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Evaluation and Correlation of Hepcidin-25 Hormone, Hemoglobin and Packed Cell Volume of Patients With β-Thalassaemia Intermedia Before and After Blood Transfusion for Iraqi Children Patients
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            β-thalassaemia consists of 3 chief forms: thalassaemia primary (other called "cooley's Anaemia" or "Mediterranean durability Anaemia"), thalassaemia intermedia or thalassaemia minor also frequent termed "β-thalassaemia carrier", "β-thalassaemia trait" however, "heterozygous β-thalassaemia". separately from the rare magisterial forms, problem along β-thalassaemia essential are homozygotes or made heterozygotes because B0 and B+ genes, problem including thalassaemia intermedia are typically homozygotes and compound heterozygotes then subjected with thalassaemia minor are broadly heterozygotes.

In this study, we take eighty humans the age about them had been mean±SD (9.68±2.08), 40 patients along β-thalassaemia intermedia, then 40 healthy people as much control. extraction gore 5ml from thalassaemia's patients before gore transfusion then afterwards take the blood  by way of three days. The samples we instituted are 120, forty samples before blood transfusion, 40 samples after gore transfusion then 40 control samples. Then we separated every pattern of twin's tubes.

Amplify blood attention about β-thalassaemia intermedia patient since blood advancement due according to minimize degree regarding hepcidin-25

further than its instruction was once shown up iron focus meanly affect through hepcidin-25 level, therefore so hepcidin-25 used to be surprisingly significant exchange in β-thalassaemia intermedia affected person afterwards blood advancement yet so much conduct to iron overload. So  we conclude low level of Hemoglobin before and after blood transfusion due to decrease or absent formation of β-globin that because gene disorder, and conclude correlation between hepcidin hormone with Hb and PCV.

The aim of this study is to evaluate hepcidin-25 levels, hemoglobin [Hb] and packed cell volume [PCV] before and after blood transfusion, then correlation of hepcidin-25 hormone with [Hb] and [PCV] of children patients with β-thalassaemia intermedia.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of ELectrolytes in Adult Patients with Acute Leukemia before and after Chemotherapy
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Abstract:Leukemia is a cancer of early blood forming cells. Most of them are cancers of white blood cells , however some leukemias start in other blood cell types.Electrolytes have modulatory effects on several biological mechanisms in the body namely as stabilizers,element of structures, essential element for hormonal function and also co-factors for a number of enzymes.In this study serum electrolytes levels were measured in patients with acute leukemia (AL) disorders before and after chemotherapy(anthracycline, doxorubicin, cytarabine ,prednisone, vincristine and doxorubicin) during one month and compared with that of control group. Blood samples were obtained from (43) patients (28 males and 15 females) aged (15-55)years;juset before an

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
Determination of hepcidin (25) level in hemodialysis Iraqi male patients and its relation with erythropoietin and some biochemical parameters
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Background: Anemia is a common finding in patients with renal failure disease and it is, primarily, due to reduced production of iron and erythropoietin. Therefore, the aim of current study was to evaluate the relationship between serum level of hepcidin 25, on the one hand, and levels of serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, serum erythropoietin and transferrin saturation% in Iraqi male patients undrgoning haemodialysis.. Methods: Serum from75 males in the end stage of hemodialysis, as group one, and 25 Iraqi healthy malecontrols, as group two, were recruited in this study. Results: Data from current study showed significant increase in hepcidin 25 and significant decrease in serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, transferrin saturati

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For Cell Biology
Evaluation of Nesfatin – 1 and Other Biochemical Markers in diabetic Neuropathy Iraqi patients before and after treatment with tegretol
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Diabetic neuropathy is a form of nerve damage that can occur in people who have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) induced nerve damage in every part of the body. The nerves in the legs and feet were the most frequently affected. The extent to which a diabetic patient's body is impaired is calculated by the degree of nervosa harm.The purpose of this present study is estimation BMI,IL-10 , nesfatin-1 and HS-CRP in Iraqi DN patients before and after treatment via tegretol as well as it is the first study sheds light on the relationship between Nesfatin -1 and other parameters ( BMI,IL-10 and HS-CRP) also predication of Nesfatin-1 as a newly biomarker in patients with diabetic neuropathy. The present study consist of from 30 cohort G1 as hea

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Relationship between the age of the pregnant mother and the values hemoglobin blood and packed cell volume (PCV) in the Third Trimester for different age groups (descriptive study)
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Pregnancy pose an additional burden on the body of the mother so as to meet their needs and the needs of the fetus and the body's need to iron increases excessively during pregnancy and iron is an essential element for the formation of hemoglobin blood Either hemoglobin is the key ingredient for red blood cells which carries oxygen to parts of the body, alas, most of the pregnant women begin their pregnancy inadequate stocks of iron in their bodies, which does not cover their need and requirement of the fetus, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy When you reach the mother to the period in which they did not have the adequate amount of iron to produce hemoglobin become the mother was anemic So emerged the problem of

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The effect of blood lead level on packed cell volume in a sample of Iraqi population.
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Background: Low hemoglobin levels and lead exposure remain significant health issues in many parts of the world, often occurring together, however most of the researches concentrate on the effect of high levels of lead .This study aimed to demonstrate the effect of blood lead level on hemoglobin and packed cell volume (PCV).
Patients and Methods: Fifty eight adult volunteers were enrolled in this study with age range between 23 and 55 years, working in the different departments in medical college of Baghdad University. Whole blood was withdrawn in EDTA tubes. Hemoglobin and PCV were measured and blood lead level was estimated using blood lead testing system including lead care kit and lead care analyzer.
Results: After measuring bl

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Classification of anemia in hemodialysis patients in relation to vascular access and its correlation with hepcidin and ferritin
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Background: Anemia is very common in patients with chronic kidney disease, and becoming almost universal in end stage renal disease, where dialysis or renal transplantation becoming the treatment of choice. High levels of hepcidin appear to accompany reduced renal function and serum ferritin may also be elevated.
Objectives: To classify anemia in hemodialysis patients and to display the correlations between the types of anemia and inflammatory parameters like hepcidin and ferritin according to vascular access of hemodialysis.
Patients and methods: This case-control study was conducted at Al-Hayat center for hemodialysis, and included 60 adult patients on hemodialysis. Also 20 healthy individuals were recruited as control group. Mea

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Levels of Some Blood Clotting Factors in COVID-19 Patients: Comparative Study Before and After Pfizer- BioNTech Vaccinations
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One of the health issues that a coronavirus can induce is blood clotting. Coronavirus can be prevented in a number of ways. Vaccination is one of the critical methods for preventing illness or lessening its impact. This study seeks to estimate a few blood coagulation variables. 147 samples were collected from the Baghdad Governorate in the autumn of 2021. The samples were split into three groups: COVID-19 patients, healthy individuals before and after receiving the (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine, and healthy individuals only. Prothrombin Time (PT), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT), Protein C (PTN-C), Protein S (PTN-S), and International Normalized Ratio (INR) for 49 samples were measured and computed for each group. The results have shown th

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 03 2020
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Correlation study of (IL-17, IL-17RA) and some biochemical parameters with patients of Iraq colorectal cancer after and before taking a dose of chemotherapy
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Colorectal cancer CRC is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second in female, so it is a common and life-threatening disease serum of 48 males and 40 females suffering from CRC disease as group one (G1) without taking a chemotherapy dose, the same patients group tow (G2) after taking the first chemotherapy dose, while group three (G3) whose patients in (G1) and (G2) after second taking a chemotherapy dose. and group four (G4) consist of (30 males and 30 females) healthy Iraqi control. Results showed a significant increase in IL-17, IL-17RA and CEA in G1, while there was a significant decrease in vitamin D concentration in G1 than other groups, also there was positive (+ ve) significant correlation between IL-17 and CE

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Salivary Immunoglobulin A Assessment in Lymphoma Patients before and after Chemotherapy
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Background: Lymphomas are group of diseases caused by malignant lymphocytes that accumulate in lymph nodes and caused the characteristics lymphadenopathy. Occasionally, they may spill over into blood or infiltrate organs outside the lymphoid tissue. The major subdivision of lymphomas is into Hodgkin lymphoma and non–Hodgkin lymphoma and this is based on the histologic presence of Reed-Sternberg cells in Hodgkin lymphoma. Salivary immunoglobulin A is the prominent immunoglobulin and is considered to be the main specific defense mechanism in oral cavity. The aim of this study was to determine the level of salivary immunoglobulin A in lymphoma patients before and after chemotherapy treatment. Subjects, materials and methods: The study i

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
protien energy malnutrition in Iraqi children before and after five years of the san
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