The game of basketball (orange ball) is considered one of the fast and exciting games in the world. It is played by both sexes and different ages. It has Olympic and international championships and has various performance skills, including defensive ones. This game requires physical abilities that players must have for duties during matches, including special endurance that is compatible with... The peculiarity of the game is the changing rhythm and positions on the field. The importance of the research lies in the importance of special exercises to develop special endurance and its role in influencing the defensive skill performance of the players throughout the duration of the match.The problem of the research appeared in the decline in individual defensive skill performance, especially in the last period of the match, where the reason is due to the quality and quantity of special exercises given in the training units to develop special endurance .The research aims to prepare special exercises to develop special endurance, then determine the impact of their development on the individual defensive skill performance of players. The researchers used the experimental method and the one-group method on a sample aged (14-16) years, which deliberately tested (Al-Karkh Sports Club) from the research community, which consisted of (11) eleven clubs, with (12) twelve players for each club, with a total of (132) players, with a percentage of 10 %. The exploratory experiment and pre- and post-tests were conducted for the research variables. In addition to the main experiment, which lasted for (6) six weeks, with (3) three training units per week. The research continued from 12/6/2023 until 1/27/2024, in addition to statistical methods.The researchers concluded that the exercises developed led to the development of special endurance for players aged (14-16) years. Their effect was also proven in all variables of the research, as well as the emergence of differences in all variables of the research.The researchers recommend that trainers emphasize the importance of benefiting from special exercises after their impact on special endurance has been proven. They also emphasize diversifying special exercises according to the correct intensity and grading them in harmony with this age group, in addition to the necessity of allocating sufficient time during the training units for special endurance.
Journal of Studies and Researches of Sport Education
ان ايجاد وسائل و طرائق تدريبية وتمارين مستحدثة بالاعتماد على مختلف العلوم وانعكاس ذلك على الافكار الجديدة ولعل واحدة من هذه التمارين اسلوب التمرينات الساكيو (S.A.Q) وتمرينات الساكيو من التمرينات الحديثة المستخدمة في المجال الرياضي كونها تحسن من كفاءة الأداء اما مشكلة البحث لاحظت الباحثتان هناك هبوط في انجاز100م حواجز, وهذا يتطلب التقصي والبحث عن أسباب هذا الهبوط والوقوف على نقاط الضعف الواضحة في مراحل الع
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