الثقافة هي النظرية حول العالم والناسواساليب توزيع خبراته عليهم . انها الكل المعقد والتي تشمل المعرفةوالمعتقدات والفن والاخلاق والقوانين والعادات واية امكانيات وعادات يكتسبها الانسان كونه احد اعضاء المجتمع . ان ادراك ثقافة اللغة الاجنبية ينبغي ان يُنظرلها كمكونمهم في عملية تعليم / تعلم اللغة الانكليزية بوصفها لغةاجنبية وتتضمن الثقافة فهم داخلي وتدريجي للمساواة بين الثقافات ، ومنهن متزايد لثقافة الفرد الام والثقافات المعنية الاخرى . لذا فمن الضروري بالنسبة للمدرسين ان يُضمنوا مكونات الثقافة في تدريسهم للغة الانكليزية لتوسيع تعلم المتعلمين . ان تدريس الثقافة يعتبر المهارة الخامسة ذات السيطرة في تعليم / تعلم اللغة. لذا فأنه يمكن لستراتيجيات الادراك الثقافي ان تؤثر في تدريس مهارات اللغة الاخرى
Writing in English language demands both mental skills and a suitable level of language proficiency. Some studies showed that writing anxiety has an impact on the acquisition of language learning. This study; however, teaches the cognitive strategies (PLAY & WRITE) as a writing strategy, so as to decrease students’ use of it when experiencing writing anxiety at the academic writing level. The sample has been (100) second-stage Department of English learners at the College of Education (Ibn –Rushd), in the University of Baghdad-Iraq. They have been randomly selected and divided into experimental and control groups; (50) students in each group. To achieve the objective of the study, SLWAI questionnaire has been distributed to the e
... Show MoreIH Abdul-Abbas, QJ Rashid, M RasimYounus, PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 2021 - Cited by 9
Self-assessment is a process of formative assessment during which teachers reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work, decide the degree to which they reflect explicitly stated goals or criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise accordingly. The present study is an attempt to find out the SA of Iraqi English language teachers. The sample consists of 100 teachers in Baghdad. An inventory of many domains distributed to the teachers, they are, routines, expectations, language, time, opportunities, physical environment, and interactions. The results show that the EFL teachers practice four domains of SA they are: routines, physical environment, time, and language.
This study intends to examine the efficiency of student-centered learning (SCL) through Google classroom in enhancing the readiness of fourth stage females’ pre-service teachers. The research employs a quasi-experimental design with a control and experimental group to compare the teaching readiness of participants before and after the intervention. The participants were 30 of fourth stage students at the University of Baghdad - College of Education for Women/the department of English and data were collected through observation checklist to assess their teaching experience and questionnaires to assess their perceptions towards using Google Classroom. Two sections were selected, C as a control group and D as the experimental one each with (
... Show MoreThe paper investigates the impact of role-playing as a classroom technique on Iraqi EFL students’ speaking skill on Iraqi EFL students at the college level. The students are 40 college language students in University of Baghdad, College of Education Ibn-Rushd randomly chosen. Then, they were divided into two groups, experimental and control groups. Thirty questions were applied to both groups as a pre-test of speaking and the students asked to answer them orally. The experimental group was taught speaking skill of the targeted role-play technique while the control group was taught in traditional method. After 20 lessons of the teaching, the post-test of speaking was conducted in which the students in both groups were asked to answ
... Show MoreThe study aims detection teaching modalities adopted relationship in Jerash University exactly the classroom, and to achieve the goal of the study was to develop a questionnaire consisting of (39) items, and was achieving validity and reliability have, then sent to a sample of professors made up the university from (122) university professor of the total (172) professor, and they study population.
Study found a relationship between the teaching methods of the four their strategies with classroom management, and as a result the overall average level, while Hspt critical thinking at the highest correlation with classroom discipline management relationship strategy, while the relatio
... Show MoreIraqi EFL college instructors, who supervise the teaching practice of EFL student teachers, commonly experience the inefficient teaching performance of prospective teachers. This inefficiency is usually due to their inability to make connections between the practical experience and the theoretical knowledge of TEFL. One of the reasons behind this inability may be the employment of traditional ways of training and instructing student teachers. Moreover, it is usually noticed that many Iraqi EFL student teachers have a negative attitude toward the teaching profession. They explicitly state that they would join the teaching force only if they fail to work in any other field.
... Show MoreThe study aims to find out the effectiveness of using the Google classroom educational platform in teaching mathematics curricula from the viewpoint of teachers in the Governorate of Al Dhahirah, Sultanate of Oman. The researcher adopted the descriptive-analytical approach. To collect the needed data, a questionnaire of two dimensions was used. It includes (13) items to measure the effectiveness of using the Google classroom in teaching mathematics curricula from the teacher's point of view and includes (10) items to measure the difficulties of using the Google classroom in teaching mathematics curricula from the teachers' point of view. These tools were applied to (32) male and (31) female as the study sample. They represent mathematics
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