This research studies the influence of water source on the compressive strength of high strength concrete. Four types of water source were adopted in both mixing and curing process these are river, tap, well and drainage water (all from Iraq-Diyala governorate). Chemical analysis was carried out for all types of the used water including (pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), Turbidity, chloride, total suspended solid (TSS), and sulfates). Depending on the chemical analysis results, it was found that for all adopted sources the chemical compositions was within the ASTM C 1602/C 1602M-04 limits and can be satisfactorily used in concrete mixtures. Mixture of high strength concrete for compressive strength of (60 MPa) was designed and checked using water-to-cement ratio of 0.37, 400.5 kg cement with 10% replacement of SF (Silica Fume), 607 kg sand, 1147 kg gravel and 0.85 lit /100 kg of cement of SP (Supper Plasticizer). Five ages were adopted to measure the compressive strength these are (7, 14, 28, 60, 90 and 120) days. The results indicated that the strength of concrete at different ages was affected by the adopted water source especially on the period (28-90) days. There was a reduction on the compressive strength varies between ( - 3 5.8) % and (3-1.5) % for both river and well water source which is belong to the effect of chlorides.
The study presents a mathematical model with a disaggregating approach to the problem of production planning of a fida Company; which belongs to the ministry of Industry. The study considers disaggregating the entire production into 3 productive families of (hydraulic cylinders, Aldblatt (dampers), connections hydraulics with each holds similar characteristics in terms of the installation cost, production time and stock cost. The Consequences are an ultimate use of the available production capacity as well as meeting the requirements of these families at a minimal cost using linear programming. Moreover, the study considers developing a Master production schedule that drives detailed material and production requi
... Show MoreEnglish has for long been one of the most widely used media of communication globally, especially in the Malaysian universities. It has been termed as a Lingua Franca because it is shared with other languages which are considered first languages by different speakers. For this reason, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) has attracted a number of researchers to investigate its variety via other languages in various communities. The objective of this paper is therefore to establish the strategies which are employing by the international students at the National University of Malaysia/ UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) as an example of one of the Malaysian universities; when they e
... Show MoreThe major cause of destruction during vertical vibration is the failure of the soil structure. The soil may fail due to loss of strength during continues vibration. The saturated sandy soil losses strength due to an increase in pore pressure, this phenomenon is called "liquefaction". Piled foundations are usually adopted as a foundation solution in potentially liquefiable soil under dynamic loading. In this research, 3D finite element model using PLAXIS Software was employed for pile foundation in saturated sandy soil. The results show the acceleration mobilization and velocity on the footing increases with increasing the intensity of dynamic loads and it becomes zero at maximum value of vertical settlement which indicates the end of the ti
... Show MoreWatermelon has been reported to be vulnerable to insect pest pressure throughout its growth stages with a resultant indiscriminate calendar-based insecticide application (of up to 25 sprays/season in the study area), with its attendant consequences. In order to recommend the crop growth period(s) to effect chemical control measures that will give better return on investment, field trials were set-up in the early- and late-cropping seasons of 2016 and 2017. Forty, 5m long x 8m wide plots were demarcated in randomized complete block design in 4 replications. Treatments were applications of 0.5% Cyper-diforce® (Cypermethrin 30g/L + Dimethoate 250g/L) at seedling, mid-vegetative, mid-flowering, mid-frui
... Show MoreThe study of the chemical and physical factors that induce egg-laying is important for understanding mosquitoes' ecology. These substances may also help assess and control mosquito populations. With this in mind, we have highlighted the attractiveness of Culex pipiens gravid females concerning the containers' color and surface, which has enabled us to show that females of this species are always attracted to large containers of yellow. The ethological tests were made with four biopesticides on the attractiveness of C. pipiens females. It has been observed that the highest densities of the eggs are deposited in the container which contains the biopesticides extracts compared to that which includes the spring wat
... Show MoreScholars have inherited a tremendous wealth in all sciences and knowledge, especially jurisprudence; therefore, the students of forensic science had to execute this precious heritage, achieving a serious scientific investigation; So I opted for the realization of this part of the Book of Leasing for the small book of fatwas of Yusuf bin Ahmed al-Khasi.
Three beach soils in Lagos, Nigeria were screened for the presence of antibiotic producing fungi against 8 test pathogenic bacteria & fungi. The physiochemical parameters of the soils were determined following standard procedures. Soil plate dilution method was employed for isolation of marine fungi and they were identified based on cultural and microscopic characteristics. Primary screening of isolated fungi for antibiotic potential was determined by perpendicular streak method against known pathogenic test organisms (Escherichia coli, Saphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pnuemoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae,Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus fumigatus). Further sreening of the product o
... Show MoreThe United States government allowed Native Americans to abandon their reservations in the 1950s and 1960s. The historical, social, and cultural backgrounds shaped the forms and themes of works by American Indian writers who urged people to refuse their culture's sense of shame. Moreover, their behavior corresponded with the restoration of individuals to their rituals after disappointment, loss of sense of life, and mental illness performed from the influence of mainstream American society. Among these writers, N. Scott Momaday and Leslie Marmon Silko participate in similar interest in portraying characters caught between indigenous beliefs and white mainstream standards.
The construction of
... Show MoreThe study aimed to exposure young university students and students talk programs offered by satellite TV exposure, as it represents these programs great importance Information Public Knowledge in general And the youth in private Including Posed From Opinions And ideas About Different Issues Raised Which Charges Opinion, And that Through Application Study Survey To Sample From Students of Diyala University, the Researcher display Public Accrediting Theory To Information Which Provided Means Media To achieve Objectives And satisfy Needs And hypotheses . The Problem Search was Determined Through Study of students of Diyala University exposure Programs Talk And measured&
... Show MoreTo determine the relationship between chronic hepatitis B virus and autoimmune celiac disease, seventy five patients with chronic hepatitis B virus of ages (8-70) years have been investigated and compared to 50 healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies IgA and IgG by ELISA test and anti-endomysial antibodies IgA and IgG by IIFT. There was a significant elevation in the concentration of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies IgA and IgG compared to control groups (P< 0.01) .The prevalence of antiTtG IgA and IgG was 14.67% and 12.0% respectively.There was a highly significant difference (P<0.01) when compared between studied groups .While the prevalence of anti-en
... Show More