ان للمنهج المدرسي أهمية كبيرة جداً في العملية التربوية لأنه أداتها في تحقيق الأهداف التربوية المنشودة والتي تعمل على تقدم المجتمع وتطوره في مختلف الجوانب. بمعنى ان المنهج غير ثابت بل متغير ليواكب التطور والتغير الحاصل في العالم والمجتمع وهذا يعني ان المنهج المدرسي بكل عناصره والتي من ضمنها المحتوى في تطور دائم فما يصلح لفترة زمنية معينة لا يصلح لفترة زمنية قادمة مما يستلزم القيام بعملية تقويمية بشكل مستمر وخلال مدد زمنية مناسبة لتطوره. ومحتوى مادة الكيمياء كونه احد عناصر المنهج الذي يساهم في إكتساب المتعلمين المفاهيم والاتجاهات والمهارات الكيميائية التي تساعد في بناء شخصيتهم. وبما ان محتوى هذا المنهج يقدم إلى المتعلمين في مرحلة مهمة في تخصصهم العلمي الذي يعد الأساس المهم للصفوف المنتهية للمرحلة الأساسية والإعدادية والثانوية والتعليم العالي فضلاً عن محتوى منهج مادة الكيمياء للصف الخامس العلمي لم يقوم منذ فترة طويلة حسب علم الباحثة , لذا فأن هدف البحث هو تقويم محتوى منهج مادة الكيمياء للصف الخامس العلمي الذي هو العنصر الثاني من المرحلة الأولى لبناء المنهج. اما قيما يخص إجراءات البحث فقد اتبعت الخطوات التالية: يتألف مجتمع البحث من المدارس الثانوية والإعدادية والأساسية في مدينة بغداد المركز والتي تدرس مادة الكيمياء . تتألف عينة البحث : من مجتمع البحث من المدرسين والمدرسات لمادة كيمياء الصف الخامس العلمي بافتراض وجود عدد من المدرسين مساوي لعدد المدارس تم اختبار عدد منها بالطريقة العشوائية الطبقية فتم توزيع (150) استمارة بالطريقة العشوائية الطبقية مجتمع الاختصاصيين التربويين لمادة الكيمياء للصف الخامس العلمي وقد شملهم البحث جميعاً.
نسب أغلب مؤرخي العلم الإنساني الطرق التي إتبعت في كتابة المنهج العلمي الصحيح ، في كافة العلوم و المعارف ، إلى العصر الحديث . و قال آخرون ان العقل البشري ، سواء في الأزمنة القديمة أو الحديثة ، هو واحد لا يمكنه التفكير أو العمل إلا بوجود منهج معين يسير عليه فكره و فعله (1) ، مطلقين عليه تسمية المنهج التلقائي . و كما هو واضح من التسمية يمكن وصفه بأنه منهج يفتقر إلى الإدراك و الشعور . و يطبق هذا المنهج الغالبية ا
... Show MoreThe research consisted of four chapters, the first of which wasa methodological framework. The problem of research was determined by a question drawn up by the researcher as follows: What are the intellectual contents of science fiction films ?. The main objective of the research was to uncover the intellectual contents of contemporary science fiction films. The most important research terms (content, thought, ideology, science fiction, contemporary) were defined as either the second chapter (the theoretical framework) The second topic was entitled "The Intellectual Contents of Contemporary Science Fiction Films", in which the films of the science fiction and its current intellectual contents were discussed. The third topic included the
... Show MoreThe research sheds light on the subject of phraseology as an important field to present metaphysical issues with contemporary scientific discourse. (Primary psychology) It does not apply with the reality of this science and therefore some tried to call it other names such as (Alsai), a unit of measurement of energy activity of things and assets. It was also called metaphysics or metaphysics, but it eventually settled on parapsychology. We try to win Islam and religious concepts with contemporary scientific discourse. The researcher discussed issues that modern science was unable to comprehend and interpreted. He used these subjects to prove the truths of religion and faith. Modern times because the whole universe miracles or as Imam Ghaz
... Show MoreThe purpose and goal of the research revolve around the diagnosis of intellectual capital as the logical indicator to study an effective human resource management practice and its influential role in determining the overall quality management of higher education institutions and scientific research in Baghdad.
To achieve the purpose of the research, an upgraded standard questionnaire was used to collect data and distribute it to the selected sample in a statistical manner from the study population of (5) institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Resear
... Show MoreThis study deals with the field of acieving the manuscripts of Islamic sciences by the great Imam ibn Kamal Pasha, but the mentioned book requires a great effort to explain what it contains of sciences, and to appear what it has contained
The importance of the topic lies in explaining the extent of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani’s interest in social and scientific life in Baghdad
The city of Ghana is one of the important commercial cities in the country of Sudan, as it was a major source of commercial exchanges, and a commercial mediator across the countries of the Maghreb and the metropolises of the countries of Sudan. Many, and most of them take the desert road, Which traders had to endure the hardships of these roads from the insecurity, high winds and dust that sometimes destroyed the trade convoys, in order to obtain gold, which is one of the most important minerals that Ghana traded with various countries, in addition to the different goods that the merchants carried In particular, salt and its trade with Ghana, and also taxes, which were an important financial resource imposed by some gov
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In fact, the main idea of the manuscript is to take note of a branch of Islamic jurisprudence, which is the science of jurisprudential jurisprudence and this manuscript in its title and subject to the men of knowledge of jurisprudence because of its ambiguity calls for thinking, and the brainstorming mood to test the intelligence of jurisprudence, Of students of knowledge jurisprudence. This section contains (28) questions starting with the question (72) and ending with (100
The current research aims to know the measurement of the fifth- secondary stage female students' affliction with the social phobia . The research is confined to General directorate of Education in Baghdad / Al-Karkh/2 / for the academic year 2015-2016 and fifth-secondary stage female students. It has been used descriptive method and exposed theoretical sides and previous studies concerning with the social phobia.The procedures of the research include the application of the social phobia scale on random sample of fifth- secondary stage female students ( both branches scientific and literary). The current study has concluded that the fifth- secondary stage female students have&nbs
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Performance evaluation is of great importance in all countries of the world, because it has a prominent and effective role in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of the optimal use of available resources, which are rare and important in achieving the desired objectives. With the continued growth of public spending and the limited resources, the State seeks to achieve its objectives through its units with minimal expenditure or deficit, rationality and wastefulness in the spending. In many countries, particularly developing countries, reforms are made in the public sector to achieve that goal through the adoption of IPSAS, which is reflected in the developmen
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