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Improvement of noisy images filtered by bilateral process using a multi-scale context aggregation network
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Deep learning has recently received a lot of attention as a feasible solution to a variety of artificial intelligence difficulties. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) outperform other deep learning architectures in the application of object identification and recognition when compared to other machine learning methods. Speech recognition, pattern analysis, and image identification, all benefit from deep neural networks. When performing image operations on noisy images, such as fog removal or low light enhancement, image processing methods such as filtering or image enhancement are required. The study shows the effect of using Multi-scale deep learning Context Aggregation Network CAN on Bilateral Filtering Approximation (BFA) for de-noising noisy CCTV images. Data-store is used tomanage our dataset, which is an object or collection of data that are huge to enter in memory, it allows to read, manage, and process data located in multiple files as a single entity. The CAN architecture provides integral deep learning layers such as input, convolution, back normalization, and Leaky ReLu layers to construct multi-scale. It is also possible to add custom layers like adaptor normalization (µ) and adaptive normalization (Lambda) to the network. The performance of the developed CAN approximation operator on the bilateral filtering noisy image is proven when improving both the noisy reference image and a CCTV foggy image. The three image evaluation metrics (SSIM, NIQE, and PSNR) evaluate the developed CAN approximation visually and quantitatively when comparing the created de-noised image over the reference image.Compared with the input noisy image, these evaluation metrics for the developed CAN de-noised image were (0.92673/0.76253, 6.18105/12.1865, and 26.786/20.3254) respectively

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 08 2022
Journal Name
Multimedia Tools And Applications
Comparison study on the performance of the multi classifiers with hybrid optimal features selection method for medical data diagnosis
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of the Effect of Using Stone Column in Clayey Soil on the Behavior of Circular Footing by ANN Model
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Shallow foundations are usually used for structures with light to moderate loads where the soil underneath can carry them. In some cases, soil strength and/or other properties are not adequate and require improvement using one of the ground improvement techniques. Stone column is one of the common improvement techniques in which a column of stone is installed vertically in clayey soils. Stone columns are usually used to increase soil strength and to accelerate soil consolidation by acting as vertical drains. Many researches have been done to estimate the behavior of the improved soil. However, none of them considered the effect of stone column geometry on the behavior of the circular footing. In this research, finite ele

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Cephalometric evaluation of a sample of Iraqi adults with normal occlusion using tetragon analysis
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Background: This study aimed to determine the cephalometric values of tetragon analysis on a sample of Iraqi adults with normal occlusion. Material and methods: Forty digital true lateral cephalometric radiographs belong to 20 males and 20 females having normal dental relation were analyzed using AutoCAD program 2009. Descriptive statistics and sample comparison with Fastlicht norms were obtained. Results: The results showed that maxillary and mandibular incisors were more proclined and the maxillary/mandibular planes angle was lower in Iraqi sample than Caucasian sample. Conclusion: It's recommended to use result from this study when using tetragon analysis for Iraqis to get more accurate result.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluation of radioactivity of cereals and legumes using a nuclear impact detector CN-85
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The research aims to evaluate the radioactivity in elected samples of cereals and legume which are wide human consumption in Iraq using Nuclear Track Detectors (NTDs) model CN-85.
The samples were prepared scientifically according to references in this field. After 150 days of exposure, the detector were collected and chemically treated according to scientific sources (etching chemical), nuclear effects have been calculated using the optical microscope.
Radon (222Rn) concentration and uranium (238U) were calculated in unit Bq/m3 and (ppm), the results indicate that the highest concentration of radon and uranium was in yellow corn where the concentration of radon was 137.17×102 Bq/m3 and uranium concentration 2.63 (ppm). The lowest

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Pollution Research Journal
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A water resources management for earthen canal/stream is introduced through creating a combination procedure between a field study and the scientific analytical concepts that distinguish the hydraulic problems on this type of stream with using the facilities that are available in HECRAS software; aiming to point the solutions of these problems. Al Mahawil stream is an earthen canal which is subjected to periodic changes in cross sections due to scour, deposition, and incorrect periodic dredging processes due to growth of the Ceratophyllum plants and weeds on the bed and banks of the stream; which affect the characteristics of the flow. This research aims to present a strategy of water resources management through a field study that conducte

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2013
Journal Name
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الرابع لاتحاد الاحصائيين العرب / بغداد
Estimating Fertility Rates in Iraq by using (Lee-Carter) Model And Forecasting for the Period (2012_2031)
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A large number of researchers had attempted to identify the pattern of the functional relationship between fertility from a side and economic and social characteristics of the population from another, with the strength of effect of each. So, this research aims to monitor and analyze changes in the level of fertility temporally and spatially in recent decades, in addition to estimating fertility levels in Iraq for the period (1977-2011) and then make forecasting to the level of fertility in Iraq at the national level (except for the Kurdistan region), and for the period of (2012-2031). To achieve this goal has been the use of the Lee-Carter model to estimate fertility rates and predictable as well. As this is the form often has been familiar

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving Water Use Efficiency and Water Productivity for Okra Crop by using Subsurface Water Retention Technology
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Utilizing the modern technologies in agriculture such as subsurface water retention techniques were developed to improve water storage capacities in the root zone depth. Moreover, this technique was maximizing the reduction in irrigation losses and increasing the water use efficiency. In this paper, a polyethylene membrane was installed within the root zone of okra crop through the spring growing season 2017 inside the greenhouse to improve water use efficiency and water productivity of okra crop. The research work was conducted in the field located in the north of Babylon Governorate in Sadat Al Hindiya Township seventy-eight kilometers from Baghdad city. Three treatments plots were used for the comparison using surface

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison Between Two Approaches (MLE &DLS) to Estimate Frechet Poisson Lindley Distribution Compound by Using Simulation
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  In this paper simulation technique plays a vital role to compare between two approaches Maximum Likelihood method and Developed Least Square method to estimate the parameters of Frechet Poisson Lindley Distribution Compound. by coding using Matlab software program. Also, under different sample sizes via mean square error. As the results which obtain that Maximum Likelihood Estimation method is better than Developed Least Square method to estimate these parameters to the proposed distribution.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 04 2024
Journal Name
Int. J. Operational Research
Pascal’s triangle graded mean defuzzification approach for solving fuzzy assignment models by using pentagonal fuzzy numbers
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The fuzzy assignment models (FAMs) have been explored by various literature to access classical values, which are more precise in our real-life accomplishment. The novelty of this paper contributed positively to a unique application of pentagonal fuzzy numbers for the evaluation of FAMs. The new method namely Pascal’s triangle graded mean (PT-GM) has presented a new algorithm in accessing the critical path to solve the assignment problems (AP) based on the fuzzy objective function of minimising total cost. The results obtained have been compared to the existing methods such as, the centroid formula (CF) and centroid formula integration (CFI). It has been demonstrated that operational efficiency of this conducted method is exquisitely deve

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studying Some Electrical Properties for ZnSe Films Prepared by Using the Thermal Evaporation Method in vacuum
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  Thin films of zinc selenide ZnSe have been prepared by using thermal evaporation method in vacuum with different thickness (1000 – 4000) Ao and a deposited on glass substrate and studying some electrical properties including the determination of A.C conductivity and real, imaginary parts of dielectric constant and tangent of loss angle. The result shows that increasing value of A.C conductivity with increasing thickness and temperature, and increasing capacitance value with increasing the temperature and decrease with increasing frequency . Real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant and tangent of loss angle decrease with increasing frequency

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