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A hydraulic platform was manufactured to serve palm trees and to enhance palm tree services, with a height of 12 meters, by the General Company for Hydraulic Industries, one of the Ministry of Industry's formations. This platform was tested in the field after being manufactured according to a randomized complete block design using split-split plots with three factors. The first factor represented the shape of the orchard land, with two levels (flat land and uneven land), serving as the main plots. The second factor had three levels representing palm tree heights (4, 8, and 12 meters), which served as the sub-plots. The third factor was the palm tree services, represented at three levels (pruning, pollination, and harvesting), with each treatment repeated three times. The measured characteristics of the platform test in the field included the costs, the power needed to operate the platform, and the force required to lift the palm platform. The effect of land nature on cost differed significantly at the 0.05 significance level. The costs amounted to 1,330.93 and 1,698.44 dinars per date palm for flat and uneven land, respectively. The effect of palm height on costs also differed significantly, with costs of 1,200.11, 1,510.28, and 1,833.67 dinars per palm for heights of 4, 8, and 12 meters, respectively. The power needed to operate the engine, which drives the pump to lift the hydraulic cylinders and the platform, was 1.44 kW. The force required to lift the platform and the scissors was 9,425.3 Newtons. There were no significant differences in the effect of the three factors in their single, double, and triple interactions regarding power and strength. It can be recommended to use the platform for operations on both flat and uneven lands at different heights and for various service operations with multiple palm trees.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 17 2017
Journal Name
Elixir Mech. Engg. 109 (2017) 47879-47881, Www. Elixirpublishers. Com …‏
Effect of Cutting Angle for a Locally Assembling Motorized Vibration Cutter on Some Operational Characteristics Used for Date Palm Fronds Cutting
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study and Analysis on Degradation of Oily Sludge from Process Equipment by Continuous Hybrid Treatment
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It is well known that petroleum refineries are considered the largest generator of oily sludge which may cause serious threats to the environment if disposed of without treatment. Throughout the present research, it can be said that a hybrid process including ultrasonic treatment coupled with froth floatation has been shown as a green efficient treatment of oily sludge waste from the bottom of crude oil tanks in Al-Daura refinery and able to get high yield of base oil recovery which is 65% at the optimum operating conditions (treatment time = 30 min, ultrasonic wave amplitude = 60 micron, and (solvent: oily sludge) ratio = 4). Experimental results showed that 83% of the solvent used was recovered meanwhile the main water

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preparation of Polymeric Composites from Polypropylene and Palm Fronds and the Study of Some of Their Physical Properties
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              In this study a type of polymeric composites from melting poly propylene as a basic substance with Palm fronds powder were prepared. Evaluation of polymeric composites was done by studying some of it is mechanical properties, which included:Yong modulus (E), Impact Strength (I.S), Brinell hardness (B.H) and Compression Strength (C.S). The polymeric composites were studied before and after reinforcment by comparing between them. There was an increase in resistance of Yong modulus (E), Impact Strength (I.S), Brinell hardness (B.H) and compression Strength (C.S). Also, the effect of some acids were studied such as (HCl, H2

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 13 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovation, Creativity And Change
Aspects Affecting the Public Service Motivation: Empirical Study in Some Public Service Organizations in Iraq
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Public service motivation in public service organisations is one of the main problems that many developing countries have begun to experience, including Iraq. The public agenda is increasingly complex with reduced financial resources. In addition, these organisations have increased responsibilities with respect to the achievement of public goals and objectives as they are responsible for providing key services to members of the community (education, health and social work). This research is based on the degree of public service motivation among those working in health education and social work in public organisations, and aims to show the extent of the difference in the public service motivation of these employees according to di

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Test the Efficiency of Some Plants Scattered in The Northwestern Part of Karbala City in The Deposition of Dust and Uptake of Heavy Metals
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  The study was designed in the northwestern part of Karbala city for the purpose of knowing the efficiency of some plant species of trees and shrubs planted by the municipality of the city to contribute to the deposition of dust particles suffered by the city's environment, in particular, as well as its ability to accumulate heavy metals in dust or soil, and to consider the study model for application in different parts of Iraq. It was found that the plant species (Acacia , Eucalyptus , Clkonukiyrs and Dodenia)  in the studied area that were given the symbols (A,B,C and D respectively).  Used the method of calculating the leaf area index to calculate the amount of dust drawn by the stock plant, then chemical digestion dry

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of expectations and perceptions in service quality (An Empirical Study)
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  The study aims to find out the impact of expectations and perceptions in determining the position of the customer service quality received by him. Represent the expectations and perceptions customer’s key of service quality determinants. The customer's requirements and needs main pivot, who must be built all events and activities and efforts of service organizations, including the hotel and organizations that operate in an environment known as highly competitive , intensification and  complexity of the conditions set by the customer and increasing day after day. The study sample of three Luxury hotels in Kurdistan region of Iraq a model. The use of service quality m

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Medical service quality, Dimensions the quality of service, satisfaction with medical service
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 the Objective of  study is  to measure the quality of medical service level,  in the  Iraq public hospitals ,presented by  special words ,private hospitals, and compare between them, by knowing the level of recipients satisfaction  of medical service for all dimensions of quality service, and then measuring satisfaction with the quality of medical service as a whole for both of them, which have been prepared in questionnaire form, included two main directions, first to determine the level of satisfaction when, recipients of medical service is not dimensions quality of service in accordance with the Scale Servqual by (Parasurman et .al 1988), consisting of five di

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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The Place in the work of artists Nuri Alrawi and Saad Altai (Comparison Study)
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The Transformation of environments surrounding human which called (place), formed an intermediate compresser in forming awareness pictures, human knowledge, culture and thought features, and changing the systems and contexts of human societies, which led to a change the rhythm of life as a whole. So according to that the place will be encodes according to these data for psychological connotations, lead to human sense of harmony with the place in different manner format, here the search problem lies when trying to detect how Iraqi artist deliberating with the place concept, wondering how to investing place in the contemporary Iraqi drawing within its reference dimension, and showing mechanisms from comparative study for the works of two a

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Publication Date
Wed May 12 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The Effect of the Programmed Education Strategy to Learning the Under Hand Service and Receiving Service Skills of Volleyball for Juniors
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In order to advance the education process and raise the educational level of the players, it became necessary to introduce new educational aids, programmed education in the education process, through which the basic skills to be learned are explained and clarified, and immediate feedback is provided that would enhance the information of the learner, and Reaching the goal to be achieved, taking into account the individual differences between the players, and thus it is possible to move away from the educational methods used in learning skills, which requires great effort and time, in addition to that the open playground may not perform the skill accurately and the player looks from one side, while when using the computer you look from severa

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Cleaner Production
A study of biogas production from date palm fruit wastes
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