Abstract The avulsion of the flexor digitorum profundus, also known as the jersey finger, is a well-known injury that can be treated surgically. It has been classified into four types, among them type IV which involves tendon avulsion from an associated bony fragment with subsequent retraction to the palm or proximal interphalangeal joint is very rare. We present a case of type IV injury in a 45-year-old man with a pulling-on injury. The repair followed a pull-out technique (reinserting the tendon into the avulsed fragment); the entire reduction was tied over a button on the dorsal aspect of the nail and was augmented with a volar plate. The case was reported due to its rarity. We found that early surgical management of this problem greatly facilitates optimum surgical results and that early rehabilitation is essential for good long-term results.
Locking of the knee is a one of the commonest orthopedic outpatient presentation. This patient usually need magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) when there is suspected lesion in the soft tissue clinically. Meniscal tears is the first differential diagnosis when accompany with painful knee. (1, 2)
Giant cell tumor (GCT) is benign a localized nodular tenosynovitis often occur in the tendon sheath , Mostly involve the hand tendons in middle age group between 30 and 50 years old , female affect more than male.(3,4) The WHO defines two well-known kinds of giant cell tumor: (1) pigmented villonodular synovitis ( generalized type), which mainly involve the joints of the lower limb and (2) giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath ( localized type)
A case of systemic lupus erythematosus like induced by carbamazepine therapy in a 27 year old female patient with left sided trigeminal neuralgia had been recorded, 9 years from starting carbamazepine therapy. The patient condition improved clinically 3 days after withdrawal of
carbamazepine , the titer of antinuclear antibodies dropped from 1/640 to 1/80 after 3 weeks, and disappear completely after 6 months follow up.
Fibro-adenoma is the most common lesion of the breast, it occurs in25%of asymptomatic women (1,2 )
It is usually a disease of early reproductive life, the peak incidence is between the ages15 and 35 years.(3,4) It presents as firm highly mobile, non tender mass .(5)
Less than 5% of fibro-adenomas grow rapidly and display the clinical and histologic characteristics of giant fibro-adenoma which is defined as a-tumour either having a diameter greater than 5 cm. And /or amass weighing more than 500 grams, and are conventionally a benign tumor of breast.(6)
Giant fibro-adenomas appear as well-circumscribed but not encapsulated masses on mammography and solid and the texture is homogenous and hypoechoic with low level echoes on U/S. (
We describe here a case of a 70 yr old man with long-standing rheumatoid arthritis who presented with low grade fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight, bluish discoloration of the fingers and patches of gangrenous skin on the fingers. There was intense pain in the fingers which prevented him from sleep. Along with these symptoms he developed loss of sensation in the dorsum of left foot, then left foot drop. We give below full account of the case and review of the causes of vasculitis. We want to emphasize on the importance of identifying vasculitis as one of the complications of rheumatoid arthritis and intensive treatment of this complication, as it is a life-threatening complication.
Aim: is to report a case of trans-oral pin, penetrating base of skull and upper cervical region, which is rarely reported in the literatures and to compare it with other studies reporting similar case.
Patients Methods: the details, the presentation, both clinical and radiological finding, and surgical approach of such a case are presented.
Results: the diagnosis was verified with plain x-rays and C.T. scan with bone study. Surgery was conducted under G.A., the patient was recovered well without neurological deficit.
Conclusion: meticulous and close pre-operative care with safe operator and careful fellow up is mandatory. Surgery only offers the best chance of care.
Rudimentary non-communicating functional uterine horn with unicornuate uterus, originating from anomalous embryological development of one Mullerian duct, is prone to different complications either at the gynecological or obstetrical level such as chronic pelvic pain, hematometra, subfertility and decreased quality of life. This unique case report presents a 14-year-old female with a history of severe chronic pelvic pain. She was diagnosed with Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) and had an appendectomy for suspected appendicitis within the symptoms’ interval. Ultrasound showed a right 5*6 cm right complex cystic mass assuming ovarian in place. She underwent a suspected endometrioma cystectomy operation and was diagnosed with left unico
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The prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms of COVID-19 is variable with different types of presentations. Some of them many present with manifestations mimicking surgical emergencies. Yet, the pathophysiology of acute abdomen in the context of COVID-19 remains unclear. We present a case of a previously healthy child who presented with acute appendicitis with multisystemic inflammatory syndrome. We also highlight the necessity of considering the gastrointestinal symptoms of COVID-19 infection in pediatric patients in order to avoid misdiagnosis and further complications. |