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White Light Generation by Electroluminescence for ZnO Nanoparticle –Organic Hybrid Junction Device
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ZnO organic hybrid junction (electroluminescence EL device) was fabricated using phase segregation method. ZnO-nanoparticle (NPs) was prepared as a colloidal by self–assembly method of Zinc acetate solution with KOH solution. Nanoparticle is employed to form organic-inorganic hybrid film and generate white light emission, while N,N’–diphenyl-N,N’ –bis(3-methylphenyl)-1,1’-biphenyl 4,4’-diamine (TPD) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) are adopted as the organic matrices. ZnO NPs was used to fabricate TPD: PMMA: ZnO NPs hybrid junction device. The photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) spectra of the TPD: PMMA: ZnO NPs hybrid device provided a broad emission band covering entirely the visible spectrum (∼350-∼700nm). The hybrid device gives a white emission attributed to the ZnO NPs intrinsic defects. Hence, white light emission can be achieved in a ZnO-organic hybrid device using low cost and low temperature growth techniques for both organic and inorganic materials.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation, in vitro and ex-vivo Evaluation of Mirtazapine Nanosuspension and Nanoparticles Incorporated in Orodispersible Tablets
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          The objective of the present investigation was to enhance the solubility of practically insoluble mirtazapine by preparing nanosuspension, prepared by using solvent anti solvent technology. Mirtazapine is practically insoluble in water which act as antidepressant .It was prepared as nano particles in order to improve its solubility and dissolution rate. Twenty formulas were prepared and different stabilizing agents were used with different concentrations such as poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVPK-90), poly vinyl alcohol (PVA), poloxamer 188 and poloxamer 407. The ratios of drug to stabilizers used to prepare the nanoparticles were 1: 1 and 1:2. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated for

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles on the Enzymatic Activity of Soil-Borne Microorganisms
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Influence of metal nanoparticles synthesized by microorganisms upon soil-borne microscopic fungus Aspergillus terreus K-8 was studied. It was established that the metal nanoparticles synthesized by microorganisms affect the enzymatic activity of the studied culture. Silver nanoparticles lead to a decrease in cellulase activity and completely suppress the amylase activity of the fungus, while copper nanoparticles completely inhibit the activity of both the cellulase complex and amylase. The obtained results imply that the large-scale use of silver and copper nanoparticles may disrupt biological processes in the soil and cause change in the physiological and biochemical state of soil-borne microorganisms as well.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Malva parviflora Extract and Effect on Ecto-5'- Nucleotidase(5'-NT), ADA and AMPDA Enzymes in Sera of Patients with Arthrosclerosis
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The present research included synthesis of silver nanoparticle from(1*10-3,1*10-4 and1*10-5) M aqueous AgNO3 solution through the extract of M.parviflora reducing agent. In the process of synthesizing silver nanoparticles we detected a rapid reduction of silver ions leading to the formation of stable crystalline silver nanoparticles in the solution.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Response of Some Properties of (Al-Si-Mg) Alloy to Nano-Ceramic Materials’ Addition
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Al-Si alloys which are widely used in engineering applications due to their outstanding properties can be modified for more enhancements in their properties. Current work investigated the ability of these alloys to be modified by casting them through the addition of nanoparticles. So, Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (CNT) and titanium carbide ceramic particles (TIC) with size of (20 nm) were added with different amounts started from (0.5 up to 3%) weight  to cast alloy A356 that was considered to be the base metal matrix, then stirred with different speeds of (270, 800, 1500, 2150) rpm at 520 °C for one minute. The results showed change in microstructure’ shape of the casted alloys from the dendritic to spherical gra

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles on some bacterial pathogens
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Nanoparticles are a special group of materials with unique features and extensive applications in diverse fields. The use of nanoparticles of some metals is a viable solution to stop infectious diseases due to the antimicrobial properties of these nanoparticles. The present work demonstrates the effect of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on the antibacterial activity of four different antibiotics (amoxicillin, ceftriaxone, chloramphenicol, and penicillin) against eleven Gram-positive and Gram-negative isolates. Disk diffusion method was used to determine the antibacterial activity of various classes of antibiotics in the absence and presence of sub-inhibitory silver nanoparticles of concentration (80 microgram/ml). A synergistic effect was o

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterization of Proteolytic Enzyme Loaded on Silver Nanoparticles
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Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme rich in cysteine proteases, extracted from the stem and fruit of pineapple (Ananas comosus). There are several therapeutic applications of the bromelain enzyme, where it has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antimicrobial activity, reduces joint pain, and accelerates wound healing. In the current study, bromelain enzyme was loaded on silver nanoparticles (Br-AgNPs) prepared using the citrate-reduction Turkevich method. Different characterization analyses were performed, including UV-Vis spectrophotometers, FTIR, SEM, and XRD analyses. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of prepared Br-AgNPs was evaluated by DPPH assay. The results of UV-Vis showed a peak at 434 nm, which referred to the AgNPs f

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Investigation Desulfurization Method Using Air and Zinc Oxide/Activated Carbon Composite
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In present work examined the oxidation desulfurization in batch system for model fuels with 2250 ppm sulfur content using air as the oxidant and ZnO/AC composite prepared by thermal co-precipitation method. Different factors were studied such as composite loading 1, 1.5 and 2.5 g, temperature 25 oC, 30 oC and 40 oC and reaction time 30, 45 and 60 minutes. The optimum condition is obtained by using Tauguchi experiential design for oxidation desulfurization of model fuel. the highest percent sulfur removal is about 33 at optimum conditions. The kinetic and effect of internal mass transfer were studied for oxidation desulfurization of model fuel, also an empirical kinetic model was calculated for model fuels

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 25 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Green Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Activity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Aqueous Extract of Beta Vulgaris and the Seed of Abrus precatorius
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Development of improved methods for the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles are of high priority for the advancement of material science and technology. Herein, the biosynthesis of ZnO using hydrahelix of beta vulgaris and the seed of abrus precatorius as an aqueaus extracts adduced respectivily as stablizer and reductant reagent. The support are characterized by spectroscopic methods ( Ft-IR, Uv-vis ).The FTIR confirmed the presence of ZnO band. The Uv-visible showed absorption peak at corresponds to the ZnO nanostructures. X-ray diffraction, scaning electron microscopy (SEM), dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) techniques are taken to investigation the size, structure and composition of synthesised ZnO nanocrystals. The XRD pattern mat

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Impact of different types of storage media on enamel surface roughness and granularity distribution of avulsed teeth (In vitro study)
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Background: To investigate the effect of different types of storage media on enamel surface microstructure of avulsed teeth by using atomic force microscope.Materials and methods : Twelve teeth blocks from freshly extracted premolars for orthodontic treatment were selected . The study samples were divided into three groups according to type of storage media :A-egg white , B- probiotic yogurt , and C-bovine milk . All the samples were examined for changes in surface roughness and surface granularity distribution  using atomic force microscope, at two periods: baseline, and after 8 hours of immersing in the three types of storage media. Results: Milk group had showed a significant increase in the mean of the  roughness values at

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Assembling [email protected] nanocomposites with an enhanced photocatalytic activity
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Herein, an efficient inorganic/organic hybrid photocatalyst composed of zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-67) decorated with Cd0.5Zn0.5S solid solution semiconductor was constructed. The properties of prepared ZIF- [email protected] nanocomposite and its components (ZIF-67 and Cd0.5Zn0.5S) were investigated using XRD, FESEM, EDX, TEM, DRS and BET methods. The photocatalytic activity of fabricated [email protected] nanocomposite were measured toward removal of methyl violet (MV) dye as a simulated organic contaminant. Under visible-light and specific conditions (photocatalyst dose 1 g/l, MV dye 10 mg/l, unmodified solution pH 6.7 and reaction time 60 min.), the acquired [email protected] photocatalyst showed advanced photocatalytic activity

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