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Experimental and Numerical Study on CFRP-Confined Square Concrete Compression Members Subjected to Compressive Loading

     Strengthening of the existing structures is an important task that civil engineers continuously face. Compression members, especially columns, being the most important members of any structure, are the most important members to strengthen if the need ever arise. The method of strengthening compression members by direct wrapping by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) was adopted in this research. Since the concrete material is a heterogeneous and complex in behavior, thus, the behavior of the confined compression members subjected to uniaxial stress is investigated by finite element (FE) models created using Abaqus CAE 2017 software. The aim of this research is to study experimentally and numerically, the behavior of square plain (without steel reinforcement) concrete compression members, that has concrete strength of  = 24.41 MPa, confined with one layer of CFRP wraps under uniaxial compressive loading. Finally, the outcomes are compared with the finite element models using Abaqus software. Laboratory experimental results showed that confining compression members with CFRP wraps is an efficient strengthening method. In terms of load carrying capacity, an enhancement was measured for about 56.1% of the reference non-confined members. This enhancement was also reached using Abaqus software.  

Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
α-Sumudu Transformation Homotopy Perturbation Technique on Fractional Gas Dynamical Equation

     Transformation and many other substitution methods have been used to solve non-linear differential fractional equations. In this present work, the homotopy perturbation method to solve the non-linear differential fractional equation with the help of He’s Polynomials is provided as the transformation plays an essential role in solving differential linear and non-linear equations. Here is the α-Sumudu technique to find the relevant results of the gas dynamics equation in fractional order. To calculate the non-linear fractional gas dynamical problem, a consumer method created on the new homotopy perturbation a-Sumudu transformation method (HP TM) is suggested. In the Caputo type, the derivative is evaluated. a-Sumudu homotopy pe

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Applying A* Path Planning Algorithm Based on Modified C-Space Analysis

In this paper, a modified derivation has been introduced to analyze the construction of C-space. The profit from using C-space is to make the process of path planning more safety and easer. After getting the C-space construction and map for two-link planar robot arm, which include all the possible situations of collision between robot parts and obstacle(s), the A* algorithm, which is usually used to find a heuristic path on Cartesian W-space, has been used to find a heuristic path on C-space map. Several modifications are needed to apply the methodology for a manipulator with degrees of freedom more than two. The results of C-space map, which are derived by the modified analysis, prove the accuracy of the overall C-space mapping and cons

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gamma Ray Effect on the Properties of Coumarin C47 Laser Dye

The research is concerned about studying the absorption spectrum of the solution coumarin dye C47. The chloroform solvent was used with C47 dye in three different concentrations 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6 M. The laser dye solution was prepared by dissolving the required amount of dye in chloroform alcohol, while studying absorption spectrum before and after irradiation with gamma ray by cobalt-60 source 60Co at exposure time, which are 0, 4, 6 and 18 hours with different absorbed doses 0, 136, 204 and 612 Gy. The results show that red shift in the absorption spectrum was increased by increasing the concentration of laser dye solutions , while the increase of gamma dose led to increase the red shift after irradiation, as the exposure period and irr

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison of Different DEM Generation Methods based on Open Source Datasets

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is one of the developed techniques for relief representation.  The definition of a DEM construction is the modeling technique of earth surface from existing data. DEM plays a role as one of the fundamental information requirement that has been generally utilized in GIS data structures. The main aim of this research is to present a methodology for assessing DEMs generation methods. The DEMs data will be extracted from open source data e.g. Google Earth. The tested data will be compared with data produced from formal institutions such as General Directorate of Surveying. The study area has been chosen in south of Iraq (Al-Gharraf / Dhi Qar governorate. The methods of DEMs creation are kriging, IDW (inver

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 15 2019
Journal Name
Iet Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation
Hilbert metamaterial printed antenna based on organic substrates for energy harvesting

Abstract In this study, an investigation is conducted to realise the possibility of organic materials use in radio frequency (RF) electronics for RF-energy harvesting. Iraqi palm tree remnants mixed with nickel oxide nanoparticles hosted in polyethylene, INP substrates, is proposed for this study. Moreover, a metamaterial (MTM) antenna is printed on the created INP substrate of 0.8 mm thickness using silver nanoparticles conductive ink. The fabricated antenna performances are instigated numerically than validated experimentally in terms of S11 spectra and radiation patterns. It is found that the proposed antenna shows an ultra-wide band matching bandwidth to cover the frequencies from 2.4 to 10 GHz with bore-sight gain variation from 2.2 to

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications
Achieving Flatness: Honeywords Generation Method for Passwords based on user behaviours

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nano-Scale core effects on electronic structure properties of gallium arsenide

Ab – initio density function theory (DFT) calculations coupled with Large Unit Cell (LUC) method were carried out to evaluate the electronic structure properties of III-V zinc blend (GaAs). The nano – scale that have dimension (1.56-2.04)nm. The Gaussian 03 computational packages has been employed through out this study to compute the electronic properties include lattice constant, energy gap, valence and conduction band width, total energy, cohesive energy and density of state etc. Results show that the total energy and energy gap are decreasing with increase the size of nano crystal . Results revealed that electronic properties converge to some limit as the size of LUC increase .

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
International Review Of Civil Engineering (irece)
Bearing Capacity Factor of Shallow Foundation on Reinforced Sloped Clayey Soil

The placement of buildings and structures on/or adjacent to slopes is possible, but this poses a danger to the structure due to failures that occur in slopes. Therefore, a solution or improvement should be determined for these issues of the collapse of the structure as a result of the failure of the slopes. A laboratory model has been built to test the impact of some variables on the bearing capacity factor. The variables include the magnitude of static axial load applied at the center of footing, the depth of embedment, the spacing between geogrid reinforcement layer and the numbering of the geogrid sheet under the footing, the inclination angle of slope clayey soil (β), the spacing between the footing's edge and the slope's end (b/H). Th

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On Solving Singular Multi Point Boundary Value Problems with Nonlocal Condition

In this paper Hermite interpolation method is used for solving linear and non-linear second order singular multi point boundary value problems with nonlocal condition. The approximate solution is found in the form of a rapidly convergent polynomial. We discuss behavior of the solution in the neighborhood of the singularity point which appears to perform satisfactorily for singular problems. The examples to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the method have been given.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 08 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
The F-composition operator on Hardy space ℍ<sup>2</sup>

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