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تقويم محتوى كتاب مادة الكيمياء للصف الخامس العلمي على وفق معايير محددة
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ان للمنهج المدرسي أهمية كبيرة جداً في العملية التربوية لأنه أداتها في تحقيق الأهداف التربوية المنشودة والتي تعمل على تقدم المجتمع وتطوره في مختلف الجوانب. بمعنى ان المنهج غير ثابت بل متغير ليواكب التطور والتغير الحاصل في العالم والمجتمع وهذا يعني ان المنهج المدرسي بكل عناصره والتي من ضمنها المحتوى في تطور دائم فما يصلح لفترة زمنية معينة لا يصلح لفترة زمنية قادمة مما يستلزم القيام بعملية تقويمية بشكل مستمر وخلال مدد زمنية مناسبة لتطوره. ومحتوى مادة الكيمياء كونه احد عناصر المنهج الذي يساهم في إكتساب المتعلمين المفاهيم والاتجاهات والمهارات الكيميائية التي تساعد في بناء شخصيتهم. وبما ان محتوى هذا المنهج يقدم إلى المتعلمين في مرحلة مهمة في تخصصهم العلمي الذي يعد الأساس المهم للصفوف المنتهية للمرحلة الأساسية والإعدادية والثانوية والتعليم العالي فضلاً عن محتوى منهج مادة الكيمياء للصف الخامس العلمي لم يقوم منذ فترة طويلة حسب علم الباحثة , لذا فأن هدف البحث هو تقويم محتوى منهج مادة الكيمياء للصف الخامس العلمي الذي هو العنصر الثاني من المرحلة الأولى لبناء المنهج. اما قيما يخص إجراءات البحث فقد اتبعت الخطوات التالية: يتألف مجتمع البحث من المدارس الثانوية والإعدادية والأساسية في مدينة بغداد المركز والتي تدرس مادة الكيمياء . تتألف عينة البحث : من مجتمع البحث من المدرسين والمدرسات لمادة كيمياء الصف الخامس العلمي بافتراض وجود عدد من المدرسين مساوي لعدد المدارس تم اختبار عدد منها بالطريقة العشوائية الطبقية فتم توزيع (150) استمارة بالطريقة العشوائية الطبقية مجتمع الاختصاصيين التربويين لمادة الكيمياء للصف الخامس العلمي وقد شملهم البحث جميعاً.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
تقيد القضاء الدستوري بضابط الضرورة القصوى وفق أسلوب الدفع الفرعي
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The constitutionality Review of laws is restricted by a set of controls, including the officer of non-exercise of control only when absolutely necessary, and compliance is achieved when the sub-payment terms, which are the seriousness of the sub-payment and the need for direct personal interest, And it is not so, unless the payment is serious and achieves a personal interest directly to one of the parties to the original case. It is also necessary to comply with the submission of the constitutional action within the specified time for the countries that require such as Egypt.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Quality and originality in scientific research from the point of view of the participants in the course (qualification of scholars of Bayt al-Hikma)
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Research aims (Quality and originality in scientific research from the point of view of the participants in the course (qualification of scholars of Bayt al-Hikma) To find out how satisfied the participants about the training course held by the house of wisdom (research community), To develop and maximize the capacity of researchers in the field of writing scientific research, As well as establishing frameworks and concepts and standards related to quality and authenticity scientific research, The role played by this kind of research in the service of the movement of the human journey towards progress and prosperity.

On this basis was the research community, their number was (23) common t

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Use of Internet by Universities Teachers and Benefits in Teaching and Scientific Research
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The research aims to shed light on the internet and how to employ them and to take advantage of applications in scientific research among faculty members, from a survey the opinions of professors at the University of Alanbar and Almustansiriah, to see the reality of use of the Internet and ways to invest in the service of scientific research.
The follow descriptive analysis approach , which is appropriate to the nature of this study concerned with exploring the views on the uses of the Internet. The study reached the field the following results:
1- There are(60) % of respondents use the Internet on an ongoing basis to see new information and keep pace with scientific developments in the field of specialty and the average use of the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of drafting Arab accounting standards Comparative study in light of international accounting compliance and different environmental factors
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Importance of accounting standards belong to be the instructor and the advisor for accountant in performing his work . For each invironment a group of political, social, economical  and cultural factors which distinguish it about other environments . In  order to perform its aim in produsing accouting information helps in making decisions on different levels, accounting standards should established in a form that harmonized with the environment that apply in it . Establishing international accounting standards comes with the same direction and then it has put influential with standards some states that have influence on international accounting standards committee. So because of the big changes that happened in the inte

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the performance of Inspector General Office of the Ministry of health in accordance with normative people and people results for the European excellence model EFQM 2013
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Current research has sought to apply the criteria of potential for altmizalaorbi model EFQM 2013 in assessing the performance of the Inspector General's Office/Ministry of health, so as to keep up with a modern and advanced management methods in the evaluation of performance, as well as to link performance to a citizen's life, and it takes him beyond the accepted service capabilities today, but of budget duties between dealers servicing responsibilities and future planning, financial control, competitiveness, human resources needs and maintaining quality and development, as well as the constant quest for continuous improvement, is the spirit of the principle underpinning the European Foundation Quality managemen

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of Quality of Nursing Care Services Provided to Children under Five Years Based on Integrated Management of Child Health at Primary Health Care Centers in Baquba City
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Objective(s): The study aims to evaluating the quality of nursing care provided to children under five years to compare between quality related to type of health sectors; to determine the quality of nursing care and to compare between such care in Baquba Health Care Sector I and II.

Methodology: A descriptive study is carried out for the period from December 15th 2019 to May 1st 2020. A purposive "non- probability" sample, of (60) staff nurse and (60) children is selected. An adopted questionnaire has been selected for the study which consists of three parts. The first part is nurses’ socio-demographic characteristic; the second part is ch

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 04 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Scientific Trips Set Out by Scholars of Marrouzzeen and Baihaq Between each Other in the 5th and 6th Hijrah Centuries
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The present paper aims at finding out the Variance Ratio of Trips Set Out by Scholars of Both Marrouzzeen and Baihaq  .The researcher has come up with conclusion including certain findings ,one of which is that the trip is considered an essential base with high effectiveness since  the old times and has been evolved .This means that the trip has been the main source of  knowledge and sciences from the scholars directly .This had driven the scholars of both Baihaq and Marrouz cities .It has been noticed , though this paper, that the number of the Marrouz scholars who visited was less than those of Baihaq . The researcher has focused on their meetings or conferences and investigated what has been going on in such meetin

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
طريقة عمل قالب رملي معالج مع مادة الرزن لإنتاج مصبوبات برونزية
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أن استخدام طريقة الشمع المفقود و الصب بالرمل كان ولا يزال ، قديماُ و تقنياته قديمة وغير مطورة لذا تم التركيز على طريقة الصب بالرمل الذي أعتاد الحرفيون ، غالباً على أستخدامه لسهولة عمله وتدني الكلفته ، ولكن تبقى هذه القوالب محدودة الإمكانيات و كفاءتها محدودة و تنهدم بسهولة ولا يمكن نقلها أو تحريكها من مكان لآخر .ولكن باستخدام مادة البولستر رزن كرابط مع رمل المقالبة هو العنصر الجديد الذي سيحسن كثي
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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mesoporous Silica MCM-41 as a Carriers Material for Nystatine Drug in Delivery System
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In the present study, MCM-41 was synthesis as a carrier for poorly drugs soluble in water, by the sol-gel technique. Textural and chemical characterizations of MCM-41 were carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The experimental results were analyzed mesoporous carriers MCM-41. With maximum drug loading efficiency in MCM-41 determined to be 90.74%. The NYS released was prudently studied in simulated body fluid (SBF) pH 7.4 and the results proved that the release of NYS from MCM-41 was (87.79%) after 18 hr. The data of NYS released was found to be submitted a Weibull model with a correlation coefficient of (0.995). The Historical

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Crossref (9)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Explanation Difficulties in Islamic University from the lecturers Point of View
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This study is about awareness of teaching explanation difficulties in the Islamic university from the lecturers point of view. It discussed the difficulties and the traditional teaching methods of explanation. The study concentrated on teaching Islamic studies in general and teaching explanation in specific and set difficulties so as to be treated.

            The study is of three chapters, the first contains the difficulties in several aspects like the educational goals, text contents, teaching methods and styles, students, educational techniques, educational aids and evaluation, it addition to the lecturers of Islamic university colleges in 2009-2

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