فًي التحلٌيل اإلحصائ،ً حٌث تعتبر طرٌمة انحدار شرائح تلعب تمنٌات تحلٌل االنحدار الالمعلمً دوراً مركزٌاً لتمهٌد البٌانات، اذ ٌمكن من خاللها تمدٌر الدوال مباشرة من الجزاء واحدة من أكثر الطرائك المستعملة حالٌاً ( بدالً ة البٌانات الصاخبة)التً تحتوي على أخطاء( أو الملوثة )data noisy من االعتماد على نماذج معلمٌ محددة، وتعتمد طرٌمة التمدٌر المستعملة لمالئمه نموذج انحدار شرائح الجزاء فً الغالب على طرائك المربعات الصغرى )OLS)، والتً من المعروف أنها حساسة للمشاهدات غٌر النمطٌة )المتطرفة(، فً هذا البحث سٌتم تمدٌر نماذج انحدار شرائح الجزاء )spline-P )المضافة المعممة باستعمال طرٌمة فصل المصفوفات الدلٌمة المتداخلة )SOP )الممترحة من لبل الباحث )Rodríguez)، واخرون فً عام ،2015 والتً تأخذ المشاهدات المتطرفة فً االعتبار، حٌث ٌعتمد التمدٌر على التكافؤ بٌن )spline-P )والنماذج المختلطة الخطٌة، وٌتم تمدٌر معلمات التباٌن ومعلمات التمهٌد بنا ًء على طرٌمة اإلمكان االعظم الممٌد )REML). ومن اهم االستنتاجات التً تم التوصل الٌها عدم الحاجة الى استعمال طرائك التحسٌن العددي، كما ٌمكن دمج طرٌمة )SOP )بسهولة فً تمدٌر النماذج المختلطة المضافة المعممة )GAMM )مع مجموعات التأثٌرات العشوائٌة المستملة، فضالً عن سرعة تطبٌك طرٌمة )SOP )فً تنفٌذ العملٌات الحسابٌة.
In this paper the method of singular value decomposition is used to estimate the ridge parameter of ridge regression estimator which is an alternative to ordinary least squares estimator when the general linear regression model suffer from near multicollinearity.
In this study the design and installation of evaporative air cooler was carried out using completely outdoor air (fresh air) according to two stage evaporative cooling principle. The laboratory equipment was installed by designing and manufacturing a cross flow plate heat exchanger, where aluminum plates used for this purpose with dimensions (50 × 30 × 40 cm). The surfaces of heat exchanger were covered by sawdust from wetted channels side, to increase the percentage of wetting these surfaces and hence improve the performance and efficiency of air cooler.
An experimental study was carried out to estimate the performance of cooling system, where som
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تم في هذا البحث دراسة الطرائق اللامعلمية الرتيبة لتقدير دالة الأنحدار اللامعلمي، ومعالجة القيم الشاذة الموجودة في دالة الأنحدار اللامعلمي لجعل الدالة رتيبة (متزايدة أو متناقصة).
لذا سنقوم أولاً بتقدير دالة الأنحدار اللامعلمي بإستخدام ممهد Kernel ومن ثم تطبيق الطرائق الرتيبة لجعل الدالة متزايدة إذ سنتناول ثلاث طرائق للتقدير:-
1- طريقة ste
... Show MoreIn some cases, researchers need to know the causal effect of the treatment in order to know the extent of the effect of the treatment on the sample in order to continue to give the treatment or stop the treatment because it is of no use. The local weighted least squares method was used to estimate the parameters of the fuzzy regression discontinuous model, and the local polynomial method was used to estimate the bandwidth. Data were generated with sample sizes (75,100,125,150 ) in repetition 1000. An experiment was conducted at the Innovation Institute for remedial lessons in 2021 for 72 students participating in the institute and data collection. Those who used the treatment had an increase in their score after
... Show MoreThe useful of remote sensing techniques in Environmental Engineering and another science is to save time, Coast and efforts, also to collect more accurate information under monitoring mechanism. In this research a number of statistical models were used for determining the best relationships between each water quality parameter and the mean reflectance values generated for different channels of radiometer operate simulated to the thematic Mappar satellite image. Among these models are the regression models which enable us to as certain and utilize a relation between a variable of interest. Called a dependent variable; and one or more independent variables
In this research, the one of the most important model and widely used in many and applications is linear mixed model, which widely used to analysis the longitudinal data that characterized by the repeated measures form .where estimating linear mixed model by using two methods (parametric and nonparametric) and used to estimate the conditional mean and marginal mean in linear mixed model ,A comparison between number of models is made to get the best model that will represent the mean wind speed in Iraq.The application is concerned with 8 meteorological stations in Iraq that we selected randomly and then we take a monthly data about wind speed over ten years Then average it over each month in corresponding year, so we g
... Show MoreThis research deals with a shrinking method concernes with the principal components similar to that one which used in the multiple regression “Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection: LASS”. The goal here is to make an uncorrelated linear combinations from only a subset of explanatory variables that may have a multicollinearity problem instead taking the whole number say, (K) of them. This shrinkage will force some coefficients to equal zero, after making some restriction on them by some "tuning parameter" say, (t) which balances the bias and variance amount from side, and doesn't exceed the acceptable percent explained variance of these components. This had been shown by MSE criterion in the regression case and the percent explained v
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XML is being incorporated into the foundation of E-business data applications. This paper addresses the problem of the freeform information that stored in any organization and how XML with using this new approach will make the operation of the search very efficient and time consuming. This paper introduces new solution and methodology that has been developed to capture and manage such unstructured freeform information (multi information) depending on the use of XML schema technologies, neural network idea and object oriented relational database, in order to provide a practical solution for efficiently management multi freeform information system.
Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn was born in 1918 in Kislovodsk. His father was educated, and despite his peasantry origin, he got a university degree. Unfortunately, however, Solzhenitsyn could not recognize his father, for he died before his birth.
Solzhenitsyn was accused of being an opponent to the Soviet Union due to his activities of that time. He was exiled to a forced labour camp for eight years, on the surroundings of Moscow. He spent three years in Kazakhstan, and was sent to the life exile. He was set free in 1956. He worked as a teacher in in rural schools in Vladimir and then in Rezhran.
His greatest works were in the reign of Kherchov, and in 1962 appeared his story under the title of "One day in
... Show MoreIn this paper a new structure for the AVR of the power system exciter is proposed and designed using digital-based LQR. With two weighting matrices R and Q, this method produces an optimal regulator that is used to generate the feedback control law. These matrices are called state and control weighting matrices and are used to balance between the relative importance of the input and the states in the cost function that is being optimized. A sample power system composed of single machine connected to an infinite- bus bar (SMIB) with both a conventional and a proposed Digital AVR (DAVR) is simulated. Evaluation results show that the DAVR damps well the oscillations of the terminal voltage and presents a faster respo
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