يعتبر "تاج الأشواك" أو نبات شوكة المسيح، وهو من نباتات الزينة الطبية ، ينتمي إلى جنس يوفوربيا. E. milii يحتوي كميات وفيرة من المركبات الفينولية ، التربينات، الستيرويدات والقلويدات. كانت الأهداف الرئيسية لهذه الدراسة هي فحص مستخلصات الفلافونويد والنانو فلافونويد ضد نوعين من خطوط الخلايا السرطانية. تم تصنيع مركبات الفلافونويد النانوية عن طريق تفاعل مركب الكيتوسان والماليك اسد. تم تحليل مركبات الفلافونويد النانوية بواسطة مقياس الطيف الضوئي UV-sp -8001 بطول موجي 200-1000 نانومتر ، تم استخدام المجهر الإلكتروني (TEM) والمجهري الإلكتروني الماسح(SEM) لتحديد الخصائص المورفولوجية لمركبات الفلافونويد النانوية. يعتبر الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويدعقار قوي ومتطور ضد خلايا سرطان الثدي (MCF-7) وخلايا سرطان البروستات(PC3) . تم فحص الفعالية المضادة للسرطان من مركبات الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد على خطين مختلفين من الخلايا السرطانية وكذلك خطوط الخلايا السليمة باستخدام اختبار MTT. تم استخدام تجزئة الحمض النووي وتقنية تلوين الخلايا بالصبغة المزدوجة AO / EtBr لفحص علامات موت الخلايا المبرمج. لتحديد تشتت دورة الخلية ، تم استخدام قياس التدفق الخلوي ، وأظهرت النتائج أن كميات الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد لها نشاطا ساما وفعالا ضد خطوط خلايا سرطان الثدي والبروستات. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تم ربط إيقاف دورة الخلية في مرحلة G0 / G1 بموت الخلايا المبرمج لخطوط الخلايا التي يسببها الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد. وفقًا لهذه النتائج ، تمنع مركبات الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد من تكاثر خطوط الخلايا السرطانية ، مما يؤدي إلى توقف دورة الخلية وتحفيز موت الخلايا المبرمج. تشير النتائج المتاحة إلى أن مركب الفلافونويد والنانوفلافونويد سيمثل نهجًا علاجيًا واعدًا لعلاج الخلايا السرطانية من الأنواع الأخرى.
يهدف البحث الحالي الى استكشاف علاقات التفاعل والتاثير بين الاحتكام للمكانة والتوجه للفردية– الجماعية والدمج التنظيمي مستنداً على مزج اختلاف القيم الشخصية مع افكار نظرية الهوية الاجتماعية لبلورة نموذج البحث. وفي ضوء هذا تم صياغة عدد من الفرضيات التي توضح علاقات التفاعل ما بين ابعاد الاحتكام للمكانة والتوجه للفردية– الجماعية للتنبؤ بوجود الدمج التنظيمي. جمعت البيانات باستخدام استمارة الاستبيان ووزع
... Show MoreFlavonoid-metal complexes from the medicinal plant, Chromolaena Odorata were synthesized in this study using a standard method. Flavonoid extracts complexes, namely Mn-flavonoid complex, Co-flavonoid complex, Zn-flavonoid complex, and Cd-flavonoid complex were characterized using Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy technique (FT-IR). Based on IR data, it was observed that the complexes shifted to lower frequencieswhen compared with the extract, indicating the interaction of the C=O and O-H groups during the complex formation. It was observed that the complexes were synthesized at a certain condition, which is acidic,with pH values ranging from 2.11 to 3.68. The conductance values (Λm) of the complexes were fou
... Show MoreHeterogeneous organic compounds play an important role in our daily life as they contribute in many medical and industrial fields and are in continuous development as a result of the preparation of new derivatives with different properties. From this premise, the goal of this work appears, which is preparation of (four, five, six, and seven) membered ring systems derived from furfural, by its reaction with different aromatic aldehydes, and record their antioxidant activity by using free radical scavenging method of DPPH radicals. The new ring systems are synthesized by reacting the prepared Schiff-bases with different ring closure agents (chloroacetyl chloride, mercaptoaceticacid, anthranilic acid, and phthalic anhydride), the prep
... Show MoreBackground: Cholera has been recognized as a killer disease since earliest time. The disease is caused by infection of the small intestine by Vibrio cholerae O1 and O1391 which is characterized by severe dehydrating diarrheal condition and is one disease in modern times that is epidemic, endemic and pandemic in nature. Objective: This study was carried out to detect and isolate V. cholerae from patients suffered from watery diarrhea, which may cause severe complications such as dehydration, shock followed by death. Materials and methods: stool specimens were collected from 308 patients with watery diarrhea. These samples were tested with many criteria such as TCBS agar, gram stain, biochemical tests and VITEK-2 system to improve the isolati
... Show MoreNinety eight specimens were collected from patients referring different hospitals in Baghdad in period from August to November in 2012. Specimens including (swabs from (Sputum, burn, wound, urine, ear, and eye).Sixty six isolates were identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The isolates were identified according to morphological, cultural, biochemical characteristics and API 20E test. 90% of P. aeruginosa isolates produced pyocyanin pigment on King A medium in different amounts, whereas other isolates were produced other types of pigments such as (pyoverdine-yellow, pyorubin-red, and pyomelanin-black) on King B medium and also in different amounts.Quantitative assay of pyocyanin production was conducted. The results were shown that the iso
... Show MoreThe study was conducted at the fields of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening,College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad during the growing seasons of 2013- 2014 .forPerformance of Evaluation Vegetative growth and yield traits and estimate some important geneticparameter on seven selected breed of tomato which (S1-S7 ) Pure line. the results found significantdifferences between breeds in all study trails except clusters flowering number .S1 significantly plantlength which reached 227.3 .Also S1,S2 and S4 were significantly increased the number fruit for plant,Fruit weight Increased in S3 ,S6 and plant yield. Increased in S1, S4 ,S5. Genetic variation valueswere low in Floral clusters , TSS and fruit firmest and medium i
... Show MorePurpose: To assess the antioxidant and antineoplastic effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. on oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Materials and Methods: Human squamous cell carcinoma HSCC cells were tested for cytotoxicity by a methanol extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa (MEHSP). After 24, 48, and 72 ...
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common opportunistic pathogen causing morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients due to its multiple resistance mechanisms. Therefore, as a therapeutic option becomes restricted, the search for a new agent is a preference. So P. aeruginosa is an extremely versatile Gram-negative bacterium capable of thriving in a broad spectrum of environments, and this performs main problems to workers in the field of health. One hundred and fifty samples were collected from different sources from Baghdad hospitals, divided into two main groups: clinical (100) specimens and (50) samples as an environmental, collected from October 2019 to the March 2020. All of these samples were cultured by specific and differential
... Show MoreThe microbial production of substances that have the ability to inhibit the growth of other microorganisms is possibly the most common defense strategy developed in nature. Microorganisms produce a variable collection of microbial defense systems, which include antibiotics, metabolic by-products, lytic agents, bacteriocins and others. The aim of the present study was to isolate and identify Enterococcus spp. and its most prevalent species from food samples and determine its antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus isolates. A total of 50 food samples from different sources (dairy products (20 samples) and vegetables and fish (15 samples each)) were collected from different local markets in Baghdad and
... Show More