توافدت إلى الساحة النقدية اللغوية والأدبية الحديثة مصطلحات من بيئات مختلفة، امتلك بعضها فضيلة المواءمة لمشارب متنوعة مما أهّله لإمامة العنوان في دراسات متعددة ،هذا ما كان من شأن( استراتيجية) ذلك المصطلح العسكري الرحّال إلى حقول العلوم الإنسانية ،فلقدرته التفاعلية استقبلته في حضرة البلاغة رفيقاً لمحسن بديعي تسلّط في التصوّر المنهجي بمفهوم الانسجام اللفظي، ذلك هو( المشاكلة) التي تعني ذكر الشيء بلفظ غيره لوقوعه في صحبته ،هذا المنظور التراتبي الذي ساد عصور التراث هو ما عنيته ب (تسلّط )،فهو يملي العلّةويجعل منها حُلّة جاهزة تُلبَس لنماذج المشاكلة كلها ،مما يحجّم التفكير في المقصد وتتبّع المعنى الذي استدعاها ومنحها سلطة مهابة في النص ،فللمشاكلة استراتيجية في تشكيل النص على وفق ما يقتضيه الحال، والكشف عنها هو المسعى والمبتغى في هذه الدراسة التي مكثتْ عند شواهد قرآنية لحقتها تساؤلات أغرى بها أمران:الأول ورود ألفاظ دالّة على معانٍ لا يمكن إثباتها في حقّ الله تعالى، والثاني توظيف ألفاظ خارجة عن المقتضى الدلالي لظاهرها في التشريع والعرف وهذان الأمران هما المحوران اللذان رصدت عبرهما تطبيقات المشاكلة التي اعتلى عرشها ملمحان أحدهما مقامي والآخر أسلوبي فتحا أبواباً في التعليل والتفسير … Read more
That corruption with all its forms, has prevailed over the whole world, but with different degrees relaying on the one who leads these countries of rulers, followers and officials who have been deemed the main reason for that corruption, but if these rulers were righteous, These countries would have blessed and elevated and were corrupt unjust tyrants who were the disaster that befell the chiefs of those countries with ruin, misery, and backwardness. This is what we sought to prove and clarify by considering the verses of the Holy Qur’an in respect with this topic. The research includes an introduction, two topics, and a conclusion.
... Show MoreIt is no secret for those concerned with language concerns that the issue of figurative feminization is one of the issues that does not follow a grammatical rule governed by the fact that the subject of knowledge of this is due to hearing as indicated by linguistic references and lexicons.This research opts to find out the origin of the feminization of the word sun in the Arabic language and in light of what some language specialists have argued that the origin of figurative feminization was due to non-linguistic motives related to religious and metaphysical beliefs, and that it was memory preserved in light of the linguistic heritage.The research concluded that the feminization of the sun goes back to what settled in their minds, which
... Show Moreاسلوب الحوار في القرآن الكريم اسلوب حياة وفي حقيقة الامر يضم القرآن الكريم بين دفتيه حوارات كثير مابين الله عزوجل وخلقه وما بين الانبياء واقوامهم وما بين الانبياء والطواغيت ومابين المؤمنين والكفار وهكذا ، وبدء الخلق قام على حوار مابين الله عزوجل وآدم وما بين آدم وابليس وما بيا الله جل وعلا والملائكة .
That communication between people is not only through speech but includes other images of the most important body inspiration. And that the Koran worked on the diversity of ways in which the meanings of the hearer and did not stop at the limit of speech, but included situations where the use of body inspiration and indicate its importance in communication. However, signals and organ movements play a major role in the process of communication between people. Facial and hands movements play an important role in the communication process as they are a tool for communicating ideas to others.
Most of us are tired of the circumstances that surround us because of their deficiency, deprivation, and sullenness, even though troubles and pains are the soil in which the seeds of strong personality sprout.
The content of the research is summed up in the fact that there is no need to frown, so let our face be free, and our word good and tolerant, so that we can be the most loving people of those who give them, and the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) was known to be the heaviest concerns of people, but he was most smiling of people, by smiling, we buy lives, so we should get used to it, because that gives us hope and finds the world in our hands, an
... Show MoreOut of the search for the truth, the reader of the Holy Qur’an should know the fate of the sorcerers whom Pharaoh threatened when they announced it as pure monotheism in front of seeing the stick as it turned into a clear serpent, when they said: We believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron, and the clear promise came to cut and crucify the trunks of palm trees, and they said what they said if Being supplicants to God (May God cause us to die as Muslims), did Pharaoh actually carry out what he promised them?? So we studied that subject from this angle. Because what looms on the horizon of the Holy Qur’an is that there is no one who seeks refuge with God Almighty in times of adversity except that God Almighty has
... Show MoreIncreased epidemic when Akbari in his book Explanation in the expression of the Koran
This research, tagged with (phonetic significance of silent symmetry in a form activated in the Qur'an), examines the suggestive images and phonological significance of phonetic symmetries that occur in the form of (activates). Hyacinth, teeth, Karzai, Dal, Dhal, Y, and the Seine, and D, and Taa, and Thaa.
The research found that this kind of symmetry was mentioned in twenty-seven places in the Holy Quran, with different buildings and suggestive contextual sound indications of affirmation, confinement, exaggeration, generality, and comprehensiveness in (remembers, manages, circulates, praises validates, and implies). , And indicate the cost and difficulty, and trouble, and exaggeration in (fly
Research objective: This research aims to unveil how to use the method of referral in understanding the Holy Quran.
The reason for choosing the research: The one that invited me to write on this topic is the importance of the referral method, so I liked the research in it, and unveiled this wonderful Qur’anic method, so that it helps to understand the intention of God Almighty in his dear book.
The research plan: The research was divided into three topics and a conclusion.
As for the first topic, it is divided into two requirements. The first requirement deals with the definition of referral language.
In the second re
The Islamic orthodox caliphs had a great importance in the history of Arabs in
particular, and of Muslims in general.
Some attributed poetry to them. This issue to see whether such an attribution is correct
or not.
This research tried to deal objectively with this poetry .it discussed the topic,
exploring the scholars’ opinions about poetry attributed to the Islamic orthodox
Caliphs, stating their dispute : some of them agreed while others rejected the
The research adopted the opinon that had rejected for reasons stated in the
research, of them: the weakness of poetry and its dealing with unimportant things, for
example, the caliph Omar composed verses about a new garment worn by him.
Is it