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A hydraulic platform was manufactured to serve palm trees and to enhance palm tree services, with a height of 12 meters, by the General Company for Hydraulic Industries, one of the Ministry of Industry's formations. This platform was tested in the field after being manufactured according to a randomized complete block design using split-split plots with three factors. The first factor represented the shape of the orchard land, with two levels (flat land and uneven land), serving as the main plots. The second factor had three levels representing palm tree heights (4, 8, and 12 meters), which served as the sub-plots. The third factor was the palm tree services, represented at three levels (pruning, pollination, and harvesting), with each treatment repeated three times. The measured characteristics of the platform test in the field included the costs, the power needed to operate the platform, and the force required to lift the palm platform. The effect of land nature on cost differed significantly at the 0.05 significance level. The costs amounted to 1,330.93 and 1,698.44 dinars per date palm for flat and uneven land, respectively. The effect of palm height on costs also differed significantly, with costs of 1,200.11, 1,510.28, and 1,833.67 dinars per palm for heights of 4, 8, and 12 meters, respectively. The power needed to operate the engine, which drives the pump to lift the hydraulic cylinders and the platform, was 1.44 kW. The force required to lift the platform and the scissors was 9,425.3 Newtons. There were no significant differences in the effect of the three factors in their single, double, and triple interactions regarding power and strength. It can be recommended to use the platform for operations on both flat and uneven lands at different heights and for various service operations with multiple palm trees.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 05 2024
Journal Name
Techhub Journal
The effect of suggested exercises on improving the kinesthetic response of soccer goalkeepers
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The introduction to the research included a presentation of some physical characteristics and their importance in sports, including the speed of kinesthetic response response and the extent of its usefulness and importance, especially for soccer goalkeepers, as it is the most important element that goalkeepers must have, and it is also the main key to the excellence and development of all physical and kinesthetic response qualities and skills of a goalkeeper. Football. The speed of kinesthetic response response and reaction is one of the requirements of the game of football, as well as all other sports and even in general professional life. Its importance is highlighted for the football goalkeeper, so he must master it perfectly to perform

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Design & Nature And Ecodynamics
Environmental Influences on the Settlements Patterns of Communities in the Marshes of Iraq
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In the field of residential community planning, one of the appropriate places to study the mutual influences between man and the environment, away from the influences, concepts and mechanisms of contemporary planning theories are isolated environments in rural areas, and the marshlands in Iraq represent one of these models. These areas still retain the planning patterns of residential communities for thousands of years. This research attempts to conduct a descriptive study of traditional settlement patterns, which relied on the capabilities of the surrounding areas to provide planning and architectural solutions based on the environmental factor. Establishing such a clear framework for these impacts can help in any future interventi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The importance of social acceptability of the universal design: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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The industrial development and raise the level of income that has emerged clearly in the middle of the last century in many rich and medium rich countries has great influence on the risen of the health care level. Which led to a significant increase in the reconstruction of people over 65 years and this in turn has produced markets for products and services through modifications to the existing products to meet their physical needs. The importance of research also has the universal design of a comprehensive actually so that it covers as much as possible from human physical & cultural activities. The importance of research locally is to concentrate on this subject who has not been taken into consideration so far to accommodate the eld

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
AL-AILM MAGAZINE: The Beginning Of The Era Of Specialized Journalism In Iraq
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The winds of change witnessed by the Ottoman Empire after the constitutional coup in 1908 carried the breezes of freedom, writers and journalists were finally able to express themselves, this change was reflected on intellectual and cultural life and on freedom of publication and expression , perhaps the first thing that was affected by this change was the press, it entered a new phase in which it got rid of those restrictions and limitations imposed by the Ottoman Sultanate concerning the right to issue newspapers and freedom of publication. Iraq was the first to witness a new phase of press relief, before the constitutional coup, it was possible to count on the fingers of the hand how many newspapers were issued, that number doubled to

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Nano-Hydrated Lime on the Durability of Hot Mix Asphalt
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Recently, some of Iraq's newly constructed asphalt concrete pavements showed premature failures with significant negative impacts on roadway safety and the economy. Using Nano hydrated lime (NHL) in pavement construction could be one of the possible steps to improve pavement durability. This article discusses how NHL affects the durability of hot mix asphalt. NHL was added in two methods to the asphalt concrete mixture for the wearing course. The first is the dry method, i.e., on the aggregate, whereas the second is the wet addition method, i.e., to the bitumen. The percentages were tried for each additional method; 1, 2, and 3% by weight of aggregate for the dry method and 0.5, 1, and 1.5% by weight of asphalt concrete for the wet

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Enrichment Programs on the Performance of Gifted Students in KSA
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       The current study aimed at identifying the impact of each of the full and part time summer enrichment programs on the performance of gifted students. Moreover, it aimed to study the difference between the full and part time programs on the performance of gifted students. The study sample consisted of (115) students from the full time programs and (137) students from the part time programs, they have been randomly selected from the gifted students participating in the full and part time summer enrichment programs. The researcher used the scale of student performance. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the averages of the pre and post applications of the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of the career path requirements in determining the type of training program
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The research deals with the important and modern two subject (career path and the type of training program), and tries to find identify the extent of the impact of the requirements of a career path in determining the type of training program in the Ministry of Oil.

In order to achieve the aim of the research was the formulation of the following hypothesis: the impact of the requirements of the career path a meaningful moral influence in determining the type of training program.

The survey was adopted in the search, and sample consisted of (75) people were a factor in the Oil Ministry of People's managers and officials and staff, and used the questionnaire as an es

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Appropriateness Of The Iraqi Environment For Establishment Of Hedge Funds In Iraq
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يهدف البحث إلى وضع إطار معرفي ومفاهيمي شامل لموضوع البحث, واغناء القارئ والمستفيد بالمعلومات الوافية عنه وتقليص الفجوات المعرفية للمهتمين به وقياس مدى ما هو متوفر وغير متوفر من المتطلبات الأساسية والضرورية لإنشاء صناديق التحوط في البيئة العراقية, وتمثلت صناديق التحوط بالمتغير الرئيس للبحث اما المتغيرات الفرعية فشملت (المتطلبات المالية, المتطلبات البشرية, البيئة التشريعية, الب

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Agricultural Engineering
The Change in Spectrum of Drops in the Exploitation Process of Agricultural Nozzles
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Abstract<p>Agricultural nozzles usually produce a different drops size depending on the pressure and the physical condition (work life) of the nozzle besides producing a wide range of the drops spectrum in the spray cloud. In this paper the standard flat fan nozzles were investigated regarding the effect of the working pressure and the nozzle physical condition (new and worn nozzles). The size of drops and the spectrum of drops across the long axis of the spray pattern were examined by using Sympatec GmbH Laser Diffraction. Reducing the working pressure from 3 to 2 and then to 1 caused production of larger drops, also using worn nozzles (especially with lower pressure) changed the drops size whi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Chlorine Concentration on the Optical Constants of SnS Thin Films
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Chlorine doped SnS have been prepared utilizing chemical spray pyrolysis. The effects of chlorine concentration on the optical constants were studied. It was seen that the transmittance decreased with doping, while reflectance, refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant were increased as the doping percentage increased. The results show also that the skin depth decrease as the chlorine percentage increased which could be assure that it is transmittance related.

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