modelling is particularly challenging in arid regions where limited water recharge is available. A fault zone will add a significant challenge to the modelling process. The Western Desert in Iraq has been chosen to implement the modelling concept and calculate the model sensitivity to the changes in aquifer hydraulic properties and calibration by researching 102 observations and irrigation wells. MODFLOW-NWT, which is a Newtonian formulation for MODFLOW-2005 approaches, have been used in this study. Further, the simulation run has been implemented using the Upstream-Weighting package (UPW) to treat the dry cells. The results show sensitivity to the change of the Kx value for the major groundwater discharge flow. Only abo

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
Applying box-behnken design with statistical optimization for removal vat orange dye from aqueous solution using kaolin
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The tax examination by using some statistical methods: An applied research in the General Commission of taxes
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this research aims at a number of objectives including Developing the tax examination process and raise its efficiency without relying on comprehensive examination method using some statistical methods in the tax examination and Discussing the most important concepts related to the statistical methods used in the tax examination and showing its importance and how they are applied. the research represents an applied study in the General Commission of taxes. In order to achieve its objectives the research has used in the theoretical side the descriptive approach (analytical), and in the practical side Some statistical methods applied to the sample of the final accounts for the contracting company (limited) and the pharmaceutical industry (

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Ibn Al- Haitham J. Fo R Pure & Appl. Sci
Multipole Mixing Ratios of Gamma Rays From Fe(n,ny Reaction Using Constant Statistical Tensor Method (CST).
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The - M ultiple mixing ratios of -transitions from levels of 56Fe populated in 56 56 Fe n n Fe ( , )  reactions are calculated by using const. S.T.M. This method has been used in other works [3,7] but with pure transition or with transitions that can be considered as pure transitions، in our work we used This method for mixed  - transitions in addition to pure  - transitions. The experimental angular distribution coefficients a2 was used from previous works [1] in order to calculet - values. It is clear from the results that the - values are in good agreement or consistent, within associated errors, with those reported previously [1]. The discrepancies that occur are due to inaccuracies existing in the expe

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