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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement of the effect of some macroeconomic variable on the phenomenon of unemployment in Iraq For the period 2003-2018
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The aim of this research is analysis the effect of the changes in (GDA, g, inflation) at average and standard economic curriculum in composition of the models, depending on SPSS program in analysis, and according to available date from central bank of Iraq and during the period from 2003 to 2018 and by using OLS and estimate of the equation and the results showed a statistical significance relation in incorporeal level 5% and the R2 value equal  to 92.1 refer to the changes in independent variables explain 92% of changes of unemployment and the independent variables effect are very limit depend on estimated parameters in the model and respectively (0.986,0.229,-0.060), the research recommended necessity to active the inve

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Analysis of the absorption spectra in the visible and ultraviolet regions of some medical ointments available in Iraqi markets
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Three types of medical commercial creams Silvazine, Cinolon Tar and Hydroquinon Domina were incorporated in this study. The medical creams were taken directly and placed uniformly on the glass slide. Each type of pharmaceutical was weighed at 1 mg and dispersed on an area of 1x1 cm. This process ensures same thickness for all samples. The creams were analyzed by using double-beam UV/visible spectrophotometer Metertech SP8001. The absorption spectrum for each of samples was measured against wavelength range of 300–700 nm.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of the Stability of Some Commodity Activities in Iraq on the Estimation of the Statistical Data Models for the Period (1988-2000)
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There is an assumption implicit but fundamental theory behind the decline by the time series used in the estimate, namely that the time series has a sleep feature Stationary or the language of Engle Gernger chains are integrated level zero, which indicated by I (0). It is well known, for example, tables of t-statistic is designed primarily to deal with the results of the regression that uses static strings. This assumption has been previously treated as an axiom the mid-seventies, where researchers are conducting studies of applied without taking into account the properties of time series used prior to the assessment, was to accept the results of these tests Bmanueh and delivery capabilities based on the applicability of the theo

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Publication Date
Sun May 04 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of developing the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulders in developing the performance of some floor movements skills in artistic gymnastics for women
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, characterization and spectroscopic studies on Schiff base complexes of 1-phenyl-2, 3-dimethyl-4-amino-5-oxo-pyrazole with salicylaldehyde with some divalent transition metals
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In this research, the preparation of bidentate Schiff base was carried out via the condensation reaction of both the salicylaldehyde with 1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-amino-5-oxo-pyrazole to form the ligand (L). The mentioned ligand was used to prepare complexes with transition metal ions Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II). The resulting complexes were separated and characterized by FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopic technique. Elemental analysis for Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen elements, electronic spectra of the ligand and complexes were obtained, and the magnetic susceptibility tests were also achieved to measure the dipole moments. The molar conductivities were also measured and determination of chlorine content in the complexes and

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Some of the Criteria of the Efficiency of House Fly Traps
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  The study revealed to the efficiency of some stick traps included standard Williams sticky trap with three modified forms of them, Ribbed cylindrical williams trap , pyramid williams trap and flat williams trap in catching of the house flies in a horsesØŒ stables. The results  showed slight differences between standard Williams traps and Ribbed cylindrical williams trap. On the other hand, there was significant difference between all modified forms of traps in mean number catch of house flies which reached to 597.6, 363.3 and 155.6 fly/ trap, for Ribbed cylindrical williams trap, pyramid williams trap,  flat sticky trap respectively. As for the experience of the effect of color types;  yellow, white, blue and red

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Contribution of Some Positive Variables (Happiness, Optimism, Hope) to the Level of Psychological Health in the Practitioners of the Nursing Profession in Algeria
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This study identifies the contribution of some positive variables (happiness, optimism, and hope) to the level of psychological health in the practitioners of the nursing profession in Algeria, a total of (38) male and female nurses were employed as research sample. The researcher used a scale to measure happiness, optimism, hope, and psychological health. The results showed that the level of psychological health varies depending on the positive variables (happiness, optimism), as well as it depends on the variables of gender and professional Experience.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Determining the concentrations of radon and the rate of annual effective dose in some types of drinking water available in the Iraqi markets
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           In this research, radon concentrations in some types of healthy drinking water samples available in Iraq's market were measured using a technique called Durridge RAD-7-H2O with closed loop. Then the rate of annual effective dose in human taken this water is determined.

          It was found that, radon concentrations in studied samples ranged between 1.2 Bq.m-3 to 142 Bq.m-3. The results of the radon concentrations and the rate of annual effective dose for drinking water samples were significantly lower than the USEPA and WHO recommended limits that equal 500 Bq/m3 and 1 mSv/y resp

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Samples of Al Samarqandi’s Selection in some of Washing Laws and the touch of the Grecians Quran in his book (The scholars’ Masterpiece)
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The Research is interested in the detailed comparative study of certain selection of
Imam Alsamarqandi in some subjects of washing and touching the Gracious Quran.
The value of this study is that it is related to one aspect of the duties obliged on Muslim
like parity.
The study has tried to collect certain scholars’ opinions of eight doctrines with the
selection of Alsamarqandi to make a comp arson between them and to show how
Alsamarqandi is able to create legal laws from his sources to lead the researchers nto have
knowledge about the syllabi of the famous scientists.
Finally we ask God to bless to what is right and to accept this study and make it part of
our good deeds, Ameen.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Some Ur III Texts from Irisagrig in the Iraq Museum
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This article publishes seven cuneiform tablets in the collection of the Iraq Museum Baghdad. Six of the tablets have an Irisagrig/Al Sarraki provenance, the seventh is of uncertain origin. They are dated to the reigns of Amar-Suen (AS) and Ibbi-Suen (IS) of the Ur III Dynasty. The texts represent administrative texts of the governing institutions and account for economic activities including the assignment of female workers for wool plucking, the remuneration of canal work with barley and the selection of wool for textiles. Three tablets record offerings in respect of cultic observances, two of which describe the disbursement of foodstuffs for the king's monthly 83-63 offerings to the new moon.

Scopus (3)