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Groundwater quality assessment and pollution sources identification using statistical analyses at Missan Governorate, Southeast Iraq
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The shortage in surface water quantities led to a shift in dependence on the groundwater as an alternative water source in southern parts of Iraq. The groundwater is decreasing in quantity and water quality is degrading due to different factors. Therefore, it is important to assess the groundwater quality of the Missan Governorate of the country by analyzing the physicochemical parameters and distinguishing the probable sources of contaminants in the area. The present study used water quality diagrams and statistical methods such as factor analysis and agglomerative cluster analysis to determine the sources of chemical ions in the forty-four groundwater samples collected from wells in the study area. In addition, the Water Quality Index (WQI) was calculated to evaluate the groundwater quality by combining the parameters into a single index. The WQI results varied from − 66.27 to 1064.13 indicating that the groundwater is unsuitable for drinking at various places and good in quality at most of the wells of the area. The main factors that contribute to the differences in the groundwater quality include the variation in geological materials, influence of climate such as the high rate of evaporation, and anthropogenic factors such as industrial activities in central areas such as oil production in the Bazergan oil field. The most affected wells by the petroleum industry that were clustering in cluster R1which show high levels in most water chemistries. The results have implications for the management of the groundwater resources, which are expected to be under more risk of contamination in near future.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences (jeas)
Using Statistical Methods to Increase the Contrast Level in Digital Images
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This research deals with the use of a number of statistical methods, such as the kernel method, watershed, histogram and cubic spline, to improve the contrast of digital images. The results obtained according to the RSME and NCC standards have proven that the spline method is the most accurate in the results compared to other statistical methods

Publication Date
Tue Jan 06 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cluster and factor analyses R and Q mode technique of geochemical and petrological data of the Shalair Metamorphic Rock Group, Shalair Valley area, Northeastern Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Energy and Exergy Analyses of Heat Pump Cycle with Refrigerant Injection Technology
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The effect of refrigerant injection techniques on the performance of heat pump system based on exergy analysis was studied theoretically. Three refrigerant injection techniques were used; the first was achieved by injected vapour in volume ratios from 1 to 7% in the accumulator. The second was injection liquid refrigerant in the discharge line with the aid of Liquid Pressure Amplification (LPA) pump, with volume ratios from 1 to 10%. The third was a hybrid injection with volume ratios of injected vapour and liquid varied from 1 to 3% and 1 to 10%; respectively. The following improvements in cycle performance were observed. For vapour injection technique, the best ratio of injection was 5%, the exergy destruction reduced

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Dental Caries and Treatment Needs among Kindergarten Children in Al-Basrah Governorate/Iraq
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Background: Dental caries is a disease occurs in the world in both developed and developing countries, it is still widespread among children and it can be controlled but not eliminated , most of tooth loss occurs due to dental caries and its complications. The aim of this study was to estimate the occurrence, and severity of dental caries and treatment needs among kindergarten children in Al-Basrah governorate. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 1000 kindergarten children at age of 4-5 years old (445 boys and 555 girls) from urban areas in Al-Basrah city. Diagnosis and recording of dental caries and treatment needs were done according to the criteria of WHO (1987). Results: The percentage of dental caries was (80.8%) of the tota

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 25 2023
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal Of Pure Science
Chemical comparison and Trichomes types of Salvia species growing in Anbar Governorate – Iraq
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The trichomes and chemical composition of three species of the genus Salvia wild-grown (Salvia lanigera, Salvia spinosa) and cultured (Salvia officinalis) were studied in the Anbar governate, the chemical components of the stem and leaves were studied by Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry(GC-MS), in addition to studying the trichomes of the epidermis in the stem and leaves (upper and lower epidermis) by Light microscope. Important differences appeared to us in the chemical study, where it was found that some compounds were found in species without others, which gives them taxonomic importance, also, the trichomes were important in distinguishing the studied species, the species S. spinosa was distinguished by the presence of gla

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Human Health Risks Associated with Exposure to Disinfection by-Products (Dbps) in Drinking Water of Wassit Province Southeast Iraq
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The toxicological risks and lifetime cancer risks associated with exposure to disinfection by-products (DBPs) including Halloacetic acids (HAAs) and trihalomethanes (THMs) compounds by drinking water in several districts in Wassit Province were estimated. The seasonal variation of HAAs and THMs compounds in drinking water have indicated that the mean values for total HAAs (THAAs) and total THMs (TTHMs) ranged from 43.2 to 72.4 mg/l and from 40 to 115.5 mg/l, respectively. The World health organization index for additive toxicity approach was non-compliant with the WHO guideline value in summer and autumn seasons and this means that THMs concentration has adverse toxic health effects. The multi-pathway of lifetime hu

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 23 2021
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
A Clinical-Statistical Study on COVID-19 Cases in Iraq: A Case Study
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Background: COVID-19 is a disease that started in Wuhan/China in late 2019 and continued through 2020 worldwide. Scientists worldwide continue to research to find vaccines, treatments, and medication for this disease. Studies also conenue to find the pathogenicity and epidemiology mechanisms. Materials and Methods: In this work, we analyzed cases obtained from Alshifaa center in Baghdad/Iraq for 23/2/2020-31/5/2020 with total instances of 797, positive cases of 393, and death cases of 30. Results: Results showed that the highest infection cases were among people aged between 41-45. Also, it was found that males' number of cases was more than females. In contrast, death cases were significantly higher in males than females. It was not

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Studying the Probability of Using Groundwater in Baghdad City for Human, Animal, and Irrigation Use
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Groundwater is an important source of fresh water especially in countries having a decrease in or no surface water; therefore itis essential to assess the quality of groundwater and find the possibility of its use in different purposes (domestic; agricultural; animal; and other purposes). In this paper samples from 66 wells lying in different places in Baghdad city were used to determine 13 water parameters, to find the quality of groundwater and evaluate the possibility of using it for human, animal and irrigation by calculating WQI, SAR, RSC and Na% and TDS indicators. WQI results showed that the groundwater in all wells are not qualified for human use, while SAR and RSC indicated that most samples are suitable for irrigation use, and

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Publication Date
Sat May 27 2023
Journal Name
Online Journal Of Animal And Feed Research
Phylogenetic identification of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in horses in Baghdad, Iraq
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This study aimed to detect Anaplasma phagocytophilum in horses through hematological and molecular tests. The 16S rRNA gene of the Anaplasma phagocytophilum parasite was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), then sequenced, and subjected to phylogenetic analysis to explore "Equine Granulocytic Anaplasmosis" (EGA) infection in three important gathering race horses areas in Baghdad governorate, Iraq. Blood samples were obtained from 160 horses of varying ages, three breeds, and both sexes, between January and December 2021. Prevalence and risk variables for anaplasmosis were analyzed using statistical odds ratio and chi-square tests. Results demonstrated that clinical anaplasmosis symptoms comprised jaundice, wei

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 04 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology
Re-assessment and tune-up gas condensate reservoir potential in Northern Iraq using material balance and reservoir simulation result techniques
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Abstract<p>The main parameter that drives oil industry contract investment and set up economic feasibility study for approving field development plan is hydrocarbon reservoir potential. So a qualified experience should be deeply afforded to correctly evaluate hydrocarbons reserve by applying different techniques at each phase of field management, through collecting and using valid and representative data sources, starting from exploration phase and tune-up by development phase. Commonly, volumetric calculation is the main technique for estimate reservoir potential using available information at exploration stage which is quite few data; in most cases, this technique estimate big figure of reserve. In this study</p> ... Show More
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