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Biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles by hot aqueous extract of Allium sativum plants
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Current studies interested on the biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) using hot plants extracts of Allium sativum and characterization of them using: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffractions (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT- IR), UV–visible spectral and Hot stage. The results found that all NPs are had nano-size. ZnO NPs was produced by four procedures using hot extract of Allium sativum. The average diameters were: 101.59 nm, 110.33 nm, 75.69 nm, 88.67 nm for first, second, third and fourth procedures respectively compared with 47.57 nm for standard NPs. The Roughness averages (Ra) were: 10.8 nm, 6.83 nm, 13.8 nm, 0.541 nm for first, second, third and fourth respectively. The Root mean square (Sq) were: 12.8 nm, 8.68 nm, 16 nm, 0.673 nm for first, second, third and fourth respectively. Their averages crystallites was determine using Scherer's equation, they were: (41.489, 42.125, 45.593 and 46.375) nm respectively compared with 79.505 nm

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 19 2022
Journal Name
Chemical Methodologies
Biosynthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Bismuth Oxide Nanoparticles Using Aqueous Extract of Beta Vulgaris
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Bismuth oxide nanoparticle Bi2O3NPs has a wide range of applications and less adverse effects than conventional radio sensitizers. In this work, Bi2O3NPs (D1, D2) were successfully synthesized by using the biosynthesis method with varying bismuth salts, bismuth sulfate Bi2(SO4)3 (D1) or bismuth nitrate. Penta hydrate Bi(NO3)3.5H2O (D2) with NaOH with beta-vulgaris extract. The Bi2O3NPs properties were characterized by different spectroscopic methods to determine Bi2O3NPs structure, nature of bonds, size of nanoparticle, element phase, presence, crystallinity and morphology. The existence of the Bi2O3 band was verified by the FT-IR. The Bi2O3 NPs revealed an absorption peak in the UV-visible spectrum, with energy gap Eg = 3.80eV. The X-ray p

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 04 2021
Journal Name
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils
Using The Aqueous Extract Of Allium Sativum In Improvement Of Some Physiological And Immunological Parameter In Albino Rats
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The current study was designated to investigate the effect ofAllium sativumon some physiological and immunological parameters in rats. thirty adult rats were divided into three groups (10 rat for each). G1: served as healthy control, G2 :rats were treated with 150 mg\kg of Allium sativum, G3: treated with 300 mg\kg of Allium sativum. All treated animals were givenorally for 30 days. The aspartate , ) ALT ( alanine transaminase on some parameters were investigated such as garlic effects of total and differential counts of white blood , ) LDH ( lactate dehydrogenase ), AST ( transaminase cells(WBC) like Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Neutrophil, Basophil, Eosinophil,as

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biosynthesis, Characterization, Adsorption and Antimicrobial studies of Manganese oxide Nanoparticles Using Punica Granatum Extract
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Manganese sulfate and Punica granatum plant extract were used to create MnO2 nanoparticles, which were then characterized using techniques like Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The crystal's size was calculated to be 30.94nm by employing the Debye Scherrer equation in X-ray diffraction. MnO2 NPs were shown to be effective in adsorbing M(II) = Co, Ni, and Cu ions, proving that all three metal ions may be removed from water in one go. Ni(II) has a higher adsorption rate throughout the board. Co, Ni, and Cu ion removal efficiencies were 32.79%, 75

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biosynthesis, Characterization, Adsorption and Antimicrobial studies of Vanadium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Punica Granatum Extract
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This study includes using green or biosynthesis-friendly technology, which is effective in terms of low cost and low time and energy to prepare V2O5NPs nanoparticles from vanadium sulfate VSO4.H2O using aqueous extract of Punica Granatum at a concentration of 0.1M and with a basic medium PH= 8-12. The V2O5NPs nanoparticles were diagnosed using several techniques, such as FT-IR, UV-visible with energy gap Eg = 3.734eV, and the X-Ray diffraction XRD was calculated using the Debye Scherrer equation. It was discovered to be 34.39nm, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM. The size, structure, and composition of synthetic V2O5NPs were determined using the (EDX) pattern, Atomic force microscopy AFM. The a

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Biosynthesis, Characterization, Adsorption and Antimicrobial studies of zirconium oxide Nanoparticles Using Punica Granatum Extract
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In this study we using zirconium sulfate, Punica granatum plant extract, and an alkaline medium, to created ZrO2 nanoparticles. They were then characterized using a variety of techniques, including FT-IR, UV-visible, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The Debye-Scherrer equation was used to calculate the crystal size in X-ray diffraction and found to be 27.82 nm. The particle size of ZrO2 nanoparticles was determined using atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopes, and transmission electron microscopy. Utilizing ZrO2 NPs, the metal ions M (II) = Co, Ni, and Cu were successfully a

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biosynthesis, Characterization, Adsorption and Antimicrobial studies of Vanadium Oxide Nanoparticles Using Punica Granatum Extract
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This study includes using green or biosynthesis-friendly technology, which is effective in terms of low cost and low time and energy to prepare V2O5NPs nanoparticles from vanadium sulfate VSO4.H2O using aqueous extract of Punica Granatum at a concentration of 0.1M and with a basic medium PH= 8-12. The V2O5NPs nanoparticles were diagnosed using several techniques, such as FT-IR, UV-visible with energy gap Eg = 3.734eV, and the X-Ray diffraction XRD was calculated using the Debye Scherrer equation. It was discovered to be 34.39nm, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM. The size, structure, and composition of synthetic V2O5

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biosynthesis, Characterization, Adsorption and Antimicrobial studies of Manganese oxide Nanoparticles Using Punica Granatum Extract
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Manganese sulfate and Punica granatum plant extract were used to create MnO2 nanoparticles, which were then characterized using techniques like Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The crystal's size was calculated to be 30.94nm by employing the Debye Scherrer equation in X-ray diffraction. MnO2 NPs were shown to be effective in adsorbing M(II) = Co, Ni, and Cu ions, proving that all three metal ions may be removed from water in one go. Ni(II) has a higher adsorption rate throughout the board. Co, Ni, and Cu ion removal efficiencie

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 25 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Green Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Aqueous Extract of Beta Vulgaris and the Seed of Abrus precatorius
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Development of improved methods for the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles are of high priority for the advancement of material science and technology. Herein, the biosynthesis of ZnO using hydrahelix of beta vulgaris and the seed of abrus precatorius as an aqueaus extracts adduced respectivily as stablizer and reductant reagent. The support are characterized by spectroscopic methods ( Ft-IR, Uv-vis ).The FTIR confirmed the presence of ZnO band. The Uv-visible showed absorption peak at corresponds to the ZnO nanostructures. X-ray diffraction, scaning electron microscopy (SEM), dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) techniques are taken to investigation the size, structure and composition of synthesised ZnO nanocrystals. The XRD pattern mat

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biosynthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Escherichia coli
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This study proposed to synthesize iron oxide by biological method nanoparticles. The E.coli is used to reduce Ferric chloride salt into iron particles. The formation of iron oxide nanoparticle was initially monitored by visual observation and then characterized with the help of various characterization techniques such as Uv-vis spectroscopy, (AFM) and (FTIR) analysis, which revealed that the biosynthesized iron oxide nanoparticles were spherical within size 27.7 nm. Optimization of iron oxide nanoparticle biosynthesis by E.coli was performed for parameters (temperature and pH) and the results revealed that temperature 37°C and pH 5 were the optimum conditions for iron oxide nanoparticales biosynthesis by E.coli.<

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Decoration of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles with Aluminum Nanoparticles by Explosive Strips Method
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In this study, aluminum nanoparticles (Al NPs) were prepared using explosive strips method in double-distilled deionized water (DDDW), where the effect of five different currents (25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 A) on particle size and distribution was studied. Also, the explosive strips method was used to decorate zinc oxide particles with Al particles, where Al particles were prepared in suspended from zinc oxide with DDDW. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction are used to characterize the nanoparticles. XRD pattern were examined for three samples of aluminum particles and DDDW prepared with three current values (25, 75 and 125 A) and three samples prepared with the same currents for zin

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